283 Chapter 283: Where Is The Key?

Looking around, she guessed she was still in the hospital.

The room was in clutter, lumbered up with boxes and medical equipment. It should be the lumber-room of the hospital where nobody would come.

Who the hell tied her up here? Why?

Savannah wanted to cry for help, but she failed to utter a complete word with her mouth stuffed with cloth.

At this moment, she smelt something burning...

She looked around in horror and found a cardboard box ablaze not far away from her. Flames were devouring the box, and smoke spread quickly…

"H-h-help…" she blubbered weakly.

Of course, no one outside could hear her.

After a while, the smoke grew heavier and thicker, and the room became stuffy and hot.

The fire spread; in a short while, another pile of cardboard boxes was burned rapidly!

The smoke for a moment blinded Savannah's eyes. She felt that she could hardly draw air into the lungs. As soon as she had quitted the fresh air, she fainted.


At the same time.

Judy began to feel strange when Savannah didn't come out for a long time. She went into the bathroom and called Savannah's name but received no reply. The bodyguard was greatly frantic when he heard that Miss Schultz disappeared again. They searched every room of the inpatient department but had no success. After talking together, they decided to go out to search for Savannah.

As soon as they walked out of the building, a Bentley stopped in front of the gate of the hospital, and a handsome, tall man got off the car and made straight for the inpatient department.

Dylan's face changed when he saw Judy and the bodyguard hurrying out together without the little woman.

"What happened? Where's Savannah?" His tone was stern.

Judy almost cried when she saw Dylan coming, "Sir, Savannah went to the bathroom after visiting Olivia, but she did not come out for a long time. I went in but didn't see her…"

Dylan's face darkened, "have you searched the hospital?"

The bodyguard immediately replied, "we did. But we can't find Miss Schultz anywhere! I wonder if she stole away again..."

Dylan understood what the bodyguard meant. He suspected that Savannah slipped out for abortion like what she did last time.

"No. Keep searching!" Dylan ordered with a certain tone.

Something must have happened to that little woman.

She behaved quite nicely these days.

What's more, when the baby moved that day, he saw her expression soft and peaceful, which meant she cherished the baby too.

He knew that she wouldn't give up the baby easily now.

If she only fooled him by making a show that day, he could only say that her acting was too good.

The bodyguard nodded when given the order, "we've searched every ward in the hospital, sir. We'll now look outside along the road."

Dylan asked Judy about the time when Savannah went into the bathroom and thought for a while before he said, "no, she must still be in the hospital. Block all the exits of the hospital immediately, and search all the rooms one by one, including the tea room and men's room. We can't miss any corner!"

The bodyguard stared blankly for a moment and then immediately called other bodyguards to do as Dylan ordered. They were about to research Savannah from the first floor when a nurse's screams resounded through the end of the corridor, "someone! Fire! There's a fire in the lumber-room! Come quick!"

How did a fire break out in the hospital for no reason? Dylan frowned and changed his face as if he suddenly thought of something. He rushed towards the lumber-room. The bodyguards followed closely behind him.

They stopped at an insignificant lumber-room at the end of the corridor. Dylan pushed his way through the crowd and saw the white smoke blossomed out from under the door, and the firelight flared!

At the door, a familiar orange-pink smartwatch was lying on the ground.

It's Savannah's!

Dylan gave her this smartwatch two weeks ago. It was convenient for her to measure steps during pregnancy to maintain a certain amount of exercise, and it could monitor her heart rate and blood pressure.

This watch was not very expensive so she accepted and obediently wore it every day.

The bodyguard followed Mr. Sterling's gaze and saw the watch on the ground. "It's Miss Schultz's watch!" He exclaimed, "is Miss Schultz in the room?"

Dylan grabbed a doctor's collar with a sullen look, "Where's the key? Give it to me! Now!"

"This room has stayed idle for a long time. The key is in possession of an administrator who's on leave today..." The doctor's voice was trembling when he saw the murderous look on the handsome man in front of him.

Dylan left the doctor, and without a word, he stepped forward and kicked the door with his foot spitefully. Everyone drew back in a shock.

Fortunately, the door of the room was not very solid, and after several kicks, it flew open!

Smoke billowed from the burning room as soon as the door opened. Dylan had scarce time to think. He took off his expensive coat and quickly ran to the washroom to get it wet.

Knowing what Mr. Sterling wanted to do, the bodyguard stopped him in a hurry, "Mr. Sterling, the hospital has called 911, and the fire engine will come soon. Just wait a moment!"

"Maybe Miss Schultz is not in the room. She just accidentally dropped the watch here when she passed..." Another bodyguard hurriedly said.

They had no idea what it's like inside, but the flames looked heavier than expected! Mr. Sterling was such a man of high distinction that he should not make himself in danger!

Dylan made no answer as if he heard nothing. He covered himself with the wet coat, making his way towards the room.

The two bodyguards looked at each other and stepped forward to block the way. Dylan didn't see them but said in a gloomy voice, "get out!"

Before the two men could say anything, Dylan forced his way through them, rushing into the room!

"Ah!" The crowd exclaimed.

"Mr. Sterling!" The bodyguard exclaimed as Dylan ran into the flames!

The lumber room was not that small as it looked from the outside. It had several rooms, lumbered up with junk, broken equipment, and boxes. Dylan found it impossible to see clearly in smokes and flames. He cried Savannah's name, but the smoke caught in his throat and made him cough. Finally, there came a faint voice from the inside room.

The voice was feeble, but Dylan knew it was his little woman's voice! He came wide awake, and following the voice, he rushed to the innermost room and saw Savannah tied to a chair.

The smoke was more solemn, and the flames were so fierce that there seemed to be the source of the fire.

Savannah was awakened by the odor of smoke, her white face now black with ash. She giggled at the vague figure at the door helplessly.

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