229 Chapter 229: Never Mind

This morning, after having breakfast with Savannah, old Sterling called the driver and asked Cooper to accompany him to Rosemount Villa to see Valerie.

To visit Valerie was, in fact, to visit the unborn baby in her.

Old Sterling attached great importance to his second great-grandson in Valerie this time. For fear of repeating the same mistake or any further accident, he specially hired two professional gynecology nurses to take care of Valerie at Rosemount Villa. He also asked Dr. Joe to go there every two days to check on Valerie so that they could send her to the hospital immediately in case of any abnormalities.

Though Valerie was just three months pregnant, old Sterling had already hired a team of obstetricians and gynecologists, and even the best midwives, nurseries, and maternity matron.

Cooper understood his master's eagerness to see his great-grandson and couldn't help laughing, "Sir, you've just recovered. Why don't we ask the driver to pick up Mrs. Yontz here?"

"No, Valerie's body is still exhausted from growing the baby. She should rest up when she can. My little great-grandson can't stand any jolts too. I'm a lot better now, and it's not too far away." Old Sterling insisted on making the trip himself.

Cooper had to accompany him to the Rosemount Villa.

At the gate of the house, Savannah watched old Sterling and Cooper get in the car and leave and understood what Dylan was worried about.

That's true. In the eyes of old Sterling, nothing was more important than the next generation of the Sterling family, even his own health.

As soon as he recovered, he couldn't wait to see his unborn great-grandson.

The maid standing by could not help but sigh, "Mrs. Yontz is held in special favor now. There isn't anything she could ask for that she couldn't have. Old Sterling will even pick the moon in the sky for her if she wants. Days ago, she said she wanted to eat mango. Because the local mango is not very good in this season, old Sterling specially asked a partner in the Philippines to air a box of fresh mangoes to LA. What's more, Mrs. Yontz's parents go to Rosemount Villa to see her every few days. When old Sterling saw that Mr. Schultz's car was very old, he bought a million-dollar car for him the other day."

Savannah's lips curved in a cold and almost mirthless smile. That was when Valerie found favor with old Sterling, her parents could ride on her coattails to gain extra advantages.

Because of an unborn child, Valerie and her parents became winners again.

Valerie must cherish the baby a lot now.

Miss Schultz must be jealous of her cousin when she saw her in such favor with old Sterling now.

Savannah saw the maid's expression, knowing what she was thinking, and could not help but gently laughing out. Did everyone think she was jealous of Valerie?

But she didn't bother to explain anything.

Old Sterling went to Rosemount Villa today and would not return until the evening. She had nothing to do, so she just wandered around the garden. When she got back into the house, she got a call from Olivia.

On the phone, Olivia told her that Donna was leaving LA with Henley this afternoon, and she was going to see them off.

With nothing to do, Savannah asked the time and went out to the airport with Oliva together.

At the airport gates, Savannah and Olivia met Donna and her daughter.

Donna, with her two-month daughter in her arms, was in good looks.

After saying some words of farewell to Donna, Savannah looked at Henley, who was standing silently behind Donna with luggage beside his feet. The cowardly middle-aged man looked in a good spirit.

Henley took a deep breath and smiled at Savannah. "I'm sorry, Savannah, for what Devin had done to you. I know he hurt you so bad. Although I'm Devin's father, I've no position in the Sterling family, and Devin never listened to me. He's been spoiled by his mother."

In fact, Henley was a very honest and kind person, better than Devin and Susan, and he always defended and spoke for Savannah.

More than once, he had stopped Susan in time when she wanted to do something to Savannah.

Savannah never blamed him. "Never mind." She said softly with a smile.

"I hope you'll be happy and find the one who can give you happiness with all my heart," Henley said sincerely.

It's getting late. Donna and Henley waved good-bye and left.

Savannah looked after them as they went to airport security. Henley's blessing still sang in her ears, making her a little abstracted.

Find a person who can give you happiness...

Who would be the one?


She shook her head as hard as she could. What was she thinking?

Olivia breathed a sigh of relief as she watched her cousin's back retreating behind the gate.

Her cousin had suffered a lot in the first half of her life, and she could finally go back to her hometown to lead a new life with her first love.

Susan, who had hurt Donna, had her revenge.

For Donna, it should be a relatively good ending.

Olivia turned and found Savannah lost in thought. "What's up?" asked Olivia as she gently nudged her shoulder.

"Nothing." Savannah recovered herself and smiled. They chatted as they made their way outside.

"Well, you still live at the Sterling's house?" Olivia asked casually. In a call with Savannah, she learned that old Sterling was not in good health, and Savannah recently stayed in the house to take care of him.

"Hmm." Savannah nodded.

"It seems that old Sterling likes you very much. I heard that the elders in the rich, powerful families are difficult to deal with. They're always very critical of their future daughter-in-law, such as choosing the girl's family background. You're lucky that old Sterling should be so kind to you." Olivia sounded breezy. She was happy with her good friend.

To be honest, she was really worried about Savannah at first. Dylan Sterling might tend to spoil her, but who knew if he was just for fun or not?

After all, rich men seldom took little models like them seriously. They preferred to choose rich ladies from noble families too.

But she felt much more assured now. Since Savannah could live in the Sterling's house for such a long time, it meant that the Sterling's attached great importance to her.

Savannah smiled bitterly and said nothing.

Future daughter-in-law? She didn't even have the status of a formal girlfriend. How could she be a future daughter-in-law?

"By the way, you just said that your cousin and her husband moved back to Sterling's house?" Olivia frowned.

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