Chapter 1656 - 174: Severe Punishment

Nathan released his hold on Crystal's wet core and took a half-step away from her. She was right. He was afraid - afraid that when Helen's baby came, external forces would push him and Crystal apart.

Crystal blinked in surprise and said, "I like your strong, powerful side."

Nathan grinned, and then he thrust his hips towards her. "Is it this strong, powerful side that you're talking about?" he asked playfully.

Crystal sighed and said, "Let's be serious for a minute, okay. You don't need to be afraid, and it's not that I don't want to have your baby; it's just that I don't want to have a baby now. I don't want to make our relationship too confusing. And I'm still very young!"

"You have no right to an opinion of your own," Nathan argued. "You are my wife, and you are of breeding age, so I don't even know why we're having this conversation..."

Crystal shook her head in dismay. She hadn't expected him to say that, and now she felt betrayed. "Does Elma really need to kneel all day and night?" she asked, letting the previous topic go.

Nathan: "Did it look like I was joking?"

"I want to intercede on her behalf," Crystal said.

Nathan: "In what way?"

"Let me see what I can do." Crystal quickly undid his belt and the buckle of his jeans. Then she slid her hand beneath his underwear and brought his General to attention. "I can be awfully convincing," she purred.

Nathan gasped and threw her onto the bed.


Downstairs, Elma knelt in front of the house, near the door. The sun that shone through the window was so hot that she was beginning to feel nauseous, and sweat dripped from her forehead. Helen stood nearby, and she felt terrible about what her nanny was going through.

Helen had told Elma to refuse the punishment, but her nanny had refused. "I can't get fired," she'd said. "If I do, then who will look out for you?!?!"

Helen knew she was right, so she'd decided to sit with her.

Elma was not happy about this arrangement, though. "Miss," she said. "Get in the house. You're pregnant. You can't stay outside for such a long time, especially not in the sun. For the sake of the baby, I beg you. Please get inside..." Elma did her best to convince Helen, but she didn't listen.

Helen: "I won't leave you here. I know what to do, though. I will call Grandpa. He'll save you."

"No!" Elma cried. "If the young master knows that you called the old Davis to tattle on him or Crystal, he will blame you for any of the consequences! Men hate snitches, rats, and moles. Don't you know that?"

Her anxiety went through the roof when Helen heard that, and her eyes welled up with tears.

Elma: "Miss, I'm fine. You'd better go into the house... please... for the sake of the baby."

Helen opened her mouth, but before she could say anything, she began to feel dizzy, and she fainted. Several servants rushed outside. They quickly carried her into the house, and then they called the doctor.


Nathan and Crystal froze when someone began knocking on the door. "What is it?" he roared.

Helen fainted," one of the servants replied.

"The doctor is on his way, but you'd better come down quickly!"

Nathan groaned as he pulled his prick out of Crystal's wet core. He rolled over, sat up, and grabbed a tube sock off the floor to clean himself off. "I'll be right out," he called back after passing the sock to Crystal so that she could wipe between her legs.

Crystal was furious. She thought - That girl, Helen, is such an attention whore! And she hated the lack of respect she was getting from Nathan.

By the time Nathan got downstairs, the doctor had arrived. Helen was conscious, but she was delirious.

When the doctor saw Nathan, he stood up and said, "Mr. Davis, I am sure that you are anxious to know how the patient is doing, and I am happy to tell you that she will be fine. She had a little too much sun. That's all. Luckily, the fetus is well developed, and it was never in any real danger."

When Nathan heard that, he glared at Elma and said, "You need to be taking better care of her!"

Does that mean that I don't have to kneel anymore? - Elma wondered. Assuming it did, she nearly wept tears of joy.

The doctor prescribed some anti-miscarriage medicine for Helen. Then he told Elma to keep Helen's mood stable and play music for the fetus. Lastly - at Vic's request - he examined. Nathan, who had been suffering from headaches recently.

They went into the study, and the doctor measured Nathan's blood pressure. He found no abnormality, though, so he prescribed some painkillers and drew some blood. Then, as he packed up his bag, he smiled and said, "Master Davis, you are under a great deal of pressure. You need to get more rest."

Nathan rolled his eyes. The doctor's diagnosis was routine, and Nathan didn't want to hear any more. "Are we done yet?" he asked.

Before the doctor could answer, one of the servants ran into the office. She looked distraught, and Nathan could tell that something was wrong immediately. "What is it?" he asked.

"The old Mr. Davis is in the living room!" the servant exclaimed. "Are you coming?" 

"I'll be right there," Nathan replied. 

The old Davis had situated himself in a place of power between the two couches, and he was standing akimbo. He'd brought with him more than a dozen outstanding special forces. They were all carrying big guns, and they were invading the villa.

The old Davis was wearing a plain navy blue suit, and he had a leash in one hand. At the end of the leash, there was a wolfhound. Its tongue was hanging out, and it was drooling. The image of the two of them together was daunting.

The old Davis handed the leash to a subordinate and ordered him to tie the beast up outside. Crystal was closest to him, and he could feel her curious eyes on him, but he was more concerned with Helen's condition than he was with anything else.. He gave Crystal a brief glance as if to let her know that she was worthless in his eyes, and then he approached the couch where Helen was resting.

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