Metropolitan System

Chapter 303: Dirty

Chapter 303, mess

The Meng Dynasty’s work was very efficient, and it was worthy of the title of his first imperial concubine.

Known as the first person in the imperial capital after Li Qingdi, although the water is serious, it is not difficult to bully and bully two dogs and men.

The wicked have their own wicked people.

Early the next morning, Jiang Bai heard the news when he turned on the TV.

What "Jiang Zhe was beaten and maimed by mysterious people."

“Zhou Rong apologizes to Qian Baozhuang and claims that he does not want a family property.”

A class of news has been overwhelming.

A thank-you message was sent to the Meng Dynasty, and Zhou Fa confessed that Jiang Bai was in a good mood.

A rare morning to go out for a run, a day of refreshing.

Unconsciously, it was a few days. On the early morning of this day, Jiang Bai got up early, and after grooming, he rushed to Tiandu 56 on a bicycle.

In the fifty-sixth, it is not far from the residence of Jiang Bai, and riding a bicycle does not delay the effort.

Jiang Bai didn't want to go to school to teach, the mighty one with a ticket, driving a car directly into the car, what kind of shadow should be given to the young guys.

However, he is riding a bicycle like this, but he can cry for a little day. Jiang Bai rides, and everyone can't drive with it, otherwise Jiang Ye should be dissatisfied.

I don't know if the **** proposed that everyone run along and exercise.

So the early morning scene of Tiandu City, a young man of 20-year-old, riding a brand new bicycle, swaying slowly, and the distance behind him more than ten meters, followed by a dozen with black Sunglasses, black suits, and slick shoes, follow the mighty.

It has caused passers-by to look back and forth frequently.

For a long while, Jiang Bai reacted and rushed to get the gangsters out of the way and went to fifty-six.

When I entered the school gate, I was stopped by the security guard at the door. I explained it for a while and explained that the situation went in.

After finding the director Yang who had met with Su Mei before, under his leadership, Jiang Bai went directly to the third building near the playground of the backyard, went up to the sixth floor, and entered the teacher of the second class of two years.

Just as soon as he came in, Jiang Bai was a bit worried, what is this gang?

In addition to the first few rows of students, what are the last two rows?

Red orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, open painting exhibition?

I don’t know how his aunt gave birth to this kind of thing.

For a moment, Jiang Bai’s forehead was covered with black lines.

"Cough... The latter are adjusted to this class this semester. You know that the education level of Teacher Su is the highest in our school. The headmaster has adjusted some slightly rebellious students in each class. I hope that Teacher Su can teach. They are mature."

In a word, Jiang Bai almost vomited blood, this gang is also called a little rebellious?

Nima, you didn't see them dressing up like a hooligan.

That hairstyle... that figure...

You have to say that it is a small hooligan that comes out of the mix. Jiang Bai never doubts that you have to say that it is a slightly rebellious student. Jiang Bai can kill you.

Look at these things, the teacher and the director are coming, knocking on the legs of the two legs, some sleeping, some bright and bright smoking, how are these things coming?

It’s too much to be bold.

Jiang Bai believes that he will not be so arrogant when he goes to school.

Unconsciously, Jiang Bai has some black-skinned suspicions. Did Su Mei get any news in advance and deliberately throw this mess to himself?

No, I don’t think so. When I think so, the thoughts in Jiang Bai’s heart can’t be suppressed.

Almost 100% sure, Su Mei must have known the news in advance, afraid to cope with it, just throw the **** to himself.

At this moment, Jiang Bai did not have a half point as a teacher of the people. He should teach and educate people, and he had the spirit of teaching and classlessness. Instead, he was full of irritability and even began to plan how to teach these boys.

In addition to the first five rows, the entire class has few decent, but the only comfort is that Jiang Bai saw an acquaintance among these people. In the third row, Zhu Xinxin is looking at himself at the moment. .

That look, hands on the table, a face fascinated with a smile, real-fashioned look, let Jiang Bai's forehead sweat.

It’s just that Xiao Lanlan, who has always been around her, hasn’t found it.


Gently coughed twice, Director Yang introduced the situation of Jiang Bai, and then left in a hurry.

Immediately after he left, there was a snoring in the class. The object did not know whether he was Director Yang or Jiang Bai.

"Hello everyone, my name is Jiang Bai, I am..."

"Cut, what is your name, Laozi is coming to the teacher Su! Who are you with a fart relationship with me, and quickly get out! We want Teacher Su to come back!"

One of the students screamed, and the others groaned, mostly in the back row, dyed with red, orange, green, blue, and purple.

This made Jiang Bai's forehead dark, but he decided to take a little bit of patience on the first day of class. He took a deep breath and calmed down his feelings. Then he glanced at the blue hair that said: "This... Um... Bluemao, please talk and respect, I am your teacher."

"Si for some family reasons, Teacher Su has temporarily left the country and will take a few months to come back. So no matter how you like Mr. Su, she is temporarily unable to come back. You can only let me teach you here. ”

Just saying this, immediately caused a laugh.

Blue hair... This title is a bit interesting.

"What the **** are you talking about! Who is your name? Blue hair! Lao Tzu is Wan Yong! You talk to Laozi carefully! Don't think that you are a teacher, I will not dare to hit you, anxious, I will make you look good! Don't ask Laozi who is it!"

When Lan Mao listened to this, he patted the table and made a sigh of anger.

At the same time as standing up, two or three students also stood up, and it looked like Jiang Bai said another thing, they would like to start with Jiang Bai.

This look at Jiang Bai brow frequently frowns, fifty-six in the sky is still pretty good, although not the focus, but at least it is a middle.

Before coming, Jiang Bai did not understand it. I did not expect that there would be such a pile of slag...

Compared with these gangs, Gu Kai and Wang Yang, who had cleaned up before, how to see... how it looks like two good children.

Jiang Bai had some regrets. The two people who were too temperate at the time did not dare to continue to go to school here.

"Wan Yong! You shut up! How can you talk to Teacher Jiang? You have to do this again, I will go to the principal to sue you!"

Without waiting for Jiang Bai to respond, Zhu Xinxin over there suddenly stood up, and the imposing manner was like a little tiger guarding her, pointing to Wan Yong.

Let Jiang's face be eccentric, want to laugh and laugh, but just look at the fun and look at Zhu Xinxin.


Wan Yong snorted and looked at Zhu Xinxin. Then he glared at Jiang Bai, and he sat down miraculously, leaving Jiang Bai with a blank face.

I don't understand that this brave is really afraid that I would like to tell Xinxin about this, but there are other reasons. Anyway, this kid actually sat down honestly, and even the fart was not put, which makes Jiang Bai very curious.

But soon, he understood the truth of the matter, because he heard the whisper of Wan Yong: "Bad scorpion, don't think that you have a big brother in the society, it will be very powerful, there is always something I have to pack you! People are tired of playing, I don’t want you to look good."

The voice is not big, others can't hear clearly, but Jiang Bai is who, this is hard to beat him.

It’s just that this content makes Jiang Bai somewhat awkward.

Big brother? Wishing Xin Xin?

what's going on?

However, just a moment, Jiang Bai reacted, and there was a bitter smile on his face. He dared to be the big brother in the blue eye.

It seems that last year's business has had a big impact on this small campus.

Zhu Xinxin has become a woman of the big brother in the student's mouth...

Amount... Although it seems, the truth is such a situation.

After looking at the blue hair and looking at the people in the class, Jiang Bai continued to say: "I don't care what you used to be, and no matter how good or bad you are, I only know that I am teaching here, I have a duty to teach you. Of course... I don’t like reluctance, if you really don’t want to learn, it’s simple... you can apply for a shift.”

"Or you may ask for leave directly, I will approve you. During my class, you may not be used for class."

"However, if you choose to stay, I hope that you will behave in a discipline."

"In the future, in my class, I will be honest, and your colorful hair will be dyed back tomorrow, then the scissors will be cut, the change will be changed, and I will wear uniforms as much as possible. Of course, except for girls. ...and, don't smoke anything in the teacher, I don't like it."

Jiang Bai stood on the platform of the teacher's center and said in a positive manner, saying that he took a cigarette from his own to give it a point, and said a faint.

"Nima, don't you like smoking? How do you get yourself?"

"I am, you are too blatant double standard."

One student shouted in his heart.

Next to a yellow hair, I was a little bit sullen. I stood up and said, "Why do I cut my hair? Does the school have this rule? I like this hairstyle when I die. I like this color! I also like smoking. How can you?" !"

"Yeah! How can you, I just like to mess up, have the ability to hit me!" Wan Yong, who just sat down, screamed.

After listening to this, Jiang Bai took a deep breath and spit out a smoke circle. Then he threw the cigarette directly on the ground and used it to step on it. The corner of his mouth showed a smile: "This is what you said."

After talking about it, Wan Yong reacted directly and walked down the stage. Under the eyes of the public, in the strange eyes of others, he turned his foot to the ground and flew two meters. The bile spit out. How can I climb without climbing?

In addition to saliva bile, Wan Yong’s tears followed the flow.

Let a group of people who were still screaming, dumbfounded.

No one thought that Jiang Bai actually started, this new teacher, actually turned to them?

And it’s fucking!

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