213 Chapter 213: You’re Here

The middle-aged woman was dumbfounded. Wait, she heard those people call this handsome man -- Mr. Sterling?

Is this dignified and honorable man in front of her the young master from the Sterling family in LA?

By the way, that younger girl said she's Dylan Sterling's woman.

Now Dylan Sterling took people from LA to Mexico to search for someone in person...

Is that the girl the one they are looking for?

The middle-aged woman turned a little pale. But luckily, the two women were locked in separate containers in the remotest corner, and their mouths were gagged from crying out for help.

So, as long as those searchers didn't open and go through the containers one by one, everything would be fine.

Thinking of this, the middle-aged woman breathed a little sigh of relief.

In the container, Savannah wanted to scream, but her mouth was gagged. All she could do was try hard to raise her hands and feet to kick and beat the wall.

But her arms were tied, and her strength was limited. The wall of the container was thick, and she couldn't make any sound. It seemed that no one outside could hear.

She was so tired after beating and kicking for a while, and the oxygen existing in this enclosed place was running less. Her strength gradually faded away, leaving her groggy.

The searching in this cabin was finished soon.

"Mr. Sterling, nobody's been found. Let's go to the next room?" One bodyguard came over and reported.

No... Dylan... I'm here...

Savannah was afraid that he would really go away. She struggled hard to knock the container, but she found she couldn't even raise a single finger.

Oxygen in the container was almost used up. Savannah had never been so scared in her life.

She heard the sound of footsteps outside receding. The group of people seemed to be leaving for the next cabin.

The middle-aged woman smiled triumphantly.

Tears escaped from the corners of Savannah's eyes silently.

Dylan... Dylan!

She prayed and called out time and again, hoping in tears that he could hear her.

At the same time.

At the door, Dylan's step came to an abrupt halt, his boots making a crisp, cold sound on the ground!

"What's up, sir?" Garwood asked.

Somewhere on the ground, Dylan's stern gaze was fixed. He was first shocked, then angry, and at last pleasantly surprised.

On the floor were five letters carved by a stone:


He sharply turned around, and with a murderous glint in his eyes, he shouted out in a hoarse voice, "Search the containers!"

The middle-aged woman felt the sweat start forth upon her brow, a weakness coming to her body!

Dylan strode forward, picked up a steel knife from a bodyguard, and walked to a container!

"Let's make it for you, sir. Be careful, it might hurt you!" Garwood said quickly.

However, Dylan seemed to be unable to hear his dissuasion. He just stared at the containers in front of him and continued to pick another lock --

In the container --

With little oxygen, Savannah started to lose consciousness...

Maybe she couldn't wait for him to save her...

But it's nice to see him before she died...

A sweet but melancholy smile appeared on her lips. Suddenly everything went bright and fresh air coming in!

"Miss Schultz!" cried Garwood, surprised, and then a group of people rushed over!

She felt as if the earth had suddenly stopped, and time was frozen. The cloth was drawn from her mouth, and she was lifted carefully by a man and held by his powerful arms!

Dylan squeezed her to his chest and buried his head in her hair.

All her tension and fear disappeared, and her mind became peaceful and calm.

"My love…" Dylan's heart wrenched when he saw the little woman curled up in his arms weakly. He held her in a grip that he wanted to rub her into his veins.

Savannah tried to open her eyes. The handsome man, bearded and exhausted, hugged her so hard that it made her breathing difficult. Her dry lips moved and tried to give him a soft smile, but she had no strength.

"You're here…" she murmured.

The weak smile on her face made Dylan heartbroken. He pressed his cheek against her cold little face. "Don't be afraid. I'll take you home."

His words eased Savannah's mind, but she suddenly remembered something, "and Donna..." said Savannah anxiously before she fell into a coma.

Dylan's face was covered with dark clouds. He took off his wind coat, wrapped her tightly in it, lifted her to his arms, and strode out of the cabin.

Simultaneously, two bodyguards rescued Donna, who was half unconscious, from another container and carried her off the ship.

Garwood caught the two hatchet men and knew the whole thing from them. The middle-aged woman was a procuress from the red-light district of Mexico City. She used to go abroad to buy those abducted women and forced them to make money as hookers for her.

Garwood glared at the middle woman who had collapsed onto the ground, went to her, and picked her up. "How dare you buy Mr. Sterling's woman! How dare you! You're dead!"

"I don't know... I don't know she's Mr. Sterling's woman..." The middle-aged woman flopped down and begged for mercy.

She never thought that girl didn't tell a lie but really had a relationship with Dylan Sterling!

If she had known it, she wouldn't have bought this girl! She'd never dare!

Garwood grunted coldly. He asked one bodyguard to tie the woman up and followed Dylan out quickly.

Dylan, holding the little woman, went down from the gangplank. On the shore, the bodyguards and the police who came with them all made way for them.

Garwood stepped forward and pulled open the door of a car on the bank. "Sir, the hospital in Mexico is ready," he said.

Without a word, Dylan bent to put Savannah in, like treating the world's most precious treasure. Then he got in too.

The door slammed shut, and the car rolled on at full speed!

* * *

A city in the northwest of Mexico, a private hospital

It was a white and clean private room.

Savannah was lying on her sick-bed with a blanket over her, her eyes closed and her arms folded across her chest. His beautiful brown hair spilled over the white pillow.

After the storm, she was quiet and nice, like a sleeping beauty.

Beside the bed, Dylan was sitting on a leather sofa, legs crossed, quietly staring at the beautiful figure in the bed.

His eyes fixed on her all the time.

The doctor said she was fine. She fainted away due to Transient Hypoxia, and that she was terribly scared these days.

After being fed intravenously, she would wake up after a good rest.

It was just as well. Otherwise, he wasn't sure how he would punish everyone who had done her harm!

Dylan was interrupted from his thoughts by a gentle knock on the door.

Garwood leaned in, looking at Dylan, and seemed to have something to report.

Dylan raised his arms and went out in order not to wake up Savannah.

Closing the door, he did not leave but walked slowly to the window, still staring at the little woman in the room.

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