Metropolitan System

Chapter 293: Please go over the past

Chapter 293, please go over the past

Hearing Jiang Bai promised to consider, Khunsha had a bright smile on his face.

He did not expect Jiang Bai to promise it.

The sale of the Portuguese shares, that is a big deal, a big thing.

If Jiang Bai agreed with it, he would consider the authenticity of this matter. Is there any joint that he did not know?

On the contrary, Jiang Bai said that he should consider it, and he fell in his expectation.

"Haha, I promised to consider it. I am afraid that if you don't even consider it, you will refuse me!"

Khun Shahaha laughed, and then thought of something, gave Jiang Bai a new proposal: "If the younger brother feels that all the one-time shots are not appropriate, I can also acquire some, as long as the younger brother can help me with the time. The next few gambling halls will do."

In a word, Jiang Bai turned his eyes and thought: "Sure enough."

However, the expression on his face did not change, and he even nodded solemnly.

In fact, Kunsha has already smashed Kunsha from start to finish. If he follows the proposal of Kunsha, Jiang Bai might as well give the shares to Kunsha and take the money. He will not contact him anymore.

However, Jiang Bai still has no objections. In fact, he has already determined that Kunsha is a dead person.

Subsequently, Kunsha was not entangled with Jiang Bai on this issue, and instead talked with Jiang Bai about something like a snowy month.

What to say, although I have not been out in this old nest for many years, how many stars have been played, how many beautiful girls and so on.

There are even sisters, mothers and daughters.

In this regard, Jiang Bai is very speechless, laughing and responding to two sentences, also listening to Kunsha himself madly said there.

Let Jiang Bai feel that there is no one who usually talks to him. He suddenly saw a stranger. He couldn’t help but want to talk about it.

In fact, Jiang Bai’s guess is really true.

Kunsha is supreme here. No one can stand up with him. The heights are not cold. Naturally no one dares to talk to him. He usually has something to say, and he leaves without a flattering sentence.

It’s hard to meet a Jiang Bai, and his status is quite the same. Kunsha naturally opens his mouth and talks.

Finally, at noon, under the arrangement of Kunsha, Jiang Bai began to eat, and people called Dilina to come over and accompany the meal.

The arrangement was very rich, the size of the food set a whole table, dozens of kinds, and some unique things, Kunsha invited Jiang Bai to taste.

It’s a pity that I saw those things... Jiang Bai couldn’t make a mouth and refused.

During the dinner, two people drank a lot of wine and they were happy.

Drinking and drinking, suddenly Jiang Bai looked at him and waited for himself to serve himself. Dina, who poured wine and dumped vegetables, touched her eyes and looked at Kunsha. She said with a smile: "Kunsha Big Brother, I still have A ruthless request."

"There is nothing to say, as long as I can do it, I will help!"

Some drunken Kunsha, heroic waving, a pair, what do you want, though, there is nothing I can't do!

"I heard Dillina say that her family seems to be still in the military prison near the big town of Guman. I don't know if Khunsha can give his personal feelings and get people out?"

In a word, Kunsha’s wine woke up a bit, and the smile on his face disappeared. He looked at Jiang Baibai and looked at Dilina next to Jiang Bai, squinting and looking up and down. Diana in red.

After a while, he slowly said: "This thing is not very easy to do... you have to say that people are in my hands, your brother is open, but it is just a word, I immediately let go."

"The key, this person is not in my hands, you know that my brothers are following me to fight against the government army. We are life and death enemies, I have limited influence there..."

Nima! People are all caught in, you will have no way? What do you say? I thought Laozi is really stupid?

Khun Sha said this, Jiang Bai almost could not help but swear, and his heart began to anger.

However, the face still did not show anything, but Dilina listened to this look.

"I know that this is very difficult for you, so... if you promise to help, then I will promise you, I will carefully consider the comments you have made today."

Jiang Bai knows that Kunsha does not see the rabbits and does not scatter the eagle, so he gave his own conditions, saying that if Kunsha is willing to help, he is willing to consider more in the previous proposal of Kunsha.

"Haha... I try my best! Although I have a bad relationship with them, I still have some friends. It’s just that it’s a lot more complicated to do. It’s not that easy. I want to wait for Jiang’s brother to think about it, and people can save it. ”

Jiang Bai wanted to swear by this, and the meaning of Kunsha was already obvious. Dilina gave Jiang Bai, but he was still controlled by his Kunsha. Jiang Bai wanted Dina's family?

It is not impossible, but he needs to agree to his request. When Jiang Bai agrees to his request and even completes the transaction, he will naturally give Dilina’s family to Jiang Bai.

This is his condition!

Hearing this, Jiang Bai will not say more, like Kunsha, such a person is suspicious and stubborn, and when it comes to this point, there is no need to entangle anything at this time.

Because Kunsha’s mind has been decided.

Jiang Bai said more, but it will cause the other party's suspicion, so he just said: "That's good."

No more to say anything.

Then he and Kunsha drank for a while.

This white wine of Jiang Bai quickly put Kunsha down, not only Kunsha, but even the guessing he followed, and Zulia went to the table one by one.

As for Jiang Bai himself, there are some people who are slightly drunk.

The body shakes and runs inside, and the dense sweat from the palm of the hand, forehead and back, Jiang Bai is drunk.

Looking at Kunsha under the heavy escort, he slowly left, Jiang Bai could only helplessly sigh.

He wants to start, but he has no grasp.

I can only look for opportunities again, but... In Jiang Bai’s opinion, this opportunity is very embarrassing.

Because Kunsha is too careful.

Going out of the door and fighting, how can Jiang Bai start?

In desperation, Jiang Bai can only return to the room, watched a boring TV show, and after a while, he fell asleep.

I got up in the evening, had dinner, spread it with Dilina, and comforted the girl who was hit today. The two returned to the hotel.

Naturally, it is inevitable that something will happen at night. Dilina is very grateful for Jiang Bai’s help today, and she is very active.

It was tossed in the middle of the night before going to sleep.

The next morning, Jiang Bai just opened his eyes and the door was ringed.

It was a stranger, black skin, with traces of wind and frost on his face. He stood in the faceless expression and said hello to Jiang Bai: "Mr. Jiang, General Kunsha wants to ask you to go over."

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