Metropolitan System

Chapter 993: Too one door

The ninth ninety-three chapter too one door

After thinking about it, Jiang Bai did not really give 20,000 yuan, and then released the two old men, let them drift freely in the sky before they raised their injuries.

This place in Tiandu, 20,000 yuan, is really not enough.

So I brought the two old men back to the hotel to settle down.

His home is extremely luxurious, but Jiang Bai has caused a lot of troubles. Now he has developed a habit. In order to avoid the **** of people in his family for three days, Jiang Bai will not return easily unless he determines that the days are stable. In my own home.

It’s usually a long-term hotel with a presidential suite. Although the price is a bit expensive, it’s cheaper and cheaper than the one that has been destroyed by hundreds of millions of homes.

As for whether the hotel will cause people to attack, it is never within the scope of Jiang Bai’s consideration.

Just kidding, I want to know what to do, anyway, it is not Jiang Bai’s own industry.

He now lives in someone else's hotel.

It’s better to beat it, and the Imperial Hotel immediately has one less competitor.

How do you think how cost-effective, even his residence, there is no meaning hidden by outsiders, just tell everyone with great fanfare, Laozi is now living in the hotel, you have to find trouble, come directly.

I thought that I would return to the hotel with these two old guys, and then let them get out of the way, let them get out of the way, and they can safely wait here to open the mountain and enter it.

Jiang Bai Xiao looked at the importance of this mountain, and looked down on the importance of this quota.

It didn't take long for the front leaves to go to the country, and solved these two troubles. Jiang Bai’s peaceful days have not passed.

Just returned to the hotel, the young and beautiful lobby manager at the entrance of the hotel came over, twisted his waist and walked to Jiang Bai’s side. He whispered to Jiang Bai with a greasy voice: “Mr. Jiang, today you just Go, there are guests coming to you, it looks strange, and the attitude is very arrogant."

"Say to find you, you have to wait in your room, let me find a reason to block back, and now I am still sitting in the hotel's conference room, do you want me to help you drive people away?"

For the young and old, who looks like a young man, a young and beautiful manager, it’s been admired for a long time. From time to time, he will deliberately show his charm in front of the other side. This time is no exception.

"Oh? It's interesting. You don't have to go home, so people are coming from a thousand miles. So, you tell them, I am waiting for them in the room, let them come up, but don't worry, dry them for a while, half I will tell them after hours."

Hehe smiled, took out a few red heads placed on the other hand's palm, crossed the other's cold skin, causing the other party to throw their eyebrows frequently, Jiang Bai smiled and left.

Although he knows that as long as he reveals his thoughts, this young and beautiful tonight, I heard that the beautiful manager who has married is lying on his bed, but Jiang Bai can't do anything like this.

Half an hour later, a few young people walked into the room of Jiang Bai, and they were dressed up in a fair manner. They were not too arrogant, not too subtle, but the expression was a little proud.

As soon as he entered the door, one of them said with a very arrogant attitude: "You are Jiang Bai? Is it courageous to dare to let us wait so long?"

"Brush", a few people standing next to Jiang Bai pulled the gun.

There are some people around Jiang Bai, who have long been guarding Jiang Bai. Of course, the strength of these people is generally the most common. It is not enough to deal with ordinary people and deal with real masters.

Jiang Bai is not without a master, but now the real master is useful, it seems that Akara, who has made good friends with Yao, has been in Nice Watertown.

The ninjas given by Jiahe and the masters of the Daxueshan Lingbi Palace were thrown to Jianghe by Jiang Bai, where they suppressed the Qiankun, because the situation there was unstable, and the new places always had some masters. The suppression is considered to be stable.

However, although these people are not powerful, they can be loyal. When someone sees Jiang Bai’s words, they will not be embarrassed on the spot.

If it is not Jiang Bai has not ordered, it is estimated that it has already rushed up!

"Hey! I heard that you are doing a good job in the heavens. I didn't expect it to be true. The people you are afraid of are not small, dare to shoot us. Do you know who we are?"

One of the young people said to Jiang Bai’s evil.

They have a total of four or five people, but they are headed by a thin, tall young man in the center. The young man has never spoken, but he has not stopped his peers. It seems that these people’s words should be what he thinks, just self-sustaining. There is no opening in identity.

"I don't know." Jiang Baihe smiled and said no.

Putting a wave of hands and letting the people under the hand take the guy out and go out alone, holding the glass of wine himself, but he didn't want to get up.

"We are a person who is too one!" One of the young people saw the appearance of Jiang Bai, and he said something awkwardly on the spot.

When I said this, my head rose slightly. I can see that it seems to be from this place, which makes him feel very proud.

Too one door?

He did not know the name. Naturally, there was not much reaction. For these monks in the practice circle, Jiang Bai was extremely strange and had no understanding.

The only thing I know is the sect of the previous four who installed B in front of them and the result of being killed. As for what is too much, I don’t know it at all, but look at this arrogant look. It is not a small sect.

Otherwise, this cargo will not be the same as Niu Cheng.

"I don't know." Jiang Baihe smiled and said the truth, he really didn't know.

It’s just that the words are spoken, so that the face of the person who just spoke suddenly swelled red, and his face was angry and sullen, and the look of anger seemed to be quite awkward.

"Oh, ignorant!" In the end, the other party gave Jiang Bai such an evaluation, as if he didn't know too much, it was Jiang Bai's ignorance.

It can only be like this. Otherwise, what else can you say?

If he didn't pay attention to him, Jiang Bai blinked and looked at the young people in front of him. He thought about it and said, "Too one is something, I don't know, I don't want to know, everyone...What are you looking for? ?"

"The nonsense does not tell you. I heard that you have a place to go to the mountain tomb. It is not that you are qualified to go. You are quick to give up this quota to our masters. In the future, our masters will take care of you." Otherwise, hey!"

Otherwise, he did not say, but the meaning is already very obvious. If Jiang Bai does not agree, they will probably do something that Jiang Bai can't bear.

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