Metropolitan System

Chapter 420: Sudden phone call

Chapter 420, the sudden phone call

These conditions are listed, Huang Weiming and others are somewhat ugly, but they are still accepting these conditions.

The next day, the Bohai Group stock market crashed because Yin Tianqiu’s death caused a bad influence. Jiang Bai madly plundered and earned a lot of money.

Jiang Bai himself has invested 20 billion yuan, earning about 2 billion yuan, and other people are also full of dissatisfaction.

Huang Weiming used the means to make false accounts and handed all the cash to Jiang Bai, with a total of 32.8 billion, plus two mainland listed companies.

Jiang Bai’s brains all deposited all of this money into his own account, but the amount was too large. He found Zhao Wuji’s help, and then spread it to the imperial enterprise in the name of Promise Enterprise Borrowing.

In addition, some of the money, Jiang Bai is scattered in more than 20 overseas accounts, at any time to withdraw, continue to transfer to the country, and then diversify investment.

Of course, I have not forgotten to directly pay back the arrears of the Portuguese country. He does not want to have anything to do with the old guy of the gambling king.

After dealing with everything, Jiang Bai left Xiangjiang.

This ghost place, he can not want to stay more temporarily, Nangong family do not know when it will kill the door, Jiang Bai stay here is too unsafe.

On the contrary, Zhuge Yun, Ma Rixin and Wang Bao did not leave.

They continue to divide here. Those listed companies want to buy, local forces want to shuffle, Jiang Bai is too lazy to manage, his hands can not stretch that long.

Just confessed, let them take care of the Ding Bin and the number of the help of Yang Yong, the two people this time also calculated the power, can not be ill-treated.

After finishing this, Jiang Bai brought the person who hid Yin Guoqiang from Huang Weiming back to Yangcheng.

Ji Mingjie had not seen each other for many years, and they embraced each other and cried. They were grateful to Jiang Bai and almost did not give Jiang Bai a head.

In the end, Ji Mingjie had to send all the shares. In the end, Jiang Bai still only had 27%, and did not have much to do. He completed his task and returned to Tiandu.

Back to Tiandu, the first thing went to find Jiang Yuqing. The two people naturally felt a lingering entanglement. Then Jiang Bai was very sorry to tell the other party that she could not go back to work temporarily. Jiang Bai was also afraid that the people of Nangong family would find her. .

After all, Xiangjiang is not his own, and it will inevitably be targeted, so it can only be decided.

Fortunately, Jiang Yuqing also told Jiang Bai that she was sent abroad to study. Yesterday, she only noticed that she could only bid farewell to Jiang Bai, but she would not return to Xiangjiang because she wanted to go back and there was no place. Go straight to France.

Helplessly reluctantly sent away Jiang Yuqing, in the afternoon out of the airport, Jiang Bai suddenly found out... I have nothing to do.

The school's holiday was invited for half a month. Jiang Bai is not the type that devote himself to the education of the motherland and the liver and brain. It is natural that it is impossible to take the initiative when the holiday is not over.

So he was free to do nothing, the house was not well built, staying in the hotel temporarily, returning to the hotel is boring, hanging out on the street, the phone rang.

When the sound is ringing, the first is Cheng Tianyi, then Wu Tianxi, and finally Zao Wou-Ki. Everyone is looking for Jiang Bai for one thing, Nangong family.

Even Situ Feng, who is on the side of the group, called.

Without exception, Jiang Bai is careful, but the style is slightly different.

Wu Tianxi said that Jiang Bai was too impulsive, and he was careful not to go to Hebei to avoid it. Although he had no way to take the Nangong family, the Nangong family did not dare to raid his Wu Tianxi's house.

And Zao Wou-Ki told Jiang Bai that there was no problem in Tiandu, and there was Nangong Mingjie in hand, and the other party would not be chaotic for a while.

As for Cheng Tianyi, his words made Jiang Baizui’s mouth twitch, and the first sentence was: “Jiang Bai, I heard that you have done it with the Nangong family? Nothing! I didn’t look good when I saw them early.”

In a word, Jiang Bai almost opened up and said it is good, why don’t you do it!

Two of the best masters, eight masters, are stronger than the human group, how can I do it?

Jiang Bai did not pay attention to him, he told him about Wu Tianxi's business. Before he promised to mediate, he just spoke.

Cheng Tianyi over there thought for a while, and he agreed to it. After Li Qingdi directed Wu Tianxi, he would do it and let Wu Tianxi rest assured.

Jiang Bai nodded and then called Wu Tianxi, Wu Tianxi naturally moved inexplicably.

As for Situ Feng, it is simple and simple. There is only one purpose for calling Jiang Bai. That is to ask Jiang Bai. Is there any idea to cooperate with the people to organize a annihilation battle, and to annihilate the people of Nangong family to annihilate and attack Nangong? The arrogance of the family!

In this regard, Jiang Bai did not agree, and did not object, think about it, just say that he thinks about it.

Then I hung up the phone. I thought that no one would call it. At this time, his phone suddenly sounded. A low hoarse voice, a slight sigh of sorrow, came: "Are you Jiang Bai?"

"who are you?"

Listening to the voice of the other party, it should be no small, Jiang Bai does not remember that he knows this kind of person.

"Nan Gong Qingyun!"

The other party reported his name and made Jiang Bai’s heart stunned.

This is the grandfather of Nangong Mingjie, the chief elder of the Nangong family.

The 32nd best player in the dark world is tens of dozens higher than Jiang Bai, who replaced the 86th-ranked guy in Nangong Qingmo.

Although his heart was stunned, Jiang Bai’s mouth was not soft at all. He sneered and greeted with a mocking tone: "Who am I, the original elder of the Nangong family, how do you think of this little person?"

"My grandson! I heard that you didn't kill him, took him away? Hand him over!"

Nangong Qingyun said coldly, he was not polite with Jiang Bai, and went straight to the subject.

He came for his grandson Nangong Mingjie. As for why the other party knows his phone number, he will know that Nangong Mingjie is in his own hands. Jiang Bai is not surprised at all.

With the energy of the Nangong family, if even this thing can't be done, then their homes can't be passed down for two thousand years, and they are among the four major families.

"You said that you are arrogant? Are you wrong? Old guys don't think you are the best expert. Is your Nangong family amazing?"

Jiang Bai is not a good-tempered person, especially for his own enemies.

The contradiction between him and the Nangong family is irreconcilable. From the time he killed Nangong Qingmo, it is impossible to reconcile, so no matter who is on the phone, what is his status, how strong, as long as he is a Nangong family, Jiang Bai I don't want to be polite with him.

Therefore, Jiang Bai took out the means of dealing with Cheng Tianyi at the beginning, and immediately hanged up after the call.

He didn't believe that this old thing didn't come.

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