Chapter 1663 - 181: Why Should I Show It To You?

In the dining room - While Crystal ate her breakfast, she watched the servants in the kitchen. They were gossiping about her, and they didn't even have enough track to keep their voices down. They thought that she'd tried to kill Helen's baby. Thus, in their eyes, she was a very wicked woman. She tried not to listen to them, but it was impossible to shut out their hateful words.

After eating, she went back into the living room to tell Nathan that she wanted to visit her father in the hospital. He had just gotten off the phone, and he was leaning back on the couch.

His eyes were closed, and he looked tired. She went over, sat beside him, and gently massaged his temples.

Her gentle movement softened Nathan's heart. He pulled her hands down and asked, "are you acting so nice today?"

"I want to see my father in the hospital," she replied. "It's no act, though…."

Nathan nodded and said, "Sure. Of course, it's not. Anyway, I see no reason why you shouldn't visit your father. Would you like me to accompany you?"

"I'll be fine," Crystal replied. "You stay here and take care of that headache; maybe have a bath with some of the essential oils in the cabinet?"

Nathan: "That sounds like a good idea. Thank you. I'll still send two of my bodyguards with you, though-just to be safe. You never know who might show up and start causing trouble..."


At the hospital, in the crowded elevator - Crystal quietly watched the television monitor that had been installed above the doors. It had been set to an entertainment news station, and the famous star, Elena Laurent, was being interviewed. Standing next to her was her daughter, Christine Laurent.

The girl had an oval face, and her features were sweet. Although she was not an entertainment personality, she looked prettier than many popular actresses and models.

A dozen reporters were scrambling to get their microphones as close to Elena's face as possible. She had just won a Grand Slam, so, for the moment, she was the belle of the ball.

"Miss Elena Laurent, how do you feel about being nominated for 13 awards?" asked one reporter.

"I'm very excited," Elena replied. "And I'm grateful to have so many fans supporting me." 

"Are you going to help your daughter get into the entertainment industry?" Another reporter asked.

Elena: "My daughter is very talented. If she decides that she wants to follow in my footsteps, she won't need any help from me!"

Beside her, Christine's cheeks turned pink. She was obviously uncomfortable with being the center of attention.

Crystal stared at the screen. She thought that Elena looked familiar. It seemed to her that she had seen the star somewhere before. She thought about it for a moment, and then it came to her. She had run into the woman once while shopping for clothes. At the time, she had mistakenly thought that she was Nathan's mistress.

Elena wore exquisite makeup. Thus, people could hardly tell her real age. She was in her forties, but she was still charming, and she looked to be in her early thirties.

As soon as the elevator arrived, Crystal withdrew her eyes from the TV and stepped into her father's ward. The two bodyguards followed her with their robot-like expressionless faces.

She made her way to the room, and when she opened the door, Todd seemed surprised to see her, and she had a hard time reading his eyes. On the one hand, she saw malice in them. On the other hand, though, it looked like he was about to cry - and she had to remind herself that he'd always been a complex man. "Crystal," he said weakly. "There you are..."

Crystal nodded. "Are you feeling better?" she wondered. "You look well."

Todd: "Much better. Thank you for coming to see me."

Crystal smiled. He wasn't her real father, and they'd never been close. Suddenly, though, that all seemed like water under the bridge. They talked for a while, and she didn't start getting ready to leave until Joyce arrived. She didn't want to spend a minute longer than she had to with her spiteful half-sister.

Crystal said goodbye to Todd, and as she was making her way towards the door, Joyce stopped her. "Crystal," she hissed. "Where did you hide, Carlos?"

Crystal was taken aback. "Hide?" she gasped. "Why would I hide him? What's worth hiding? Can I sell him or eat him? Besides, he's your boyfriend. He has nothing to do with me."

Venessa scowled and stretched out her hand. "Give me the phone," she demanded.

Crystal: "What phone?"

Joyce: "Your phone!"

Crystal: "My phone? Why should I? Did you fall and hit your head or something?"

Joyce: "Don't play dumb with me. I want to see if he called or texted you."

Crystal: "He didn't!"

Joyce: "I don't believe you! After all, he broke up with me because of you!"

Crystal: "I have nothing to do with your parting. So, please don't involve me in it." 

Joyce: "Even if it has nothing to do with you, you must still know where he is."

"I'm sorry, but I don't know where he is," Crystal replied firmly. "He and I aren't even friends!"

"Then why don't you show me your phone?" Joyce growled. She clenched her hands into fists, and the minute she stepped towards Crystal, the bodyguards grabbed her. 

Crystal sighed and said, "Just drop it, okay. I don't know where he is."

Joyce: "Then why are you afraid to show me your cell phone?"

"I'm not afraid," Crystal replied. "It's one of my personal belongings. Why should I show it to you?"

Joyce spat at the ground in front of Crystal and struggled like a crazy person, but she could not slip the bodyguards' grip. "You wait, Crystal!" she cried. "I'll get even with you one day."

Crystal shook her head. This argument is so stupid - she thought - I don't know where Carlos is, and if I did, I would have no reason to withhold the information from you. After all, I still remember how he disappeared from me three years ago...

When Carlos had first confessed his love for her, it had been at their school, under the cherry blossom tree. White cherry petals were dancing in the wind, and when he'd kissed her, she'd felt like a fairy-tale princess.

Crystal frowned when she thought about how quickly their young love had died.

He had arranged the meeting under the cherry tree by sending her an email. She still had the message. It was saved in a special folder, not because she still loved him, but because it reminded her of her youth.

One of the bodyguards cleared his throat, and Crystal was drawn out of her thoughts. "Shouldn't we get going," he asked.

"Indeed," she replied. "You guys can let Joyce go now. She'll be good." She took a step forward and "Boop's" Joyce on the nose.. Then she smiled, and in the tone of voice that an adult would use on a very small child or a pet dog, she said, "You, be a good girl, okay," and then she patted her on the head and left her father's room.

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