Metropolitan System

Chapter 347: I rely on, armor-piercing!

The 347th chapter I rely on, armor-piercing!

However, they still stood by Jiang Bai, without hesitation. Although some people have actually been injured, they still have no hesitation.

Jiang Baihua raises them and they are good to them. These people are selling their lives to Jiang Bai. Most of them who are elite in the military will not retreat at this moment.

Moreover, they also know that if they do this, the days will be counted.

Jiang Bai can't make any accidents, they certainly have no good days.

Instead of it, let's give it a go!

With their understanding of Jiang Bai's nature, even if he sacrificed himself, Jiang Ye will certainly not treat their family members.

"Small day, let them all spread out to me!"

Jiang Bai, wearing pajamas and slippers, shouted at Xiaotian, beside him.

These people are all under the command of Xiaotian, Jiang Bai ordered them to listen naturally, but this time may not be heard.

"Boss, this..." Xiaotian first glimpsed, then frowned and said, but did not spread according to Jiang Bai's instructions.

"I still use your protection? Spread it out to me, and I will fight hard right away. Are you standing here as a target?" Jiang Bai hated the iron road that was not steel.

In the next second, more than a dozen rockets roared from all sides.

Xiaotian shouted "distracted", and the next second, the people present were scattered.

Jiang Bai is no exception. He is not a fake, his body is almost invulnerable and not fake, but this does not mean that he is now tyrannical and can resist a shoulder-shoulder missile.

However, he couldn't resist this kind of thing, but it was not difficult to avoid it. The body flicker had escaped ten meters away, and the explosion behind him did not have any effect on him.

But the bodyguards just now are not so lucky.

Although the reaction was fast enough, there were still four or five people who had not had time to escape, were blown up into pieces, and several others were injured.

But fortunately, the loss is not too big, at least a dozen or so intact, has escaped, picked up the pistol and began to fight back.

Just such a long distance, the weak counterattack is not used at all.

After a while, the old things reappeared. The gates of Jiang Bai’s courtyard were knocked open by several off-road vehicles. Seven or eight off-road vehicles roared in the next second.

The bullets madly shot from above.

But this time they are obviously long-term, and the door is opened when they enter. When a person drives a car and a person shoots in the car, the remaining few people jump from the high-speed car and quickly disperse. Open, find a place to hide, and then open fire to Jiang Bai.

It is not difficult to guess that some people in the previous temptations were observed in the distance, but this person did not start, and naturally it was not discovered. The situation in the morning was clearly seen, so the plan was changed.

First, the rockets were used to bombard Jiang Bai’s house, and then the personnel attacked. When they entered the door, they began to disperse. They wanted to put Jiang Bai to death.

"Da da da!"

The violent shooting spurted out from the muzzle. Jiang Bai’s body flickered quickly. He could face the bullet rain, and he was still inevitably injured. However, the injured soldier was not serious. The bullet hit, but the skin was traumatized, leaving a little blood, but It doesn't matter.

With his physique, he can recover in an instant, and the bullet will be popped up by the muscles, which has no effect on him.

"Give me death!"

Jiang Bai leaped and instantly hit an off-road vehicle.

The next second, the body rolled down, and the squatting on the ground, not only the people on the car died, but also the body explosion caused the scattered mercenaries to bury.

As for Xiaotian, they were completely suppressed by this intensive firepower. Although they occasionally retaliated, the effect was general, but they were injured by the other side. There was a feeling of deep depression in the moment.

If it wasn't for Jiang Bai, they would have collapsed.


Two times in a row, Jiang Bai hit two galloping cars, causing no small casualties to the other party, so that the other party's firepower temporarily weakened.

Can be followed by the glare of the distant light, the next second is four or five off-road vehicles galloping into, the door is a crazy glance, turned out to be a deliberate technique, and another team rushed in.

Jiang Bai’s attack has not only caused the other party’s firepower to weaken, but has shown signs of strengthening. Even the single rocket was used in this time. It whizzed past Jiang Bai’s body and once again collapsed Jiang Bai’s villa. a corner.

This made Jiang Bai extremely painful, rushed out of the air and directly made a car into a discus.


The dense and dense bombs came and began to escape from Jiang Bai, but there was no place to hide. The Vulcan guns cooperated with the submachine guns, plus the "Tie Quan" rockets. At least four or fifty people opened fire on Jiang Bai. .

And there are vehicles coming in the distance, and they have begun to shoot again here.

Jiang Bai’s place has been completely surrounded by bullets, which makes him unable to escape.

Can only be **** the scalp!

However, he is very fast, and his body is very strong, avoiding most of the bullets. Although some of them are still on the body, he has resisted and suffered some skin injuries. Although it looks terrible, he is everywhere. Inlaid with blood, but the fact is not much damage.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, I rushed straight up, resulting in seven or eight people, one stroke, one is not dragging.

Hard life gave me a space.


It was another burst of barrage. Jiang Bai simply ignored it and immediately rushed out and began to clear the invaders one by one. But when he was touched, he was injured and wounded. The people in the courtyard suddenly collapsed.

"I rely! Armor-piercing!"

After Jiang Bai killed more than a dozen people, he suddenly shot again. The bullet penetrated his muscles strangely and directly hit the left arm position with a cool heart.

Jiang Bai immediately responded.

The other party used armor-piercing bombs!

Look at the appearance of the wound, definitely not as simple as a sniper rifle, is... anti-tank gun!

In this regard, Jiang Bai is extremely speechless, but there is no effort to manage it.

In spite of his own injuries, Jiang Bai quickly acted and flew a car in a punch, then grabbed it in midair and held it in front of him.

A few tons of heavy cars, spinning in his hands, like a toy, light and terrible, countless bullets hit by this car blocked a strict.

Then he was thrown out when the car was shot into a horse's nest, and it turned out to be a few lives.

At this time, the third group of attackers had already been put in place, and the firepower in the courtyard had not been weakened, which made Jiang Bai a headache.

But I don't care so much. He has only one thought now, that is, rushing over and killing these people.

In the next second, Jiang Bai came to the other party's crowd. At the same time, he was constantly concealing and rolling on the lawn. The speed of rolling was amazing, and every moving position brought a miserable call. Those who fought in battle The "Chivalry Angel" mercenary had no resistance at all in front of him.

In a few minutes, at least three or forty people have fallen in front of Jiang Bai.

If you do not continue to reinforce the other side, and the firepower is too dense, and from time to time with heavy weapons, interference with Jiang Bai, the attack has long been settled by Jiang Bai.

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