250 Chapter 250: I’ve No Freedom At All?

"I heard you lived in the hospital for two days. Are you alright?" Cooper asked anxiously.

Before Savannah could say anything, a brisk woman's voice cut in, "Miss Schultz had been in the hospital for two days because of hypoglycemia. She's all right now."

Cooper looked at Sarah as she walked by, wondering, "you..."

Cooper didn't usually come to Beverly Hills, which was Mr. Sterling's private property, but he knew that this woman was not a servant here.

Sarah had been instructed by Dylan and had already prepared a pretext, "I'm the nurse hired by Mr. Sterling. Miss Schultz hasn't been feeling very well these days, and Mr. Sterling asked me to take care of her."

Savannah's eyes clouded slightly. Dylan must have asked Sarah not to tell anyone about her pregnancy.

Before Cooper came, she was still uncertain if she should keep the baby or not. Now her mind was quite determined.

Cooper was relieved and asked no more. After a few more words with Savannah, he said good-bye and went back to report to old Sterling.

After a while, the driver came. Accompanied by two bodyguards and Sarah, she went to the hospital.

The check-up ended in half an hour. Savannah came out of the examination room, greeted by Sarah, "Miss Schultz, we're done with the projects for today. I'll come for the result tomorrow. Let's go back now."

"I want to talk to Dr. Shamon about the baby," Savannah said dryly.

Sarah knew Jacob Shamon was the doctor there, and he was Mr. Sterling's friend. But she still hesitated, "we should go back now…"

"What's the matter? Shamon's a doctor, and I know him very well. You can check with Dylan if you don't believe it. Since I'm already here, why can't I talk to him about my pregnancy?"

"But you came here for a prenatal check-up," Sarah grumbled.

Savannah's face changed slightly. "You mean I can do nothing but give birth to a baby? Everything is up to you. I've no freedom at all?"

"No, but..."

"If not, just shut up! Now I'm not going shopping, and I just want to visit a doctor friend. Cut out all these nonsense! Why don't you call Mr. Sterling and ask him to come here? I'd like to ask him if I don't even have the right to speak to Dr. Shamon!" Savannah pretended to be angry, sitting on the bench in a rather unruly manner.

Well, Sarah always took her as Dylan's mistress, now she just showed her what a mistress was like.

Sarah took a breath, shocked by Savannah, who was so willful.

When Mr. Sterling came to Beverly Hills that day, he did tell her to concern her feelings and not to make Savannah angry.

At this moment, Sarah naturally didn't dare to offend Savannah. If Mr. Sterling came and saw Savannah angry, or Savannah went to complain to Mr. Sterling, she would certainly be scolded.

Savannah sneered, "are you guarding a prisoner? I don't need your company. Wait here!"

Though afraid that Savannah should complain to Mr. Sterling, Sarah still insisted, "but you're pregnant..."

"It's okay. I'll take care of Miss Schultz. I'm a doctor." Just then, Jacob strode over with a smile on his handsome face.

Savannah was relieved to see him coming.

"Well, thank you, Dr. Shamon," Sarah had to let her go, "Miss Schultz, I'm here with the bodyguards. You can always call me if you need anything."

Savannah nodded, went to Jacob's office with him.

In the office, Savannah sat on a sofa.

"I thought you were angry at me and didn't expect you'll come to me," Jacob said as he served her a cup of hot milk tea.

Savannah held the milk tea, smiling at him innocently, "they confined me in Beverly Hills for so long that I began to feel cooped up. I could hardly have a chance to go out. Just talk to me and help me relax."

"It sounds like you're a prisoner?" Jacob laughed.

"Worse than a prisoner." Savannah complained, "as you can see, Sarah followed me all the time, and she's even more strict than the warden. I can do nothing under her supervision."

"Sarah is said to be the best nurse for pregnant women in LA. She's been hired by many famous families, so popular that sometimes even money can't buy her time. Dylan values you and your baby, so he hired her to take care of you." Jacob said meaningfully.

Savannah pursed her lips and gave no response.

"Savannah... It seems that you've accepted the baby." Jacob said irresolutely

Today, Savannah came to the hospital for a prenatal check-up obediently. Had she come around and decided to give Dylan a baby?

An imperceptible pained look came into Savannah's eyes. "What can I do? Do you think I have a choice?" She took a deep breath.

Jacob Shamon looked at her, not knowing what to say. He was about to comfort her when the door was knocked, and a nurse's voice came in, "Dr. Shamon, the patient in bed 309, said he had a headache. Could you come and see him?"

Savannah clenched her fists. She had been thinking about how to sneak out of here without making Jacob suspicious while getting rid of Sarah and bodyguard, now her chance came. "Go now, the patient is more important. I'll just sit here and wait for you." She quickly said.

Jacob nodded and left with the nurse.

Savannah breathed a sigh of relief. Two minutes later, she went out of the door too.

Having lived here for several days, she was quite familiar with the hospital now. To avoid meeting Sarah and the bodyguards in the front hallway, she changed direction and left from the back door of the hospital.

Twenty minutes later, a taxi stopped at a small clinic.

Savannah paid and got off the taxi, making her way rapidly to the clinic.

It was not a large public hospital, nor a lavish private hospital where Jacob worked. The clinic was a small-sized underground one, not very well known, and its place was not easy to find.

The advantage was… the procedure here was effortless. Unlike a normal hospital, there was no preoperative examination, and no family signature was required. All you need was to pay the money and go to the operating table, which was what Savannah wanted.

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