Metropolitan System

Chapter 887: God's Claw

Eighty-eighth-seventh chapter of the claws of the heavens

In this case, Jiang Bai could not accept it, and it was too straightforward to strike people.

However, the system turned around and said, "In fact, it is simple and simple. As long as you are willing to pay enough prestige, nothing can be solved by a great system."

"Not only can you feel your own martial arts magical powers, but also allow you to have the strongest martial arts power, not only limited to one of the 18 kinds of martial arts magical powers you have cultivated, but also have stronger derivatives. ""

"In short, as long as you are willing to pay for prestige, nothing can be done by the system!"

This, of course, Jiang Bai knows, just not willing to take care of this dead money! No, the main point of death!

Because he is also a miser, he is not willing to spend more.

Without taking care of the system, Jiang Bai continued, but in the process of continuing, there was always some restlessness, because the first awakening of Wudao Shentong was related to the achievements in the future, and it also had a great impact on combat effectiveness.

He is confident that he should wake up a weak martial art.

However, Jiang Bai has some concerns, and he is worried about what to do if he has a slag.

It is necessary to know that the martial arts powers produced by each individual are different. In addition to the magical powers that belong to their own methods, there will be some other martial arts magical powers.

These are all have a chance.

Jiang Bai, who has cultivated the "Dragon Dragon Prison", will have a great chance to produce one of the 18 kinds of martial arts magical powers that fit in with the Dragon Dragon Prison.

It is not absolute!

There is also a small chance to produce something else, which may be a very weak martial art, or it may be an extremely powerful martial art. These are not necessarily true.

Because these are randomly generated, depending on the person's mindset, body, character, exercises, and luck.

If it is the 18 kinds of martial arts magical powers of the Demon Dragons, these 18 kinds are extremely powerful martial arts magical powers. Although they are also highly divided, they are extremely powerful in general. With these, Jiang Bai is not afraid.

But... what if it is some slag?

Later became a master of heaven, there is a **** to the extreme martial arts magic, was abused into a dog?

Think of Jiang Bai for a bit of aversion.

Just because I thought about it, I felt that my heart was not right. Jiang Bai quickly said: "System, you come out, what kind of price, you tell me!"

Jiang Bai’s price tag is naturally the price of his own martial arts magic.

This system does not need to be reminded, naturally knows, when the next second laughter came, Jiang Bai’s face, a light curtain has appeared, just like the virtual electronic display, appearing in front of Jiang Bai out of thin air .

There are two meters above and below, and all the charges on the top are introduced.

Jiang Bai is very speechless, and this system is the most efficient when it comes to this kind of thing.

Fortunately, there are no people in this room. If there are others, suddenly there is such a thing that does not scare people away?

In my heart complained about this sentence, Jiang Bai began to aim at the screen in front of him.

A general introduction, Jiang Bai did not see, I saw some price lists.

The front can be completely ignored. It is the price code that reduces the amount of garbage martial arts. The price is constantly changing in percentage, which is roughly between 10,000 and 50,000.

Jiang Bai feels that since he has to spend money, he has to use the money on the blade. These can be ignored.

He directly aimed at the goal of completely eliminating the garbage martial arts, and was able to completely let Jiang Bai have a 20% chance to comprehend one of the 18 kinds of martial arts magical powers belonging to the magic dragon prisoner at the end of the day.

The price tag is not expensive, 80,000 prestige points, just made a small fortune Jiang Bai, I think this is not a big deal.

Only, is this 20% low?

40% need 120,000, 60% need 200,000, 80% need 300,000...

He took a general look and then aimed at one hundred percent of the one-hundred-day martial arts magical ones belonging to the "Dragon Dragon Prison" and had a chance to gain a stronger power.

The price is 500,000 yuan, which just takes the reward that Jiang Bai has just received.

But this is the most insurance and the best one.

It’s not that there is no better, but this choice is the best for Jiang Bai. There are countless consumer projects behind it. It’s better than this. There are even some martial arts masters that are directly named.

However, the price code is also quite objective.

Jiang Bai believes that there are not so many prestige points, although some of them make people look at the real eye.

For example, one of the great days of the world's supernatural powers, once comprehend the ability to display martial arts magical powers, please come out of the big day to come to the world, it is called destruction.

There is also a large void handprint that can tear the void, smash time, and endless power.

There is also a kind of yin and yang Dafa that can communicate with yin and yang, and run and die. These Jiang Bai are in their eyes, and their eyes are incredible.

But unfortunately, the price is too expensive, Jiang Bai really does not have so many prestige points, can only succumb.

"This is good." Refers to his choice, Jiang Bai said.

The system chuckled and finally satisfied the wish of Jiang Bai.

Jiang Bai feels that there is something more suddenly in his mind. In the midst of it, his air movement seems to have increased a lot. In a flash, he began to enlighten his own martial arts magical power.

The energy of the body is concentrated in the eyebrows and begins to impact certain obstacles. Under the natural circulation, Jiang Bai feels a pain in his eyebrows. It seems to have opened some treasures, and the whole person’s brain has a loud bang. The new power appears out of thin air.

Jiang Bai knows that he has finally realized his own martial arts power, because at this moment, the martial arts magic that belongs to him was born, as if it was natural, and it seems to appear out of thin air, so that Jiang Bai’s trend is like an arm.

At the same time, there is also a voice that makes Jiang Bai understand the origin of his martial arts.

"The claws of the gods!"

The strongest supernatural power of "Dragon Dragon Prison" should be a kind of school called the claw of the dragon.

According to rumors, there is a **** in a certain dimension in the depths of the universe. The community in the **** is fluttering, and there is a Hell Demon dragon born in the Taikoo to suppress the demons, and the "Dragon Dragon Prison" is a powerful way to observe the hell. Created by the dragon.

Eighteen kinds of martial arts magical powers, nature is also born from this observation, basically speaking, is the eighteen powerful means of **** dragon.

The claw of the dragon is undoubtedly the strongest one. It is said that the **** of the demon dragon is unparalleled, and one claw can smash the void and destroy countless demons.

These are all rumors, Jiang Bai feels that most of them are fake, and he does not believe it.

But... this claw of the dragon is extremely powerful.

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