Metropolitan System

Chapter 408: First to be strong

The 408th chapter is first to be strong

This made Jiang Bai take a breath of cold, and the Nangong family was so powerful, with the power of one family, against the entire group, and the three major factions behind them and the East and North, two thousand years of family.

Did you even hit a two-game loss?

Even the people have to let them continue to develop in Nanyang?

This shows their tyrannical point.

Situ Feng did not say clearly, according to this description, Jiang Baitie will not be the opponent of the Nangong family.

He is only one person, and he is a man who has been inherited for more than two thousand years, and his tyrannical level can be seen.

In the words of Situ Feng, it is "the master is like a cloud, the strong is like a rain."

Jiang Bai is alone, and it is difficult for a person to deal with it. What's more, the other side must have a strong high-end combat power, and some of the powerful characters must be stronger than Jiang Baiqiang.

The strength of the human group is basically the same as that of the **** group. Although there is a slight gap, the gap is not big. The strength of the human group, Jiang Bai also knows that the Nangong family can compete against the whole group, and their power can be imagined.

"I don't understand, such a family would have a relationship with Yin Tianqiu? I made three promises? What did Yin Tianqiu do at the time!"

Jiang Bai did not understand how the huge behemoths like Nangong Shijia had a relationship with Yin Tianqiu.

According to Situ Feng, Yin Tianqiu was obviously in a relationship with the Nangong family, and he only took advantage of the two promises before he reached the point of today.

Prior to this, according to Jiang Baizhi, Yin Tianqiu was only a small gangster. At best, he was at the same level as Yang Yong and Dou Bin. It was a big shack of a certain association of Xiangjiang at that time.

But the club seemed to be not tyrannical at the time.

With such an identity, how can it be related to the Nangong family?

According to Jiang Bai’s thoughts, this kind of bug-like character, he doesn’t care much about it. How can the Nangong family’s millennial family pull down with him?

" will blame us..."

In the face of Jiang Bai’s question, Stuart smiled.

Next to Gong Sunlan is also a look of sorrow. When she started from Situ Feng, she did not say a strange sentence today. It seems that she did not know what Situ Feng said. After all, Gongsun Lan is too young, and many things are not known. It is also normal.

"How do you say?" Jiang Bai is very curious.

"I didn't tell you about it just now? They stood in the wrong team. Our team played with them decades ago and beat them to Nanyang."

"When the Nangong family refused to obey the discipline, our group took a shot at them and raided the Nangong family. Under the circumstance, the Nangong family suffered heavy losses. Although they lost a double defeat with us, they eventually lost."

"Because of the sudden incident, the people of the Nangong family escaped everywhere, not the whole push. In the process, naturally, some people were in trouble. Yin Tianqiu happened to have saved several people from the Nangong family."

"This includes an elder of the Nangong family and a dozen elite young people who were still young at the time."

"Yin Tianqiu saved them, and even almost died. Yin Tianqiu’s father and a brother were also exhausted, so these people gave Yin Tianqiu a promise in the past, promising that he was in a difficult time and could give them For help, they will give Yin Tianqiu three chances."

"So, the alliance of Yin Tianqiu, the object of his help, is not the Nangong family, but the children of the Nangong family?"

Jiang Bai listened to this and stunned. If this is the case, what are you worried about?

The Nangong family is not easy to provoke, but can some of the children of the Nangong family still be tempted?

Only this words ushered in the smile of Situ Feng: "I said Jiang Bai, you forgot, it was 40 years ago!"

"Forty years ago, the elder had already been an ancient one, but that dozens of them were the best children of the Nangong family. They were called children, but now it is not. As far as I know, they are all the backbone, how many Although they are dead, their children are still in power."

"There are a few more even more. It is the elder of the Nangong family. What is even more terrible is that the current Nangong family owner is one of the rescued ones."

This made Jiang Bai very speechless and smiled awkwardly. He did ignore this point just now.

I forgot that Yin Tianqiu is already a 60-year-old old man. This happened also 40 years ago. At that time, people were younger and now at least five or sixty years old.

Such people are either old-fashioned or must be famous, after all, those are the most elite family children.

"So, once I die for Yin Tianqiu, this guy will ask for help from the Nangong family? Use his last chance?" Jiang Bai frowned and asked.

If this is the case, then he must consider it carefully.

The Nangong family can really be irritated.

"It must be used. You have so many people who are working on him. No one is irritating. He is not stupid. If you push him to an emergency, he must ask for assistance. Although the Nangong family has been for Yin Tian these years. The hatred is actually quite dissatisfied, and there are rumors that when Yin Tianqiu rescued them, they actually knew their identity."

"The dead brother and father are all bitter."

"But this situation is owed after all, and they have made a commitment to Yin Tianqiu. According to the Nangong family's pie, they will not agree to him and don't accept it. Once they ask for help, the Nangong family must come immediately. ”

Situ Feng is very positive about this.

Jiang Bai chose silence. He knew that Situ Feng’s things were definitely not fake. These family sects care about fame and value commitment. The Nangong family only disagreed with their ideas. They did not have any problems. They made promises. 90% will be observed.

If this is the case, then Jiang Bai had to think carefully.

After thanking Situ Feng, the two men chilled again. Jiang Bai also asked some questions about the ancient Wu world and the human group. Situ Feng answered them one by one, and even the next-generation Gong Sunlan interjected from time to time.

However, Jiang Bai’s knowledge has risen a lot, and there is a new understanding of this so-called dark world.

Then the two people said goodbye, went back to life, said that they waited for Jiang Bai, and then sent his documents and uniforms together and sent them, and so on.

After they left, Jiang Bai was talking to the inner room: "How do you think about this?"

"Now the arrow has been shot on the string, saying that it is too late, I am afraid it will be difficult to collect now, let alone... Yin Tianqiu must have asked for help!"

"Now there is no other way. We will start this evening and completely kill Yin Tianqiu. In this case, even if his reinforcements come, it will be useless! They are even more powerful in the Nangong family. Can they even go to the mainland? Going to deal with us?"

Zhuge Yun, who was pushed in a wheelchair, first opened his mouth, and the fierce light in his eyes flashed.

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