Metropolitan System

Chapter 377: Three chances

The 377th chapter three opportunities

When the voice fell, I didn’t know when the dozens of people who were arranged in the hotel by the panthers rushed in from the door. There was a surge of brains. Seven or eight people directly pulled the guns and pointed the guns of the black hole to the well. Personal head.

As if the panthers were ordered, they would immediately turn a few people into horses.

These people, when Jiang Bailai came to discover, are in several nearby boxes.

Before, I was very curious about what was coming, each carrying weapons, but after coming in to see the black panthers, after a brief confrontation and understanding, Jiang Bai had a judgment. These are all black panthers who don’t know why. .

Probably also afraid of negotiating with others, in case the other party directly opened, he and the fat dragon, thin tiger are not capable of enemies.

So I have this arrangement, but it is just right at the moment.

With such a rush of people rushing in, the faces of several people in the well changed instantly.

"Bastard, what do you want to do! I am in the Inagawa group. You dare to be against me. Our Inagakawa team will never let you go!"

Inagikawa Zaoji bear saw the situation in front of him was not right, his face became very ugly, and he resisted the inner fear and looked at the introverted martyrdom.

Cover your fears with anger.

"Get it, what are you loading, am I going to listen to your name of the Inagakawa group and immediately apologize to you? Then pray for your forgiveness, and finally help you threaten Mr. Ji and transfer all the shares of their company to you?"

"Would you like to put my family's hands on the road? Then if I have a beautiful woman, I will pull it over to let you play and suffocate?"

Jiang Bai looked at the other person with annoyance and said with mockery.

The most annoying thing is this kind of person who is arrogant and arrogant.

Can Jiang Bai say this, I thought the other person would be reddish, or simply not snoring, I did not expect Daochuan Zao Er Xiong, no feeling for Jiang Bai's ridicule, even satisfied with a nod: "Well, You said it is good. If you really do what you say, I can consider forgiving your rudeness."

This made Jiang Bai suddenly feel that he had some poor words, and he was speechless.

Pointing at the Daochuan Zao Er Xiong in front of him, Jiang Bai and a half did not say a word. After brewing for a while, he took out two words: "Hey!"

With Jiang Bai’s instructions, I’ve been eager to try, especially when Ichikawa’s date was said just now, I’ve long wanted to come over and fatten the fat dragon and thin tiger, and immediately greeted him. Go out.

"Indecent, your sister!"

The fat dragon yelled, and the low body jumped up. I didn't know where to take a stick, and a stick hit the other's head.

The thin tiger is also welcome, and the chair behind him is lifted by him and he is squatting on the other side.

Originally, there was some silent atmosphere in the house. At this moment, it seemed to be a bit of joy. The words of Inagaga date and two bears still echoed in the minds of the people. With his screams, a delightful entertainment comedy was formed.

After playing for a long while, the two talents panted and stopped. At this moment, Daochuan Zao Er Xiong had no previous arrogance, lying there and there was no interest.

The blood is flowing all over the place, there are wounds everywhere, one eye is snoring, the eyeballs are on the ground, and the scrolls are unstoppable, so that the creeps of the eyes are lost.

" guys... dare to do this! Inagawa Zaoji, Mr. Xiong, but the cousin of the president of Daochuan Daochuan Holy City! You, you do, there will be retribution, the president of Inagakawa will not Let go of yours!"

Inoue obviously did not think that Jiang Bai had dared to do this. He killed the Daochuan Zao Er Xiong almost, and his face was pale and somewhat fearful. However, he still broke the identity of Daochuan Zao Er Xiong, hoping to shock Jiang Bai and so on. people.

"I said so much nonsense, I don't know him. If he is not convinced, let him come to me. This is an acre of China, I am waiting for him. If he dares to come, I will kill him!" ”

Jiang Bai waved impatiently. For this threat, he didn't know how good he was in a year, and he didn't care.

Jiang Baiguan’s family, Cheng Tianqi, is called “mountain gun”. Where to fight, who is going to fight, but what about Jiang Bai’s?

Cheng Tianqi’s enemies are all over the world, and Jiang Bai’s is not much better, even more than ever.

It was only a year since he rose, and he has already enemies countless enemies. It really made him grow to the age of Cheng Tianyi, and he estimated that everyone in the world who has some strength should be guilty of Jiang Bai.

It’s as if he is now, he does not hesitate to give himself an enemy. This is going to be passed back. The Inagawa will definitely not give up.

Jiang Bai has more enemies.

However, for such a thing, Jiang Bai did not care. He looked at the well that was speechless and wrinkled. He said: "You have four people, no... what is the inagune jujube and the bear, it is estimated that it will not survive. The eyes are all out, and it’s going to be dead. Let’s talk about you, three of you...”

"I only give you three chances to tell me if you are tied up? Where?" Jiang Bai frowned and asked.

At this time, Jiang Bai was still trying to make the fat dragon and the thin tiger fight here. He almost rushed to the heart of Ji Mingjie who killed the Daochuan Zao Er bear. He couldn’t care about this problem anymore, even his side. The face was white, and Zhang Yan, the female secretary who continued to lean on him, did not care. A pair of eyes stared at the well.

"I don't know what you are talking about. We are serious businessmen. I will definitely report this kind of behavior. You attack foreign businessmen and cause death. We will not give up on this matter. I want to..."

After listening to this, Inoue’s face became very ugly, but he did not answer Jiang Bai’s question. He only excitedly waved his arm and said that there was a bunch of unnutritious words that threatened Jiang Bai, and he wanted to retreat, thus protecting himself. Security.

But halfway through, a shot of "touch" sounded, Jiang Bai didn't know when to take the gun from the black panther, and shot it in one shot. The young man next to the well suddenly fell to the ground, and even the screams would be No, the bullet is in the middle of the eyebrow.

Such a scene, scared Zhang Yan and the woman next to Inoue screamed, his face pale and hiding, and the words in the well also stopped, watching Jiang Bai face full of fear, a word dare not say.

"The second time, tell me, is it because you did it, man?" Jiang Bai said coldly, handgun to the black panther.

It’s enough to kill one, and the demonstration will be achieved. If the well is not honest, the Panther knows what to do.

"Mr. Jiang, I really don't know what you are talking about, we are legitimate businessmen, we..."

It is a pity that this was not finished. The black panther that had been prepared there immediately shot. The woman who was screaming next to the well was talking to the well.

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