Chapter 397 - 397: I’ll Try My Best To Do My Job Well

My Girl was the web TV show in which Abby enacted the leading lady, and it was also the web series the company was going to produce.

"Really?" Savannah froze in surprise.


"So my name is going to be on the cast at the end of the show?"

"Of course."

Savannah's face broke into a delighted smile. The day finally came!

Then she slowly contained herself and began to think it over. Was it ordered by Mr. Sterling?

It must be him... Because of this arrangement, she would be even more reluctant to resign.

Jenkins had just left when the phone rang.

It was a strange number on the screen.

"Hello, who's calling?" Savannah answered the phone.

"Did Jenkins talk to you?" The voice of the man on the other end of the line startled Savannah. She almost threw the phone out.

"How do you know my phone number?"

Oh, it was a stupid question. He was the big boss, and he could know everything.

"Kaiden told me."

A little speechless, Savannah paused and could not help asking, "Mr. Jenkins said I could join the design team in our new web show. Is that your command?"

"Well, there're many ways to punish you. I would rather have you work for me than dismiss you." Dylan said with a smile. The little woman sounded quite excited at his arrangement.

Savannah didn't speak. Did the man mean to punish her by making her responsible for the design work of the new show?

But why did she feel that it was more like a present? Or he just wanted to lure her to stay?

"What? You don't have the confidence to do it well?" Dylan teased when he received no reply from her, "if you say you can't do it…"

"Yes, I can," she took a deep breath and said firmly, "don't worry about it, Mr. Sterling. I'm working for Zagreb Film, and I'll try my best to do my job well. But I would like to ask you to do me a favor."

"What's that?" Dylan raised his eyebrows, a little surprised that she had something to ask him for help.

"Mr. Sterling, you're the uncle of my ex-fiancé. To avoid embarrassment, I hope we can keep a safe distance in the company. If not necessary, we don't have to meet or talk, even for business. If…if you continue to molest me, I'll resign without hesitation!" With that, Savannah hung up immediately.

Holding the cell phone, she thought for a while and put his number into the blacklist to prevent him from calling her again. Then she sighed with relief.


In the black Mercedes, Dylan almost laughed in anger.

He should not meet her or even talk to her if not necessary? They'd better keep a safe distance from each other?

And she even threatened to resign?

He must be the first boss who kept silent after being required like that by his staff.

In the driver's seat, Garwood glanced at his boss in the car mirror and asked carefully, "Miss Schultz won't ask to leave again, will she?"

"At least not for the moment," Dylan put his arms up behind his head.

* * *

After joining the design team of the new show, Savannah had a hectic but fulfilling work life.

In the team in charge of the costume designs, Jenkins was the team leader, and other team members were all experienced designers who had participated in many consume designs for different TV series.

At first, Savannah was worried about being looked down upon by other designers. After all, she was only an assistant designer, and it was her first time taking part in the costume design for a TV show.

However, everyone was kind to her. Some experienced designers treated her like a little sister. They gave her very useful instructions and also listened to her suggestions and opinions.

After the main costumes for the leading roles were decided, they turned to the costumes for supporting actors and actresses.

In the late afternoon, Savannah lifted her head from the design drawings on the desk and did several stretches.

Although she had been working hard these days, they were the ric.h.e.s.t and most comfortable days for her since she entered Zagreb Film. She learned a lot after working with other designers.

What's more, she was really relieved that she hadn't seen that man for a few days.

Well, Zagreb Film was just one of the companies he owned. How could a busy leader like him come around every day?

Maybe he would forget her a few days later, and she would be free from his harassment in the future.

That was great!

Savannah felt so good at this thought. She stood up to do some exercise before she sat down and continued her work.

The main costumes of the leading roles of My Girl had been decided, and now she was working on the costumes of one important supporting role, the bestie of the leading lady.

Although this bestie was only a supporting role, she had a prominent part in the show. She was the heroine's best friend and then became her competitor, her enemy. This role was enacted by a popular actress who was almost the same famous as Abby, so her modeling style in the show must be treated seriously too.

Knowing that Savannah was interested in the costume designs for the supporting role, Jenkins asked her to take charge of the work alone.

Savannah was so surprised that the director trusted her with such an important task.

In fact, almost all the consume designs for different roles in the play were completed by several designers, and no one could decide the modeling of a character independently.

Now she would be in charge of role modeling herself! She must work harder and could not abuse the director's trust.

Jenkins laughed at her excitement. He could see she was really gifted in design, and she had made a lot of progress these days. It should not be difficult to complete the role modeling independently for her.

"Savannah, working overtime again?" Jenkins walked out of his office and saw the girl burying her head in the design papers again.

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