Metropolitan System

Chapter 463: Big cousin, accept my challenge!

The 466th chapter of the cousin, accept my challenge!

"who are you!"

Jiang Bai said that while he came out, Yang Yang, who had always insisted and looked forward to, immediately changed color, and looked at Jiang Bai in disgust, saying impatiently.

For those who dare to come out and destroy their love, he never has any good looks.

In fact, Jiang Bai is not the first person to stand up and do this in the past two days, but other people are honestly getting out of the threat of their own brothers and their strong muscles and solid fists.

I did not expect to come again today!

"I? I am the big cousin in the mouth of Ma Shuyuan, such as the distant cousin and the boyfriend of Ruru. What happened? You have opinions?" Think about it, Jiang Bai reports to his family.

He did not intend to conceal anything with Lin Biaoru, but he felt that the impact was not good. After all, Jiang Bai was a teacher, and Lin Biao was a student, teacher and student were in love, and it was not always good to pass it out.

She knows that Jiang Bai doesn't really care about the job, but she cares a lot. Jiang Bai does business, and it is clear that she is in contact with those people. She always feels unreliable and unreliable and dangerous.

On the contrary, this visiting professor is well-paid, has a stable salary, and has a good prospect. He is also a decent person. Lin Biaoru, who regards himself as the future wife of Jiang Bai, is more concerned about Jiang Bai’s work than Jiang Bai himself.

That is to say, under her request, the two people’s affairs were not made public, and the fear was that they had an impact on Jiang Bai.

Jiang Bai did not even think about it at the time, but now it seems that this choice is not a wise move.

Although he preserved the reputation of Jiang Bai, he gave Lin Biaoru a lot of flies, and let the flies think that Lin Biao was as famous as the flower, and they all harassed like chicken blood.

If Lin Biao got tired of it, Jiang Bai was also disgusting. Just by this thing, it was a showdown today.

As for others... how do you think about love?

Anyway, there are people on Jiang Bai, the old principal is very strong, and others have no choice.

As for whether someone will report to the media or higher, it is not within the scope of Jiang Bai’s consideration. As long as he has the ability, some reports, let the top management, then let him go.

I am afraid that he does not have this ability!

Jiang Bai self-reported the door, Yang Yang first there was a glimpse, then looked at Jiang Bai with a strange look, then an angry expression appeared on his face, pointing to Jiang Bailu: "What are you talking nonsense! Don't talk here I have already inquired, just like there is no boyfriend at all! Who are you!"

When he spoke, a group of young men behind him who helped him shouted and came over to see what he wanted to do with Jiang Bai.

However, Yang Yang did not speak, and they did not do anything. After all, Tiandu University, not because they are all day, so they did not dare to come.

"Wang Ba Gu, that is my big cousin, our boyfriend like this! What is your gadget, hurry!"

On the balcony on the fourth floor, I don’t know when Ma Shuyuan came out again, and I heard this, squatting, and ignoring the image.

After saying this, he also shouted with Jiang Bai: "Big cousin!"

After saying that he reached out and gave the Lin Biao in the house, and shouted out, he shouted: "Look, the big cousin is coming! You are not coming out!"

After talking about his hands on his shoulders, he said with a smile: "How, big cousin, if it is under my care, it will become more beautiful."

Lin Biao’s boss is embarrassed. In fact, when Jiang Bai spoke, she already knew it. It’s just that Jiang Bai’s words made her very embarrassed, which is equivalent to the announcement of the relationship between two people.

Although Lin Biaoru’s heart is sweet, but let her stand up and admit it immediately, she is somewhat shy. After all, she is not the kind of thing that Ma Shuyuan does not care about, and she is awkward!

However, when Ma Shuyuan pulled her out, she did not object. After she came out, her face was reddish and waved with Jiang Bai. It was like a little daughter who was about to marry. She was ashamed and beautiful.

In this regard, Jiang Baibao smiled and looked at Lin Biaoru. He did not talk much. Two people had time to talk privately, and they could not show love in this court.

Originally, Lin Biaoru was the man of the school. The matter he did today is enough to make a sensation. Then he will show love and madness in single dogs. Jiang Bai is afraid that he will be sap in the evening!

"I saw it, I am her boyfriend, you already know it? Nothing to ask you to leave, don't harass it again!"

Jiang Bai smiled at Yang Yang and then said that he asked the other party to leave. He was quite polite when he spoke.

He can't fight with a child. If he spreads out, people will laugh at him and Jiang Bai bullies the children.

"No! I don't believe it! For example... you love me right? You don't like this person!"

Yang Yang was a little disbelieving, his face was pale, and then suddenly thought of something, looked up and shouted at Lin Biaoru.

This made Lin Biaoru's face chilly. He was not familiar with Yang Yang. He showed love here. Lin Biao was somewhat unhappy, but he did not cause any damage. He also endured it. He couldn’t occupy the place and not let people be here.

This place is not her Lin Biaoru.

However, he said in front of Jiang Bai's face, Lin Biaoru was not happy, cold face, unpleasant response: "Yang Yang, I am not familiar with you, please leave! My cousin said that everything is correct, I am It’s his girlfriend! I like him!”

After saying this, there was a little blush on her face, which made her show her love in public. She was somewhat embarrassed.

This is Lin Yiru. If Xia Yiyi or Ma Shuyuan, there is absolutely no embarrassment, especially Xia Yiyi, I can’t wait for the whole world to know!

That is a master who dares to sleep with Jiang Bai on the street. It is similar to the red color that Jiang Bai saw in the emperor.

Of course, Jiang Bai thinks that Xia Yiyi is better.

First of all, I will end up wearing that red!

"I believe now? Please leave?"

Jiang Bai listened to this, his face showed a bright smile, then Yang Yang in front of him made a request for action, please leave this guy.

"No! What you said is not true...not true! You should like me! How can you like him? Which one is not good? Which one is not good?" Yang Yang looked unbelievable or unwilling Believe it.

I have always been very self-sufficient. I personally recognize the prince of the prince, and suddenly I am worried about a girl and fully support it. Do people really dislike him?

This made Yang Yang deeply hit!

Such a scene, so that Jiang Bai frowned, very unhappy.

Just want to say something, Yang Yang’s move was completely stunned.

Yang Yang suddenly stood up straight and walked to Jiang Bai, facing Jiang Baiyu, and said: "Big cousin, please accept my challenge!"

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