Metropolitan System

Chapter 935: Qinhuangbao Fort

The ninth and thirty-fifth chapter of the Qinhuangtun Fort

"How do you say this, why do we say that we can liberate so many masters here? This is a long story."

“It’s a myth of this thing to trace back to the source.”

"You know, to talk about these hidden forces in various countries, especially when the East has seen the real world masters go, this is to talk about the composition of the world."

Having said that, Andre deliberately paused, which made Jiang Bai frowned and somewhat unhappy.

Andre did not dare to continue to support the big, and quickly said: "This world is not as simple as we have seen on the surface."

"The earth is very big, not only as simple as the earth's surface. We humans live on the top of the earth's surface and are the outermost periphery of the planet. But the intelligent creatures produced on this planet are not the only ones."

"In fact, you can see from the ancient legend that there is always a legend that the world exists in hell. There are such rumors in the East and the West, and it has become a myth and legend."

"But this is not the case. In fact, the underground world is real."

“Real existence?” Jiang Bai stunned a bit, which may have broken his world view!

But think about it too, what demon and ghosts should not see him now, all of them have seen it all over, and the ability to withstand the heart is far beyond what can be compared, but it may not be able to accept a new underground world.

But what exactly is this thing?

"Yes, real existence, they live in the core of the earth at our feet, where there is a vast underground world."

"Even the world, according to our understanding, may be broader than the external world we live in. In the West, the **** has nine floors, while the East says there are eighteen layers. How many layers, no one knows, because no one has ever been there. That kind of place, but everyone in the past is dead."

"But in general there should be many layers, which also caused that it is a vast world, and there are many creatures living and living. Besides the existence of what we call the demon, there are many Living on the surface, but we are gradually driven into the underground race, a large number, all are human enemies."

"In our West, these are the devils!"

"The channels through which these underground demons communicate with our world are mainly the bottomless caves. These caves are basically formed naturally and are the bridge between our two worlds."

"There has always been enough hostility to our human beings, so the strong people in the human world, no matter which camp they belong to, whether they are fighting evil or evil, are not allowed to destroy our world."

"They used to have almost invaded the surface, but they were beaten back by our ancestors, and then various seals were set up to close the passage, and sent a special guard."

"The reason why the experts you mentioned don't show up, they don't play outside, they don't want to, but they can't."

"Why can you?" Jiang Bai asked this question again, which is the root of his incomprehension.

Everyone lives in a world, and the strength of the East is more powerful. But why, now it can only be huddled up, and the masters can make a lot of adjustments, but the West can be free.

This is unreasonable.

" have to talk about the seal. In the old days, we got the help of the gods... Well, let’s say it’s the gods. I know that you are an atheist, you can treat them as It is a strong practitioner, or an alien, but we feel that it is a god."

"Of course, the greatest is still God."

In this regard, Jiang Baibai took a look at the other side, this cargo has been to this time to install what **** stick?

The heart disdain flashed, but Jiang Bai did not pay attention to him, but continued to listen to him.

Seeing Jiang Baibai's own glance, Andrei's heart suddenly broke out and did not dare to talk nonsense. He said directly: "In a certain long time, human beings are one. We have worked together to suppress these underground demons and sealed them."

"However, with the loss of time, the seal is gradually loosening. Because there is no major damage on the west side, it is relatively stable. Although we have masters who are suppressing and guarding against demons, it is much easier than the East."

"In fact, your seal has been stronger, just..."

Speaking of here, I stopped again, and Jiang Bai’s head was a kick, and he squatted on Andre’s body: “Don’t let him sell off!”

"Just, you had a great emperor at the time, um, it seems to be called, I forgot, anyway, you are called his ancestor emperor, the great majesty conquered the world, with his powerful strength and unparalleled power. Conquered the world, he also tried to conquer the whole hell, so he opened the seal with a strong!"

"You mean... the emperor opened the underground seal?" Jiang Bai's face changed. He really didn't know about this thing. He didn't consciously think of the emperor who was the only one in heaven and earth.

Conquered the world is still not satisfied, even the **** abyss also want to conquer?

When it is really to be the king of the earth, is it the king of the land?

It seems that now, this should not be successful at the time.

“The result, without success, has caused us to have to work hard to suppress it now?”

Jiang Bai smiled bitterly, and this first emperor was really a bit guilty.

What people didn't think was that Andrei shook his head. He said solemnly: "No, he succeeded. He really broke the entire abyss of hell. In fact, according to the secrets of the Holy See, the emperor kneels at that. The Holy See has not been established for a long time, almost conquering the entire underground world."

"If it is not for some reason that he suddenly violently dies, I am afraid that we humans will no longer need to be scrupulous."

This made Jiang Bai open his mouth and was shocked. He did not know how to describe the emperor. Apart from a slogan, Jiang Bai could not describe this person in words.

This is your mother is not playing the rhythm of the invincible hands in the world, this is to fight all over the sky.

Fortunately, technology was underdeveloped in that era, otherwise he still wants to conquer the universe?

Say something: "My goal is the stars and the sea?"

Andre seemed to be very satisfied with Jiang Bai’s surprised look. He sorted out his clothes and continued: “It’s because the emperor’s majesty destroyed the ancient seal, and you exposed the weakness.”

"Although the posterity reinforces the seal there, it is far worse than the previous seal. There are Qinhuang Wuwu who let the masters die. Therefore, since the beginning of that era, Huaxia has to consume a lot of manpower and resources to protect the seal. ""

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