Metropolitan System

Chapter 473: Yang boss is mighty!

The 477th chapter of Yang boss is mighty!

The sound of the explosion in the sky, the sound of the explosion came again and again, wolverines, flocks, resounding through the night sky, the sky is full of colorful, two big people, like fireworks, can be seen in a few squares. .

If it is not late into the night, it is quite remote. Jiang Bai also arranged for people to block traffic. I am afraid that everyone who has already made it is well known.

The above-mentioned invincible light and shadow flicker, the following several siege Jiang Bai masters have already rushed.

The Nangong family practiced "Suzaku Burning the Scorpio", which is the nature of fire itself. Even the people who took all the Nangong family's family practiced the true meaning of the flame. In an instant, Jiangbai seemed to be surrounded by fire, and the four towering fire pillars rose from the air. , rushed to Jiang Bai.

Between the "Day Frost Boxing" operation, there have been numerous frosts around Jiangbai, but it has already melted in an instant.

In desperation, Jiang Bai could not sit still, and one of the four chose to rush out.

He can't stay in the encirclement of the enemy, one is hard enough, and the four people Jiang Bai is not an opponent at all.

At this time, he has already taken out the enthusiasm of fighting with people when he was a child. Towards a fierce K, even if he can't kill others, he will kill this one.

The dead bird is in the sky, not dying for thousands of years, and it is necessary to drag a back.

At this time, suddenly a wolf roared, the next second a wolf head descended from the sky, wrapped in Yang invincible, the wolf swallowed the strength of the boxing spirit from the sky, directly hit a elder of the Nangong family.

The bang of the "touch", the elders of the Nangong family followed all the people behind him were shot, and when they landed, they became muddy!

The people who were besieging Jiang Bai were so frightened that Jiang Bai flashed over and directly flew the elders of a Nangong family.

However, after all, the other party has been through a hundred battles, and has not been hit by Jiang Bai. Although he was beaten out, he turned a few heads in the air and landed steadily.

Spit blood, but no damage.

"Yang boss is mighty!" Jiang Baiyu cried, while running away, cheering Yang invincible.

The people behind him began to chase and surround Jiang Bai. The invincible Yang in the sky wanted to shoot again, but the Nangong owner here has already called.

"I still want to come! Come again, I promise you will die too!"

The Nangong family angered and screamed, and the sky seemed to be melted by the flames. Unfortunately, it was only Yang’s invincible sneer.

Although the Nangong family's masters struggled to attack Yang invincible, but Yang invincible can still face calmly, but this time the shot is still blocked by people.

As a result, Jiang Bai killed a master of the Nangong family and then opened a big hole in his chest.

Fortunately, Jiang Bai’s resilience is enough to be abnormal, and such damage is not enough to kill him. He is smashing the fire and jumping out of the encirclement of the other side.

"Catch, can't let him run!"

I don't know who is screaming, Jiang Bai can't manage that much, anyway, it is a large ticket person chasing himself to run, Jiang Bai can only flee!

"Catch your uncle!"

When Jiang Baitou didn't return, he snorted. There was no one here, and he couldn't run anywhere.

It is not a problem to open the slag, but the three old guys behind him are a big problem. Their speed is not slower than that of Jiang Bai, not to mention Jiang Bai’s injury, which is more or less influential.

He is running now, just to wait for recovery. With his ability, it only takes about a minute, and the hole in which the chest is opened can grow well without affecting the combat power.

This is also his advantage. As long as he does not let his head cut off, it will not be a problem to recover. It only takes time. For a short time, it seems that such a wound can be recovered in a minute or so.

So he is trying to delay as much as possible.

"You can't run."

After a few tens of seconds, when Jiang Bai’s injury had just recovered, and the road killed the three masters who blocked the road, the road in front of him was sealed. In the blink of an eye, the three masters formed a triangle encirclement.

The group of people behind him immediately followed up and surrounded the Jiang Bai group.

"not necessarily!"

In the next second, a figure appeared in front of Jiang Bai. I don’t know when it happened. I punched the elders of the Nangong family and directly pierced the other’s chest. The powerful Sirius really broke through the other’s body. The smash that rips the other side is not said, and all the people behind him are killed.

Life gave Jiang Bai a path.

Jiang Baigang wants to say "Yang Lao Dawei."

If I haven't said it yet, I will be caught by Yang Invincible and throw it away a few hundred meters away. The next second, a rushing Suzaku in the sky rushes straight down and directly blows out Jiang Bai’s position. Big pit.

More than ten meters deep, the stone is flying, people look at the creeps.

That is to say, Yang is invincible to hide in the past, to change a person, afraid that there is no bones now.

"Yang invincible! I want to kill you!"

The angry voice of the Nangong family leader came from afar. He was already going crazy. He was originally killed by Jiang Bai. The reason was that Jiang Bai killed an elder of the Nangong family.

Now, the people have not killed, and the result has damaged a lot of people. The other seven or eight people are not counted. Although it is the mainstay of the Nangong family, it will not make him so distressed. The key is that two masters have been Yang is invincible.

This is the key to his painfulness.

The Nangong family is extremely strong, but they are the home of them. They are also the nine elders, one of the best realms of Nangong Qingmo, and eight masters of one product. They were killed by Jiang Bai, and now they have lost two and suffered heavy losses.

This makes him crazy!

Therefore, it will not be able to manage so much, and will not be willing to keep it, trying to fight with Yang invincible.

In an instant, the shadows in the sky were densely covered. The shadows of the sky did not know where to come from. The old man became a dozens of people. Jiang Bai saw all the shadows everywhere, and attacked Yang invincible from all directions.

Even the Suzaku, whose boxing is really awkward, has many more, flying high in the sky, rising flames and burning everything around him.

The masters of the Nangong family who were scared to stay in the vicinity were avoiding it. This is so, and there are still a few people who can't avoid it and are immediately seriously injured.

This helped Jiang Bai, let him recover in time, took advantage of this opportunity, directly attacked, and screwed off the neck of a Nangong family.


Yang invincible cold screams, the next second, a standing greedy wolf followed, roared, rushed to the sky, rushed out to the Nangong homeowner.

While playing, I also said: "I thought that your Nangong family only had Nangong Qingmo alone. It made the means of not going to the road break through to the seventh realm and became the best master. It seems that you are almost the same! He is a little stronger, breaking the blood with a human life, no wonder it’s 20 years, you are still at this level!"

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