Metropolitan System

Chapter 894: Xiao Sun, you are here.

Eighty-ninth chapter, Xiao Sun, you are here.

But at this time, a voice suddenly sounded interrupting the two people's continued conversation, a slightly hesitant and screaming voice: "Mr. Vincent?"

This made Wensen stunned, and then he subconsciously turned back and saw a Chinese standing by his side. In addition, there was an A countryman beside him. At this time, he was also a glimpse. He smiled at Vincent. Say hello: "Hey, Vincent, I didn't expect you to be here too, what's wrong, interested in eating here?"

After saying this, I saw two women with different expressions sitting around Vinson, and suddenly smiled: "Is the two Missy Shirley and Elizabeth?"

After Vincent and Elizabeth saw the two men in front of them, they stood up.

The Chinese don't know, but the mad man who is fifty years old is not stranger. He is from one of the six giants in Hollywood, Mr. Lorenz.

A man of the city of Los Angeles, the hustle and bustle of Hollywood.

Vinson in front of him is like a baby who just learned to walk. There is no comparability between the two.

As for the Asian face next to them, they didn’t know each other, but they wanted to be able to stand with Lorenz and greet Vinson.

Then, just after Vincent’s words, there was already some tearing of the face, which made the two people resentful, but at this time no one was too much in this matter.

They are the best actors. They are good at hiding their own minds. At this time, they showed their professionalism. They stood up and smiled at the two people.

Regardless of the contradiction between them and Vincent, no matter how shameless they are, let's talk about it later, it is the key to cope with the two.

Nature that has the same ideas as them also includes Vincent.

"Mr. Lorenz, is this?" Elizabeth smiled and asked Lorenz, who was next to him.

It is not because of her intention to climb anything, it is because her position is not enough to let the other party take the initiative to introduce their friends.

They are just superficial scenery, and there is really not much tabletop in the back. Some of these big eyes are not worth mentioning. If she does not speak, the other party will not introduce anything.

After listening to this, Laurentz first glanced at the two women in front of him and said, "Look at me, I forgot the matter. This is the owner of Xiangjiang Hongying Film Industry, Mr. Sun Zhixiang!"

"Xiangjiang Hongying Film Industry is an established company there. We also have cooperation with us. Mr. Sun is also a good friend of mine. His name is very loud in the East Asian film and television circle. Of course, you may be strange, but his father's name. You will not be strangers."

"Our world ship, Mr. Sun!"

To be honest, Mr. Sun’s name in Los Angeles is not so loud. Although he has lived in the rich list for a long time, he is not the top one in the world. Hung Hom’s film industry is also a giant in Hong Kong, but it is not allowed to let them Concerned here.

But that was before, since the six major companies have been on the verge of bankruptcy, Mr. Wang Wang became the boss there after he invested in the shares, that is, the owner of the company where Lorenz is located, his name is loud in Los Angeles.

At first, some people wanted to make waves and watched the other side come from Asia. Several big forces wanted to squeeze away each other. Unfortunately, the final defeat was a lesson, and Mr. Sun’s name resounded to country A.

To be honest, it is a real big man, especially in the recent period of world shipping business soaring, Mr. Sun has become one of the world's top ten rich, although only temporary.

It is enough to let these people look up.

Elizabeth was a sociable person. After listening to this, she immediately smiled and said a few words of compliment. Instead, she was dull, but she also talked with the other party so that the scene would not be too embarrassing.

After saying this, the other party's main goal is concentrated on Vincent. The Sun Zhixiang said with a smile: "Mr. Vinson, I have talked with some of your company's major shareholders about what we want to buy your company. The difference is not big, it should be a small problem. After the establishment of the new company, you are still a major shareholder, and we have to become partners. At that time, we must cooperate with each other."

"That is of course, Mr. Sun rest assured, I failed to invest before, if you are not willing to help me, now I am bankrupt, you kindly helped me, helped me with the loan, and bought my company at a high price, so that I can I continue to mix in Los Angeles. I am a person who knows how to be grateful and will definitely help Mr. Sun."

Mr. Sun seems to be very satisfied with this. He laughed and talked with Vinson a few words, and he was ready to leave. They naturally wanted to give a congratulation, but they just turned around. Mr. Sun saw Jiang Bai, who was not there to eat.

I suddenly stayed in my body, my face changed a little, and I couldn’t help but hold my breath. After taking a deep breath, I asked with a trembling voice: "Mr. Jiang, Jiang?"

He only saw the people in front of him, and some of them were not confirmed, but the people in front of him were too big to make him remember.

Although he did not recognize it for the first time, when the other person raised his head, he still reacted before leaving.

"Little Sun, you are here, how come you are familiar with this Vincent?" Jiang Bai smiled and put down the knife and fork, and licked his mouth with a napkin, saying no.

The conversations of several people just listened to him in his ear. He also knew the identity of this person in front of him. He did meet him, although only once, but he had seen it.

After all, Jiang Bai has seen him several times with his son.

After the end of Yin Tianqiu's affairs, the old boy who had close ties with Yin Tianqi also went to Tiandu to visit himself, and he called his brother and brother, and let his eldest son call himself an uncle, so count Sun Zhixiang, the second child, is naturally his own big sister.

However, what is called a big scorpion is somewhat weird. Jiang Bai is not willing to call himself old for no reason, so when he thinks about it, he called such a small grandson.

Xiao Sun?

In a word, it is strange to be in the face of the people. Everyone is an elite. I know a little about the everyday language of some countries, especially after Sun Zhixiang’s two-person company.

Vinson and Lorenz studied the Mandarin and understood what the name represented. The expression was full of weirdness.

"Uncle Jiang, Uncle, what's the matter with you? I got it, I didn't see you just now. I am really sorry. I pleaded, punished, and there is something wrong with it. I apologize to you, please show it to you. On the face of my father, don't take care of us as juniors."

Sun Zhixiang’s expression was so wonderful, and he said inexplicably, he wanted to call Mr. Jiang. The words immediately changed, and he called his uncle, and he was pleased.

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