361 Chapter 361: The Baby Is Fine

Dan could guess what was going on in Kevin's mind.

Savannah was now threatened with miscarriage, which meant that Mr. Sterling did not take good care of her. It was said that Mr. Sterling had postponed the wedding for another woman. Kevin must be very angry now. Inform Mr. Sterling? No, Kevin would rather kill him if given a knife.

But the baby in Savannah's belly was Mr. Sterling's child anyway. How could they keep the operation from her husband?

What if something bad happened to Savannah and the baby?

"I suggest that we'd better tell Mr. Sterling. Otherwise, he might make trouble for you later." Dan said.

"I don't care. Am I afraid of him?" Kevin sneered.

Savannah did not want to see Dylan, so he respected her wish.

What was the point of asking that man to come? If he cared about Savannah, how could threatened miscarriage happen to Savannah?

Kevin stared at the door of the operation room, clenching his fists. He had made lots of concessions in the relationship involving the three people. All he wanted was that Savannah could be happy. But maybe he was wrong. He must make the decision for Savannah this time. He could not recede any more.

Since that man could not take care of Savannah, he would take his place.

Dan knew Kevin had made up his mind, sighed, and hesitated, "even if you don't inform Mr. Sterling, Savannah's not returned for so long, and he'll find her sooner or later..." Mr. Sterling was so powerful that it was really not hard for him to find a person in LA.

That was why Kevin asked Dan to come over. "Call Mr. Smith and tell him I'll take a new mother and a baby to Balfour Sanatorium. Ask them to get ready in advance."

Dan was surprised. Balfour Sanatorium? That military sanatorium? It was a special kind of hospital. However, due to its status as a private hospital, Balfour could only offer treatment to government officials. It lay in the resort zone of Southern LA, and its environment was very quiet. There were officers and warders patrolling the perimeter of the sanatorium, keeping unwanted visitors out. 

Every country had its military sanatoriums for senior officials of the government. Balfour Sanatorium was one of these special places.

As the governor of California, Mr. Smith and his family had the right to enjoy its service, of course.

Kevin wanted to take Savannah to recuperate there. On the one hand, there were the best medical devices, a complete medical examination system, and outstanding doctors and nurses in Balfour Sanatorium; on the other hand, it was much more difficult for Dylan Sterling to take Savannah away from that place.

Although Dylan was powerful, he could not guess that Savannah and his baby would be sent to Balfour Sanatorium, could he?

"What are you waiting for?" Kevin frowned.

Seeing the steely determination in Kevin's eyes, Dan took a deep breath, turned, and left to cope with the task.

After a while, the red light above the door of the operating room turned off. Kevin's heart flew to his mouth when the door opened. The surgeon walked out.

"Doctor, how's she?" Kevin rushed to him.

"Both mother and child are doing well. The baby's a boy. You can go to see them. The patient has not woken up from the anesthetic, and she's still very weak due to the bleeding. Just take a look at them, and don't take too long." The doctor took off his mask and breathed heavily.

Kevin took a sigh of relief and strode into the operating room. The indoor air was cold, mixing with a smell of disinfectant and blood. Savannah was lying quietly on the sick-bed, her eyes closed. He reached over, bent down, and held her hand, which was cold from the loss of blood.

"Savannah, it's okay. You and the baby are fine." Kevin whispered

Her hand gave a slight start, as if in response. Just then, Kevin's attention was called by the faint sound of the baby's crying. He turned and saw a nurse holding the newborn baby in her arms.

Although the baby was premature, he looked fine except for his small size. The baby was wrapped in a blanket, and the blood on his wrinkled little face was still wet.

Savannah's fingertips trembled as if she heard the baby's crying too. Kevin looked back at her knitted eyebrows, walked over to the nurse, and asked her about the baby's condition. Under the nurse's instruction, he carefully took the baby from the nurse's arms and cradled the baby in his arms. He took the baby to the bed and held the baby's small hand to touch Savannah's hand.

"The baby's fine and healthy. He's a boy. Although he's prematurely born, he's more than five pounds. Rest assured, Savannah."

Savannah's expression completely relaxed, as if she finally felt relieved and fell asleep.

Kevin handed the baby to the nurse and walked out of the operation room. There was still a faint bloody smell on his hand.

Savannah, I'll never let you feel wronged again. Kevin made a silent vow.

Dan came back quickly and walked to Kevin. "I've dialed the private number Mr. Smith had left for you. He said he'd send the secret guards here immediately and take you to Balfour Sanatorium tonight."

Robert Smith, the governor of California, was obviously surprised by joy when Dan said out Kevin's request over the phone. He never thought his son, who refused to admit his identity all the time, would take the initiative to contact him one day.

So, no matter what Kevin asked for, Robert would do his best to meet his requirements.

* * * 

Balfour Sanatorium

A third-of-a-mile-long white and brown building was set in the middle of the woods. This was a state hospital, like a castle. Red towers, white-arched wings, and the patrolling soldiers showed that this was a place of power.

On the second floor of the building, Kevin closed the door and walked out of the award.

The sanatorium only offered treatment for senior officials, and of course, it had the best medical resources in the country.

After Savannah and the baby were sent to the sanatorium at midnight, they were immediately re-examined and given the best ward.

The baby was in good health. Although he was premature, he didn't have to be kept in the incubator. Four nurses were taking care of him in turn.

Savannah, however, was in a rather bad way. She should have woken up from the anesthetic this morning, but she was still sleeping.

According to the doctor, people's constitutions differed, so it was normal for some people to wake up late.

Kevin was still worried. He stayed at her bedside the whole time. It was noon before he finally followed the nurse's advice and walked out to have a rest.

He walked absent-mindedly towards the restroom. After several steps, he saw a middle-aged man standing in front of him in the corridor, as if he had been waiting for a long time.

The man was already in his fifties but well-preserved. His hair was carefully brushed. He wore a smart dark suit, and his black shoes were highly polished. From his appearance, he should be in a high place and had wealth and power in his hands.

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