Chapter 1804 - 322: If Only I Could Hold On To This Moment

Not only did the book contain a sketch of Nathan, but it also contained some of Crystal's most intimate thoughts. If Nathan read them, there was no telling what he would do.

Crystal knew that it had been foolish to write all of her intimate thoughts down, but journaling had always helped her think. It had been a close call, though, and as much as she hated the thought of it, she knew that it would be best if she destroyed the book. She brought it outside and threw it in the fire pit. She stood over it for a long time, but she could not bear the thought of destroying it.

Finally, she took the book and a shovel out to the beach. She found the spot where Nathan had set up the heart-shaped candle display, and she looked around. Nearby, there was a beautiful lilac tree, and its rich scent drew her to it. This is the place - she thought.

The sand was so soft that the hole practically dug itself, and the book was safely underground in no time at all.

Crystal raised her head slightly and watched the tide come in. The sun reflected off the water, and she thought - If only I could hold on to this moment... If I could, I would never let it go.

She knew that she had to tell Nathan about Eric, but she was afraid of what he would do and what Eric would do if she didn't follow him. It was a lose-lose-lose situation, and her hands were tied.


When Crystal got back to the kitchen, she picked up her cell phone and called Eric. He was surprised to hear from her, and he was ecstatic. "Honey," he said. "It hasn't been three days yet. What? Did you miss me?" He sounded like he had just woken up.

Crystal asked, "Did I wake you up?"

"You did," Eric replied. "But I'm glad to have been woken up by you."

"Have you been drinking?"

"I had some drinks with my friends last night," Eric admitted. "But I'm not drunk. Don't worry me. I'm staying out of trouble."

"Are you clear-headed?" Crystal asked him.

"I'm quite sober."

"Good." Crystal cleared her throat and said, "Tomorrow afternoon at five o'clock, I will be at the mall. Send someone to pick me up."

"No problem." After a pause, Eric chuckled. "Why did you call me in advance? Is there something wrong?"

"I need your help," Crystal replied. "Is there any medicine that can make someone lose their short-term memory?"

"Hmmm... Amnesia..." Eric thought about it for a moment. "Is this for Nathan? Because, if it is, I will not provide it." He wanted Nathan to feel the same kind of pain that he had forced Crystal to endure. If Nathan lost his memory, all bets would be off.

"I think that it's for the best," Crystal argued. "If his memory is intact, he will never stop coming for me!"

"Just let him try!" Eric hissed. "I'll be here waiting for him!"

"Please, don't be like that," Crystal cried. "You said that if I promised to be your Baby Momma, that you would end your grudge with Nathan. I'm tired. I don't want to be sandwiched between the two of you anymore. What I want are a stable life and a warm home. I wish Nathan could forget everything. If that happened, then the three of us - you, me, and the baby - could start our new lives together. Isn't that what you want?"

"It is." Eric sighed and said, "But I really do not have such medicine. If I had it, I would be the first to take it." 

Crystal was shocked. "Why do you want to take it?"

"Do you think it feels good to hate someone? It doesn't! My heart aches! It is as if I am in a state of constant torment. If I could escape my past, I would! I will do it in a second!"

Crystal took a deep breath and said, "Well, just forget it." She understood the pain that he was suffering. "You need to let go of your past."

"Could you forget your past?" Eric asked. "If there were such a medicine, and Nathan were to take it, what about your feelings for him?"

"I wouldn't need the medicine," Crystal replied. "I would turn my feelings off."

The line went silent for a moment, and then Eric sighed. He said, "I did not realize that you were so cold-blooded."

"Whatever." Crystal shrugged. "I really must hang up. If I am on the phone for too long, Nathan will find out."

Eric giggled and said, "Give me a kiss before you go." 

"This is not a good time," Crystal hissed. "Now stop acting like such a child."

"But I ju-"

Crystal ended the call before Eric could finish his sentence. She did not need to hear what he was trying to say to know what he was getting at. She thought - All men are so predictable, but why do they have to be so damn needy...?

Suddenly, she felt a rash of gooseflesh all over her body. She was not typically the kind of person that liked to show affection. Over the last twenty-four hours, though, her heart had softened, and she looked forward to cozying up to Nathan. The thought of giving that up-of throwing him away - made her want to cry. She stared at the phone for a moment, and then she put it away and opened the fridge. She wanted to make some chicken noodle soup for Nathan.

When the soup was done, Crystal took a sip from the ladle. "It's quite good," she said. "Yummy, yummy." Her cooking was getting better, and she was proud of herself. She had been practicing for Nathan, and she hoped that he appreciated her effort.

Crystal smiled as she filled two bowls. She put them on a tray so that she could serve them to Nathan in person. She knew that chicken noodle soup was good for people with fevers, and she hoped that he was hungry.


Crystal had barely reached the first step when she heard a loud sound from Nathan's room. It sounded like something had hit the wall. There were two more crashes, and she took several hesitant steps forward.

What is Sam Hall going on? - she worried. Apart from her wanting to rush up the stairs, another part of her wanted to flee. That part of her was saying, "Whatever is going on up there; it is none of your business!" She had a bad feeling in her gut.

Crystal was about to turn around and go back downstairs when, suddenly, the bedroom door opened. A servant rushed out, and she almost hit Crystal on her way down the stairs.

"Hey!" Crystal exclaimed. "Watch where you're going!"

The servant stopped and turned around.

She had a terrified expression on her face. She said, "Miss Smith, Master Davis is out of his mind! I quit! I'm out of here!" Then she turned and ran in the direction of the servants' quarters.

Crystal looked up. Nathan's door was half-open, and the room was quiet. She wondered what could have gotten him so riled up. "Did he overhear your phone call?" a voice in her head wondered.

No.... - she thought That was impossible. Isn't it…?

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