Metropolitan System

Chapter 368: Not simple

The 368th chapter is not simple

Both of them are sitting next to a middle-aged person, taking off two fat and thin heads, and thinking that this is the boss in the fat mouth.

The boss had a black suit, his face was cold and his face was calm. He sat there without snoring. He looked at Jiang Bai, did not speak, and did not say hello, but there was a deep disdain in his eyes.

I don't know what this person is actually coming from, but it looks like it shouldn't be a good person. Jiang Bai is sensitive to smelling a **** smell on the other side. It should be killing people who have seen blood, and should not be legitimate business.

The fat man and the thin man made Ji Mingjie somewhat embarrassed, but he was also a personal thing, but it was just a fleeting moment. Then he quickly laughed and said: "The fat brother and the thin tiger are laughing and laughing. Mr. Jiang is my special trip to help. Although the reputation of our sheep city is not obvious, my friend told me that Mr. Jiang is very energetic in Tiandu!"

"Absolutely not a liar, don't misunderstand the two."

After all, Jiang Bai was allowed to enter the feast, and he was very politely arranged on his left side, which led to the cold dragon and the thin tiger.

Fortunately, this is a long table, not a round table. Otherwise, for the location of this guest, it is impossible to make a storm.

After sitting down, Jiang Bai also observed the people present. In addition to the fat dragon, thin tiger and their boss, there are still a group of people who are not like good people. The number is about four or five.

Jiang Bai’s ear is very pointed, and it is obvious that the other party is a Xiangjiang accent, and he does not know what it is.

However, what kind of gangs are heard in the vague, and Jiang Bai, such as Shenghe, also determines the identity of the other party. It should belong to the side of Xiangjiang, and the identity is not very glorious, but I don’t know which club it belongs to.

The last trip to Xiangjiang, Jiang Bai provoked the wind and rain of the boss, and the head of the new record was forced to make Yin Tianqiu stand up and look for Jiang Bai.

However, the people who know Jiang Bai are actually limited. The people who have seen Jiang Bai are more limited. The associations in Xiangjiang have more than the commissary of Jiang Bai's home. I don't know how many big and small, Jiang Bai can not know.

But listening to the meaning, the other party seems to listen to you.

Of course, it’s just that they are boasting about themselves, true and false, but Jiang Bai is not clear.

If it is in other places, Jiang Bai will be curious that Ji Mingjie has brought these people to dry up, but it is not surprising here. Yangcheng is very close to Xiangjiang. Across the sea, many things are involved.

This group of people was invited by Ji Mingjie, and it is estimated that he is the same as himself. He does not know which friend recommended it.

In addition to these two groups of people who are obviously not doing business in a positive way, there is also a group of people who are very good at suits. I don’t know what it is, but it’s also a serious person, with a middle-aged man with eyes in the center, a man. A woman and two young people are around.

Look at the manners of behavior, should be all people with higher education.

If these three groups of people are still normal, then the other two groups of people will make Jiang Bai somewhat surprised. A group of foreigners, black and white, sit down with a suit and a blond foreigner to drink water and communicate in English.

There is also a group of obviously taller heights, not squinting, sitting there and staring at the cold, unspoken people, about three people in a row, are all suits, can be in the suit next to the three people, there is a body The face of the tattoo is stunned, and the suit is open to reveal a middle-aged knives, and is looking around fiercely.

Good guys, no distinction between the North and the South, looking at China and foreign countries, do not know how many people Mingjie has invited this season, look at this meaning, these people are here to help?

Just don't know who is it?

Who is Ji Mingjie finally using?

Jiang Bai was very curious. He thought he was his only choice. Now it seems that he is one-sixth?

He is also not angry. Ji Mingjie is only looking for a way to find people everywhere. He finds himself through friends. His friend estimates that he is also ignorant of himself. He only says that he has energy and he does not know what he is going on. He hears a lot.

Switching to your position in Ji Mingjie will inevitably have other ideas.

Finding more people and buying several insurances by yourself is what a smart person should do.

"Okay, everyone is here, let's have a seat, thank you very much for coming. I will honor you first."

After Jimei’s seat, Jiang Mingjie stood up and then raised the red wine glass in front of him. He smiled at the guest and was very polite and kept enough grace.

Although everyone present knows that Ji Mingjie is actually anxious to die during this time.

Everyone got up and raised their glasses. Jiang Bai was no exception. He tossed a toast, but some people have already drunk it. Of course, some people have tried it.

This is also normal. After all, this table is full of mermaids and dragons, and everyone has it.

As for solving the problem later, it is naturally a big wave of sand.

Jiang Bai believes that the people present can come, willing to come... The appetite will not be very small, Ji Mingjie is no longer capable, and no money can be used for all.

Not to mention whether it will cause trouble to each other, but rather bad things, it is said that the rewards of these people, together, fear that Ji Mingjie can not afford it.

This is why Ji Mingjie called everyone together, and I want to try water?

After a glass of wine, a waiter immediately came to add wine, and then the door was opened. The prepared foods were placed on the table by dozens of waiters, and then everyone left, only Jimmy’s several bodyguards and his body. Very nice female secretary standing in the house.

Seeing it as a waiter, making the environment more private?

After all, what is about to be said is really inconvenient for outsiders to know.

Here, Ji Mingjie has not yet opened, Jiang Bai on the other side has eaten himself, causing the fat dragon and thin tiger next to it to be cold, and other people around him, including Zhang Mingjie’s female secretary Zhang Yan, can’t help it. Cast a contemptuous look.

Probably I feel that Jiang Bai is not level enough. The master did not speak. Everyone did not move the chopsticks. Did he eat it first? And there is no scruples?

Really thought it was to eat rice?

"Hey, just got off the plane, I am a little hungry, so I will eat first, you have something to say..."

Jiang Bai glanced at the people around him and didn't care. He said such a polite word, but the action on his hands was not satisfied. He gave himself two abalones, some sea cucumbers, and a large number of flowers.

It made everyone laugh at the same time. Instead, Ji Mingjie laughed. Although there were some accidents, he still praised: "Mr. Jiang is really a refreshing person, doing big things informally, but I did not consider this problem as a master. Now time It’s not early, everyone is hungry, come and come, eat... eat!”

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