Metropolitan System

Chapter 206: Acquisition of Marriott

Chapter 206, Acquisition of Marriott

It’s not the other person who spoke. It’s the first Ma Changyang who spoke before.

When Jiang Bai was unable to do anything, he spoke up and let Jiang Bai be a part of it.

"Oh? Old horse, do you have any good suggestions, come and listen."

"I don't know, boss, do you remember that Chang Shiyun is not this person?" Ma Changyang smiled and sold a Guan said.

"Old? I used to eat with him the day before yesterday. How did you say that he was related to him?"

Jiang Bai stunned for a moment, then asked curiously.

Chang Shiyun is also an old acquaintance, Jiang Bai will not be unfamiliar.

Chang Shiyun's Marriott, Jiang Bai is also a frequent visitor. In the past year, there have been many things happening there, and Chang Shiyun and Jiang Bai naturally become familiar with each other.

However, the Marriott Hotel in Changshiyun is second to none in Tiandu, with excellent management and considerable income.

Jiang Bai really couldn’t understand what he had to do with his own money.

"I used to lose a lot of money before the son who didn't make a good job. You know that his hotel, although making money, can earn about 300 million yuan a year. He lost the family and lost 200 million last year alone. This time, I lost more than 400 million yuan."

"I used to be such a son, and I can't care about it. And he used to put all his worth in it to open Marriott. He also borrowed a lot of loans and private loans. He used to be savvy in the past, and should be within three years. Can return all the deficits."

"There is such a defeated family. The money earned in these years has all squandered him. Nowadays, the old debt has expired, and the money that can be returned can be lost by all his defeated son. The ruined family. Now that he still owes hundreds of millions of people, people are chasing him every day, and he is in big trouble."

Listening to Ma Changyang, Jiang Bai immediately made it clear: "You mean, let me eat Marriott Hotel?"

Undoubtedly this is a very good choice, Marriott's location is excellent, and the decoration is good, the opening time is only two or three years, and it can be used for a long time, and the profit is not small.

It can also consume a portion of the funds. For Jiang Bai, who has a lot of idle funds, the Marriott Hotel is definitely a very good choice.

"Yes, although Marriott has some liabilities, it can be deducted at around 500 million yuan. It is an acceptable range. The geographical position of this hotel is superior. There are nearly 400 rooms in 30 floors. The building belongs to the hotel. We don't have to worry about the lease relationship. Profitability is guaranteed and word of mouth is good. How to look is a good asset."

Ma Changyang said this and let Jiang Bai nod his head unconsciously.

No doubt the Marriott Hotel is an excellent purchase.

"I think people who know this thing are not just you. There are many people who have money here. Is there anyone else who has an idea for Marriott?"

Jiang Bai asked subconsciously.

Chang Shiyun had to sell the Marriott Hotel because of his big troubles.

But such a good place, there are certainly a lot of people staring, Jiang Bai does not believe that the guys who are better than the dog in the sky will give up this great opportunity to annex Marriott.

"Yes, of course, the local Hang Seng Hotel, Zhang Changgeng's Hanjiang Group, as well as foreign Hilton Hotels and several large local companies are interested in Marriott, I heard that they have recently started to contact with Marriott. ”

"Just, these vampires want to take advantage of his old life when he is always in trouble. The price is very low, and he is often hesitant."

Ma Changyang actually has a good relationship with Chang Shiyun. This is well known. Jiang Bai also knows that he is indignant at the time of Standing Shi Yunyun, but it is understandable.

"If you need to eat, how much? If we join, will it cause the price to be high? If other people compete, what countermeasures do you have?" Jiang Bai thought about it.

“According to the assessment, the Marriott Hotel in Changshiyun, plus the entire hotel building, should cost between 2 billion and 2.5 billion, but he has a debt of 500 million, and now he is in a hurry to leave the boss. The 1.5 billion, ten, and ten, and I guess that can not be so much, let me talk about it, 1.3 billion he will be willing to shoot."

Ma Changyang’s words came out and the people around him nodded. If the deal can be reached now, it is definitely worthwhile.

As for the competitors, Ma Changyang did not say anything at all, which made the high-level players next to the game puzzled. Only Li Qiang and Xu Jie, who have more contact with these things, have a lot of heart.

Jiang Bai is now in the status of Tiandu. If he wants to pay attention to the Marriott Hotel, he will buy it. Which one will not compete with the competition?

In addition to the chain hotel in foreign countries, I am afraid that other people will listen to Jiang Bai, and they will immediately die down.

How else?

Fighting with Jiang Ye?

Is that tired?

Is Zhang Changgeng’s Minjiang Group having this enthusiasm, or is the Hang Seng Group having this confidence? Or is it that several other large local companies have this confidence?

Although everyone knows that Jiang Ye is not a hegemon, there will be no unconventional means to deal with legitimate business opponents. one needs to offend Jiang Ye for money?

It is necessary to know that there is Zhao Wuji behind Jiang Bai, and his Promise Enterprise, the super aircraft carrier.

I really annoyed Jiang Bai. I don’t need other means. I just need to say hello to Zao Wou-Ki. I don’t need a month. Zao Wou-Ki can use commercial means and rely on strong capital to crush people who dare to do the right thing with Jiang Bai. Pressure.

This is still the most common commercial means, if you use other methods...

The amount can be solved in minutes.

Therefore, Ma Changyang is confident that no one will find death on this matter.

What's more, if Jiang Bai joins, from the heart, Ma Changyang believes that as long as Jiang Bai does not do too much, Chang Shiyun is one million willing.

"This way... Well, you can talk to Chang Shiyun, I can eat it in one bite, or let him keep a part of the shares, and invest in the capital, but I have to occupy the bulk, but will not interfere with hotel operations. If he is willing to cooperate with me, let him choose one."

Ma Changyang’s strange expression just now, Jiang Bai looked in his eyes, and realized the meaning of it. He no longer tangled in the competition, but directly said the words.

He has decided to want Marriott.

"I know, I will contact him immediately."

Ma Changyang responded with a smile.

After the meeting continued, Jiang Bai’s funding problem was solved, which was to provide opinions and plans for the future development of the group. These were already ready, and Jiang Bai listened to everyone’s opinions.

The establishment of the current imperial enterprise from the five aspects, began to fully expand the road, set the tone, start the motor, go all out.

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