Metropolitan System

Chapter 441: stop!

The 481th chapter stays!

It was thought that Jiang Bai would be penetrated by the sword of the Eastern Eagle, because the Eastern Eagle had already taken advantage of it. The sword of the Eastern family was very powerful, and it was accompanied by a "broken army" ancient sword. I don’t know how many young masters have lost in the Eastern Eagles these years.

Even some veteran players are not the opponents of the Eastern Eagles.

For example, the sword king of the Yan Yan ancient school, known as the invincible in 20 years, can not be beaten into a dog by the Eastern Eagle?

Following the sword that has been around for many years, it was eventually cut into pieces, and I will not step out of the sect.

This shows the greatness of this oriental eagle.

Therefore, the Eastern Eagles and Jiang Bai played against each other. In fact, most people are not optimistic about Jiang Bai.

For those children whose eyes are higher than the top, Jiang Bai’s legends outside are all scornful, thinking that they are restrained and can’t set foot on the world. No tiger monkeys in the mountains call the king!

Let Jiang Baiyu be famous!

If they can go out, it is definitely more powerful than Jiang Bai, the name is louder and the development is better.

This is the idea of ​​most of the family's children. They are scornful and feel that Jiang Bai is unusable and can't compare with their pride.

The reason why it is mixed now is not bad, it is because they have no one to go out.

As for Jiang Bai’s killing of the masters of Nangong’s family, Nangong’s work, the majority of people and the Eastern Eagle’s ideas are actually the same. They all think that Jiang Bai must have used the mean means of seeing the light, only to attack. successful.

Otherwise, a young man of twenty-four years old can kill a master of one product?

This is simply a joke!

They can't do it by themselves, and Jiang Bai, a wilderness who doesn't know where he is born, can do it?

Anyway, the minds of these people are that I am definitely better than you, I can't do it, you must not, even if you do, it must be a mean means.

Therefore, Jiang Bai’s screaming is very powerful, but there are not many people who really like him.

In fact, even the Eastern Eagle himself is only slightly worried, fearing that there is something unexpected.

Want to say that he thinks Jiang Bai is better than him?

That is not possible!

Seeing that Jiang Bai was going to be crossed by the Eastern eagle, suddenly Jiang Lan, who stood there and did not move, shot blue with his hands, and "Tian Yu Quan" was played!

On one side of the body, he escaped the attack of the Eastern Eagle, punched it with a punch, and went straight to the chest of the East!

"My God, the ice is really beautiful!"

Some people immediately screamed. Although there were many ordinary soldiers in the field, there were a lot of masters. They were born in famous names and were all people who knew the goods. Jiang Baiyi shot and immediately recognized it.

However, their vision is not enough. I don’t know that Jiang Bai is only through the Tianshou fist, the simulated ice is really sincere, and there is still a gap with the real ice.

After all, his internal strength attribute is not an ice attribute!

"Touching", the Eastern Eagles flew out and flew out a few tens of meters, and Jiang Bai hit the sky, followed by a perfect parabola, which landed on the ground.

The cockroaches fell to the ground, the mouth was vomiting blood, and the bones broke.

A few years ago, the Eastern Eagle, who had already set foot in the realm of the second-class master, the pride of the younger generation of the Eastern family, under Jiang Bai’s hands, had not even passed a round, and was defeated!

The defeat was neat and the defeat was terrible.

For this kind of person, Jiang Bai did not keep his hands, and used a full force with a punch. The oriental eagle was not only broken, but the entire shoulder position was bent toward the back ninety degrees, and the internal organs were shaken.

Fortunately, he himself is not weak, Jiang Bai also intentionally did not hit the key, so that he only seriously hurts vomiting blood, no death, otherwise this punch is enough to the life of the Eastern Eagle.

Such a scene, no one dared to scream, in the lively hall, became a silent, one by one looked at Jiang Bai with a look of horror.

Before this, most people are not optimistic about Jiang Bai, even if someone is optimistic, I feel that Jiang Bai wants to win the Eastern Eagle, and it takes dozens of moves or even hundreds of moves. No one has thought that the original imagination is fighting. Did not happen.

Just a trick...

One stroke defeated the Eastern Eagle who had a higher eye than the top?

This allowed the younger family members to swallow and watched Jiang Bai come over, and the subconsciously quickly avoided, and the panicked expression appeared on their faces.

At this moment, no one doubts that Jiang Bai can kill Nangong Qingmo. This kind of means...has become "the true ice of the ice", it is a genuine master of the goods, killing a Nangong Qingmo, it is logical to become a chapter. .

"Cough... cough and cough..."

The seriously savage Eastern eagle, watching Jiang Bai step by step toward himself, his face showed a look of fear, struggling to get up, but can not move, a move is mouth spit blood.

After coughing for a while, I could only watch Jiang Bai step by step.


In the eyes of the public, Jiang Bai extended his left foot, stepping on the chest of the Eastern Eagle, stepping on the other side, and the sound of broken bones came, and the Eastern Eagle lying there vomited again. .

"I seem to have told you just now, I won't fight with you, I will kill you if I want to fight with you! Is it?"

Jiang Bai sneered and looked at the oriental eagle who was stepping on his feet.

He has already killed his heart, the enemy of the Eastern Eagle, he is not willing to let go, seeing this guy's appearance also knows that it is a narrow-minded, unscrupulous person.

I have a conflict with him. To let him go so easily, it is absolutely endless trouble. This kind of villain can't deal with himself. Maybe he will start with the people around him.

Therefore, the fierce flash in Jiang Bai’s eyes has already killed the heart.

"No... don't... don't kill me..."

The Eastern Eagle had just stepped on Jiang Bai, and the bones in his chest broke, but he let him spit out a **** mouth. Instead, he could talk, and looked at Jiang Bai with a look of fear, shouting in an extremely weak tone.

"I, I am the child of the Eastern family, my father, my father is the elder, kill me... he will not let you go!"

"This is a human base, you can't kill people here!"

After saying this, the Eastern Eagles added a difficult one, hoping that Jiang Bai can be awake through his own words and dare not do it himself.

Unfortunately, he doesn't know Jiang Bai this person too!

Sneer, and looked at the oriental eagle in front of him, Jiang Bai said faintly: "It’s late!"

When you talk, lift your feet and step on the other's head.

Once it goes down, with the strength of Jiang Bai, the head of the Eastern Eagle will become like a broken watermelon.


At this moment, a rage sounded.

The next second, a fierce swordsman with the empty space, accompanied by Ling Xiao's murderous, went straight to Jiang Bai's heart.

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