Chapter 392 - 392: Stop Pawing Me

When the activity started, Savannah knew why Dylan had asked her to save energy.

Balloon game, Candy hunt, Three-legged race… Every game required great physical effort. Parents or guardians should cooperate with their kids to finish all the games.

It was noon when all the activities ended. Savannah had not done so much exercise for a long time and was almost exhausted. Kaiden was still recalling the games, very energetic. He took Savannah's hand, skipping out of the kindergarten. Dylan walked behind them.

As they walked out of the gate, a bodyguard came forward to them. He was about to ask Savannah and Kaiden to get in the car when he saw the warning in Dylan's eyes. He immediately understood and withdrew respectively.

Dylan went to the Lamborghini, opened the back door, and picked Kaiden in. Then he went to the front passenger's door and pulled it open, looking at Savannah.

"Get in," he said simply.

"No... I can just take the car that took me here." Savannah murmured. She didn't want to stay with him in the enclosed space on her way back.

"They're gone. This is the only car." He gave her no choice.

Savannah looked over at the straight road ahead and hesitated. There was no taxi around, and it was impossible to walk back to her apartment…

"Sis Savannah, hop in! Daddy and I will take you home." On the back seat, Kaiden yelled.

Well, she would get home in only half an hour, and Kaiden was still there. What could he do? Savannah gnawed her lip and climbed in.

Dylan went around and got into the driver's seat. However, the car didn't start for a while. Savannah turned and saw him staring at her with blazing eyes.

"Mr. Sterling, why don't we go?"

Dylan didn't say anything. He leaned toward her abruptly and wrapped his arm around her, his hand searching something at her waist.

"Stop pawing me!" Savannah screamed!

Was this man out of his mind? Kaiden was still in the back!

She knew she shouldn't have been in his car!

"What? Don't you know how to wear your seatbelt?" The man's disagreeable voice said as he quickly fastened her seatbelt before he sat back down.

Relieved, Savannah gave him a stare.

She forgot to wear the seatbelt, but couldn't he just tell her to do it herself? He looked as if he just wanted to take the opportunity to touch her up!

She began to seriously regret that she had gotten into this man's car. But it was impossible to get down now, for the car finally started.

On the way, Savannah tried to talk to Kaiden in order to break the awkwardness in the car and avoid any communication with Dylan. After a while, Kaiden was so tired that he slept like a piggy and began to snore slightly.

Once Kaiden fell asleep, the atmosphere in the car immediately became quiet.

Her nerves were on edge. She hoped Kaiden could wake up soon, but she only heard his snore louder and louder.

Finally, Dylan broke the silence.

"You studied design in Italy."

Savannah was amazed at first but then relieved. He was her boss, and from her resume, he could easily know her background. "Yes." She nodded.

A casual chat was not bad. At least, it could make the atmosphere less awkward.

"You alone there?" He asked in a casual tone

After a pause, she replied, "I have a friend at my side."

A cool shadow came to Dylan's beautiful face. Oh, she didn't try to hide this from him, maybe she just knew that she couldn't hush a thing like that up.

At this point, he was really curious. How did this little woman's actions become so marvelous? She looked as if she had never entangled with him in her life. How could she really take him as a complete stranger now?

If he wasn't one hundred percent sure that she was the one who abandoned him and their son three years ago, he might doubt whether he really got the wrong person.

"What kind of friend?" he continued.

A little frown came quickly between Savannah's eyes. Even if he was her big boss, he was not in the position to ask about her personal life.

"Just a friend who takes care of me," said Savannah drily.

"A man?" He didn't stop.

Savannah held back her annoyance. "Yes."

A hard look came into his eyes, but he tried to master himself. "Your boyfriend?"

"No. Just a friend."

"Oh." He snorted.

Savannah was a little uncomfortable when she sensed the sarcasm in his tone. She knew she didn't have to explain to him, but she blurted out. "He's not my boyfriend, just a brother who always takes care of me."

"Brother? Are you related by blood? I don't think so. If a man gave up his domestic business and accompanied you to study and live abroad, how could he just treat you as a sister?" Dylan said coldly.

She gritted her teeth and replied with a sardonic smile, "I don't know Zagreb Film doesn't allow its employees to date."

It might be well to let him think she had a boyfriend. Perhaps then he wouldn't be so interested in her. At least, he would have scruples before harassing her again.

Dylan's face froze. Did she admit she was with Kevin now!?

He stepped on the gas and accelerated the car.

Savannah could feel he was trying to keep his temper. She grabbed the handrail tightly. Her heart fluttered with fear.

"Where do you live?" When he stopped at a red light at an intersection, his cold voice came again.

She calmed down, knowing that he was going to send her back. She wanted to get off here, but she dared not mention it when she saw his hard and impassive expression. Finally, she told him her address.

Even if she didn't tell him where she lived, he could ask the HR department to show him her resume.

However, Dylan's face became gloomier when he heard her address.

The environment of that community was good, but its location was quite remote. Kevin must be afraid that they would meet, so he hid her in that place. Maybe he wanted to accompany her back to Italy as soon as the design competition ended.

Of course, Kevin didn't expect that she would find a job and was working in his company now.

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