Metropolitan System

Chapter 328: Wanted

Chapter 328 Assassin League


Jiang Bai did not understand the so-called mercenary community. Just as he did not know what a blazing angel, he did not know anything about the hellfire in Zhang Mengkou.

So he looked at Xu Jie with the eyes of the inquiry.

Although Xu Jie did not participate in similar organizations, he immediately became a street brother and a mixed-race leader in Tiandu after retiring. Xu Jie has a deep understanding of military organizations and military organizations around the world.

Knowing the blazing angel, he must have known the hellfire.

"Artillery! I didn't expect your kid to join the Hellfire! Oh, I said how you are so good, tell me this news, dare you are to sell your business? Or to find a blazing angel? ”

Xu Jie screamed at Zhang Meng, and said nothing.

It’s just that Jiang Bai also saw it. Xu Jie is bluffing and not really angry.

But this is enough to make Zhang Meng's face reddish, and a word of toot can't be said.

It is not difficult to see that this is a straightforward man. Xu Jie’s words made him feel very embarrassed.

I did not pay attention to Zhang Meng, Xu Jie looked at Jiang Bai, and immediately began to explain: "The so-called Hellfire is also a mercenary organization. According to my understanding, the top ten mercenary groups in the mercenary sector, Hellfire ranked fourth. The strength is naturally very strong."

"Well, there is news that they have been inconsistent with the third-ranked blazing angels and have fought each other many times. If I remember correctly, the head of the Hellfire two years ago died in the blazing angels. In the hands, of course... As a price, the blazing angels also suffered heavy losses. In short, the two teams are actually in the same strength."

For Xu Jie's explanation, Jiang Bai asked very curiously: "Since it is not the same, why is the blazing angel the third, but the **** fire can only be the fourth?"

"This...we...there are fewer people." Zhang Meng listened to this and said a reddish face.

After saying this, I seem to think of my own task again, so I waved my fist and said, "Although we only have 18 people in total, there are at least 100 people in the blazing angels, but they are all a bunch of scum, a single match, we can beat them. Four or five! If they are not many people, there are many tasks, and the third is definitely our hellfire!"

This made Jiang Bai interested, the famous Hellfire, and the fourth mercenary group in the mercenary sector, there were only 18 people, which made Jiang Bai a big surprise.

For the mercenary community, Jiang Bai does not understand, but he generally knows a little. The main lifestyle of these guys is to help people fight and help some war-torn countries to fight, whether you are a government army or an anti-government army, anyway, you only have to Give money, I will go!

There is no sense of justice, only to sell for money.

The team is large and small, and the powerful team can have tens of thousands of people. It is a standardized military organization capable of organizing large-scale wars. For example, the black water of the mercenary sector and the still active EO have now faded.

Of course, the French Foreign Corps is strictly a mercenary, but they are vested in a formal military establishment and are affiliated with the country's exclusive mercenary.

The small team is not fixed, but a team of eighteen people can rank fourth, which shows that they are powerful.

"What do you mean... let me hire you hellfire, fight against the blazing angels? I am very curious, why should I do this? You are only the fourth, since I am willing to spend money, why not find a more reliable first, or Second, similar to black water and EO?"

Jiang Bai took a cigar and swallowed a smog. He asked Zhang Meng if he couldn’t help.

In a word, let Zhang Meng laugh, and next to Xu Jie is also red.

Without waiting for Zhang Meng to scream, Xu Jie said: "Boss, black water and EO are also many people, famous, and what can be done, to say the degree of precision, is simply slag! Ten major mercenary groups They took advantage of the number of people and only took a ninth, a tenth."

"But the black water has already withdrawn. Now they basically don't do this business. Focus on the bodyguard business. It is not a mercenary."

"I mean, why don't I choose the first or second place, why should I choose the fourth?"

Jiang Bai listened to this, and his face was reddish. Then he glanced at Zhang Meng in front of him and repeated his words again, but the content has changed a little.

"The number one hand of God, or the second shadow of Satan, as long as you hire one, I don't want to use them, just need to go there, the blazing angel will immediately quit the mission, but the key is... You can't hire them!"

Zhang Meng’s look, a very positive response, is not difficult to hear the awe of his tone. Obviously these two mercenary groups are enough to make him awe.

"Oh? If you have money, you can't hire it?" Jiang Bai blinked and didn't want to.

The mercenary community is a group of desperados who are desperate for money. Jiang Bai has money, can't they hire them?

"Yes. Because they don't sell for money, both are the oldest organizations in the mercenary world. According to legend, the establishment of these two mercenary organizations can be traced back to BC, with a long history, they do not sell for money, Only fight for faith. The hand of God, born out of the ancient Knights Templar, has been dedicated to the Holy See for so many years and has never fought for anyone."

"As for the shadow of Satan, their origins are mysterious. No one knows what they are. The members have always been mysteries. But since the hand of God, there is a shadow of Satan. They are deadly enemies."

"There are rumors that this soldier was born out of the Solomon King's Guards. Others said that they were from the Guards of the ancient Jewish Empire. Anyway, there are all kinds of arguments."

"But they don't really sell money for money. They have never heard of someone who can hire them in these years. They are able to occupy the first and second positions because they are too strong."

"Oh?" Jiang Bai blinked curiously.

Seeing the performance of Jiang Bai, Zhang Meng did not conceal, slowly said: "In fact, the blazing angels were strong before, far stronger than our hellfire, the blazing angels ten years ago, enough to let the **** fire under their feet, known as The king of the mercenary community, there are thousands of people, all of them are elite, and there are some good players who can compete with Hellfire alone."

"At that time, the blazing angels were ambitious and not satisfied with the third position. In a chance, they got the news of the shadow of Satan and challenged them."

"The result is that they lost?" Jiang Bai said with a smile.

The result is obvious. If you win, the blazing angel is not the third, but the second, and maybe even the first?

"Well, lost, lost very badly, Satan's shadow is a huge organization, their number is large, but only ten people were dispatched that time! Ten people almost wiped out the blazing angels from the heyday! ”

"If it weren't for their old rival, the hand of God suddenly came out, I am afraid that the blazing angel has been completely annihilated!"

Zhang Mengxin had a lingering out of the secret of this mercenary community, his eyes full of fear and fear of Satan’s shadow.

This statement not only made Xu Jie change color, but even Jiang Bai did not consciously raise his eyes.

Ten people, annihilating a mercenary group that is the most elite and has a heavy firepower. Everyone is known as an elite.

This strength, I have to say, is really strong.

Let Jiang Bai face a blazing angel at that time. He may not have the grasp of victory. The final result is likely to be both losses. The blazing angels suffered heavy losses and Jiang Bai was seriously injured.

Listening to Zhang Meng’s meaning, Satan’s shadows are numerous, far more than that, and it’s even more terrible.

What is their overall strength? Jiang Bai is not clear, but I am afraid that when I face them, there is no chance of winning.

This is the second time that Jiang Bai has been able to threaten his existence since this day, and it is two at a time.

Prior to this, he knew only the group of gods that had leaked from Cheng Tian's mouth. Now there are two more "Shadan Shadows" and "Hands of God."

This makes Jiang Bai somewhat silent.

In addition, when I was in Taixi, the two descendants who faced me, Jiang Bai suddenly felt... I didn’t seem to know anything about the world.

Behind this seemingly calm world, there are too many unknown things hidden, far from being comparable to the calm, normal world in which you lived in your life.

Even with his current strength, there is no absolute sense of security in this world!

"Talk about your conditions, how much do you want? And... even if you repel the blazing angels, the mission is not cancelled, do I still have to hire you?"

After a moment of silence, Jiang Bai opened the door and saw Zhang Meng, then he said without any permission.

"Thirty million! We can protect Mr. Jiang for only 30 million US dollars, until the attack of the blazing angels is defeated, and they are sure to give up the task. As for others, Mr. Jiang can rest assured."

"You know, the mercenary group is between the killer and the army. In a sense, the powerful mercenary group is much stronger than the weak and insidious killers. If the blazing angels do their best, they can’t help it. Your words, then no one else dares to do it again, this task will not end, even the Avengers Foundation will cancel this task."

"Thirty million dollars is really not much, at least it is much cheaper than the amount that costs me to buy my life. I can promise. But what you just said, I can understand it, as long as it repels the blaze Angels, let them give up the plan, then things are over?"

Jiang Baiqiao blinked his eyes and asked with a smile.

"Amount, in theory, if we repel the blazing angels and let them have to give up, no one dares to take this task again, um, except... Assassin League."

Zhang Meng is an honest child, confidently answering, but only at the end of the answer, his face is slightly reddish and he has a brand new name.


This made Jiang Bai puzzled, and Xu Jie’s face changed slightly.

However, without waiting for Jiang Bai’s opening, Xu Jie took the lead in speaking: “If it is the Assassin League, it is another matter. Let’s talk about the current blazing angels. The primary goal is to deal with them. Your price is too high, can you lower it! You know that you only have 18 people!"

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