Chapter 1557 - 75: Come Here

Crystal shuddered as a wave of pleasure passed over her body. As soon as it passed, though, her senses returned to her, and the reality of her situation numbed her. She had given Nathan a month to prove that he was worthy of being her husband, but almost immediately after he agreed to her terms, she had allowed him to seduce her.

Crystal was disappointed by her lack of self-control, and she knew that she needed to get a handle on the situation before it passed the point of no return. After all, it was possible to get pregnant after having sex only once, and the last thing she wanted in her life right now was a screaming baby. And she especially did not want to have Nathan's screaming baby. 

When Nathan put the moves on Crystal, he got her juices flowing, but she wanted more than sexual passion and pleasure from a marriage. She wanted love.

Just as Crystal was beginning to try to push Nathan off her, she looked up and saw that Serenity was standing in the doorway with an empty glass in her hand. From the look on her face, Crystal guessed that she had been standing there for at least a few minutes.

Serenity's eyes met Crystal's, and then they fell to the floor in embarrassment.. "I j-just w-wanted more w-water," Serenity stammered. "I'll g-get it f-from the b-bathroom. I'm so-sorry to have b-bothered you." Serenity turned around, but Crystal stopped her before she could leave.

She pushed Nathan away and said, "Come on you Juice Head. I'll get you some water, and you should eat something too. Then you won't have a hangover."

Nathan scowled at Serenity as he lost his hold on Crystal's breasts, but he didn't say anything.

Crystal made Serenity a ham and cheese sandwich to go with the second glass of water, and by the time she'd finished eating, she seemed at least half-sober. She thanked Crystal, and Crystal said, "It's no problem. That's what friends are. Now, why don't you go back to sleep? You still look pretty rough."

Serenity nodded and allowed Crystal to lead her back to the living room, but Serenity turned back and looked at Nathan before they'd left the kitchen. "Don't worry," she said, and she winked. "I'll have her back in your arms in no time!"

Crystal immediately covered Serenity's mouth with her hand and pulled her into the living room. Once they were alone, she scowled and said, "Serenity, sometimes you are so annoying!" 

Serenity smiled sheepishly and said, "I'm sorry, Crystal. I didn't mean to ruin your night. I should have walked away when I saw what you and Nathan were up to, but it was just so hot, and it made me horny." Serenity had a big mouth when she was drunk.

"Shut up, will you?" Crystal raised her hand, made a fist, and pretended to hit her friend's shoulder. "What woke you up anyway?"

"I kept getting text messages from a strange number," Serenity replied. "My phone was like, beep beep beep beep beep. It was driving me crazy!"

"Why didn't you turn your cell phone?" Crystal asked.

"I did," Serenity replied. "Eventually. But by then, I was fully awake, and I had to race like a piss horse." She laughed at her intentionally mixed-up words and continued: "Anyway, I'm not tired anymore. Why don't we hang out a bit before you go back to your studly man?"

Crystal sighed and said, "Fine." She wasn't in any race to get back to her' studly man. She picked up Serenity's phone and scrolled through the messages. "They're from Eric Bush," she explained. "He thinks he is texting me. I'll block his number. He and his friends didn't hurt you, did they?"

"I'll live," Serenity replied. "Honestly, I barely remember what happened."

Maybe that's for the best-Crystal thought. After a moment, she said, "On second thought, I think I want to go to bed. I'm pretty tired. And you're still drunk. If you lay down, I'm sure you'll fall asleep right away."

Serenity's smile turned to a Cheshire's grin as she put an arm around her friend's shoulder and said, "I'll escort you back." Then, she stood up, ran across the living room, up the stairs, down the hallway, and straight to Nathan's room without waiting for a reply. Crystal chased after her, only to find her friend lying in her husband's bed.

Crystal approached the bed and asked, "What do you want?"

Serenity began to laugh. Then she grabbed Crystal and pulled her onto the bed. "I promised Professor Davis that I would have you back in his arms in no time," she said. Then she shouted down the hallway: "Hey, Professor Davis! She's ready for you!"

It seemed that Nathan had been waiting just around the corner because he immediately appeared in the doorway. And he had what appeared to be a stick in his hand. He nodded to Serenity, and she got up and left the room. Crystal wanted to follow her friend, but she knew that Nathan would block her way.

Nathan gave Crystal a stern look and said, "Come here."

"W-What d-do you w-want?" Crystal stammered. She looked nervously at the stick in his hands.

Nathan smirked. "What do you think I should do?" he replied, answering a question with a question. He lifted the stick in the air, and Crystal realized that it wasn't a stick but a bundle of plastic wrap. Crystal was so embarrassed.

"Give me your hand." Nathan reached out and took Crystal's injured hand. Then he pulled off a strip of plastic, wrapped her injury, and said, "If you can help it, don't get it wet."

Crystal nodded sheepishly and said, "Thank you. Now that I have this, I can go back to my room and have a bath." Nathan nodded, and Crystal rushed back to her room.


Eric set his alarm clock to wake him up every five minutes so that he could check his phone to see if Crystal had returned any of his messages, and each time he checked, he was more disappointed than the previous time. And eventually, it became impossible to fall back asleep.

Eric replayed the events of the night in his mind, and the more he thought about Crystal, the higher his opinion of her became. She was bright and smart, and when she danced, she was neither humble nor pushy. Not only that, but she had risked her life to save her friend. 

From just thinking about Crystal, Eric's manhood became hard, and he touched it in disgust. What a traitorous beast!- thought he. This was the first time in his life that he'd ever considered masturbating, and the urge was strong. I have only two choices - he realized - I can cut off my manhood or find a way to get the woman to go down on me.

Unfortunately, the thought of receiving oral sex from Crystal made him harder than ever. He applied pressure to his swollen member, but nothing seemed to help. 

"Damn it!" he cried as he slipped his right hand under the elastic of his underpants. He gripped the snake and began to stroke it. He did that a few times, groaning and moaning as it twitched under his ministrations, and then he forced himself to stop.

Eric grabbed his phone, dialed a number from memory, and when the girl on the other end picked up, he said, "Lyla, come here, now! And be naked when you arrive."

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