Metropolitan System

Chapter 355: Hidden

The thirty-fifth chapter of the hidden truth

Even if the people who watched the scene were all pigs, let him go in and let him gamble.

But he has no money, Wan Yong’s family, he knows, Wan Yingying goes to work alone, it is not easy to feed Wan Yong, the family is not rich, and Wan Yong is in trouble all day, the family is tight, how May have money to go to Wan Yong to gamble?

Even if Wan Yong doesn't know where to get the money to gamble.

But what about the borrowing of money?

100,000 pieces loaned to a high school student?

Is this a stupid person doing?

If you don't touch the other party's home, how can you promise?

But if you know the other party's home, you should know that there is really nothing in this mother and child.

This is all willing to borrow, obviously the meaning of drunkenness is not in the wine, this is aimed at Wan Yingying.

"How do I think this is not that simple? I said, wouldn't you tie Wan Yong and force him to do this?"

Jiang Bai blinked his eyes and said undecidedly.

This made Wan Yingying, who had already had no eyes, rekindled hope, and the face of the middle-aged man sitting on her body changed.

Then I looked at Jiang Bai in front of me and said coldly: "The kid, this matter has nothing to do with you. I advise you to leave. You don't ask who I am? Don't think that you can fight, you don't have to worry about anything." !"

He didn't say so okay. As he said, Jiang Bai was more determined about his mind.

Not to mention him, even Wan Yingying heard the wrong ones, shouting and struggling: "Let me go, let my son! You scum, let my son! Zhang San, why haven’t I used to? See you are such a person! You bastard!"

Upon hearing this, Jiang Bai was a bit worried, and Wan Yingying actually knew the man in front of him?

Listening to the meaning... It seems that I still don’t know it for two days.

"Hey, what you said in the black and white is useless, now give me money, or give your son a corpse!"

"Or there is another choice. You will be happy with Laozi. After that, I will follow my son. After that, Wan Yong will be my son. I will naturally not play with his mother. I also ask my son to force the debt." Zhang San is extremely shameless. Said.

The companion next to him laughed, and the only one who couldn’t laugh was the two who were under Jiang Bai’s squatting. At this moment, they were still licking their teeth.

"Zhang San! You are shameless. We used to be classmates. How can you do this to me!" Wan Yingying shouted in anger.

"Classmate? Hey, Laozi wanted to sleep you, but this woman actually found a wild man. As a result, the wild man is not dead. I haven't seen you for many years. I have hinted at you before I saw you. Do you even want to pretend that I don’t know? I’m so hard to perform so well, but you can’t even eat and drink fine wine! It’s no wonder that I’m!”

"Say, how do you want to solve it! What do I do, you are now clear, or you can't agree, but don't blame me." Zhang San said with a cold smile.

In just a few words, the amount of information is huge.

Dare to love this and Wan Yingying turned out to be a classmate?

Listening to this meaning, two people have long known, this year also pursued Wan Yingying, the result Wan Yingying did not agree, but with Wan Yong his father.

However, Wan Yong's father didn't have a good life. The little girl didn't enjoy it for two days. Then Wan Yingying gave birth to Wan Yong, and she didn't go to school any more.

Subsequently, not long after Wan Yingying met with Zhang San, the other party began to think again. When the appearance began, it was not bad. The result was that Wan Yingying did not agree with his pursuit.

Then the goods tore up the disguise, and now it is such a play, to force Wan Yingying to submit.

"You are too poor to be a director!"

Jiang Bai couldn't help but look at Zhang San in front of him, thinking of it in his heart.


Wan Yingying did not have such a good mood as Jiang Bai at this time. She was full of grief and anxiety. On the one hand, she was her own son. On the one hand, she was her own body. She was caught in a dilemma.

However, the dilemma only lasted for a few tens of seconds. Wan Yingying, who was engaged in the battle of heaven, made a decision: "I... I promise you! As long as you let my son."

Relatively to her body, she obviously values ​​her son more. As long as she is okay, what she pays is not important.

"Haha, is this right?"

Zhang Sanhaha laughed, then shouted to Jiang Bai: "You have heard of the kid, now you can roll, don't delay my room!"

After talking about it, you must touch your hands toward Wan Yingying...

"I owe money to pay back my money. I have nothing to say, but I have gone out of this money. Isn’t it 100,000?"

Jiang Bai blinked and said with a smile, then took out a check from his pocket and wrote it directly.

I tear it away and said: "Fifty thousand, don't look for it. I know that you are going out of the thirteen, and I understand the rules. If the bank sees the ticket, you can take it at any time. If you don't feel relieved, I You can sit here and wait."

In a word, Zhang San’s face changed in succession. He was hesitant for a while. Borrowing Wan Yong’s money was really borrowed, but the mortgage Wan Yingying was fake, just kidding the kid’s name, the content was filled in by him. of.

And that was what he had set up. Wan Yong was just a set. There was no less than 100,000 pieces, and he was still in his pocket. Now that Jiang Baiken is paying back, he has won more than 100,000 for no reason. Nature is good.

But Wan Yingying made him feel irritated. For a time, he hesitated. In the end, he asked for money or someone.

"Good! Money is for me, I let people go! But you better not to play tricks!" Zhang San said coldly.

Immediately stood up and took Jiang Bai's check, then let a younger brother run to a nearby bank to exchange, he himself stayed here watching Jiang Bai.

Wan Yingying is here, when can I not play?

However, it is endurance and patience, it is more than a hundred thousand, Zhang San thinks it is still cost-effective.

After a few minutes, I called and the check was true. I could redeem it, and he just let go.

"Let's let go!"

Zhang San hangs a phone call and smiles.

After saying this, I turned around and walked. When I walked to the door, I said to Jiang Bai: "Thank you, boss, you are really generous. Do you want to play this woman? Rest assured, I am a big man. Degree, you play first, I will say later, the chance is that I just gave her a little bit of food and have fun!"

After that, he did not wait for Jiang Bai’s roar, turned and left, and when he left, he closed the door and gave Jiang Bai a “you know” look and went away.

Jiang Bai, who had wanted to chase after the lessons of the guys, finally gave up on this idea because he found that Wan Yingying was not quite normal at the moment, his face was flushed, his eyes were blurred, and some of his heart was swaying.

Just because the son's mental tension is too much, now that Wan Yongyi said it was released, immediately loosened a string, his face was reddish, obviously not normal.

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