Chapter 409 - 409: She’s Mine

Dylan stepped back by the heavy blow and hit the wall behind him!

Garwood and the bodyguard gasped and rushed over to support him. They knew Dylan was so anxious to see Savannah that he lost his guard.

Dylan straightened up, his right hand clenched on his b.r.e.a.s.t. He motioned to them to step back, walking straight to the ward again.

"Do you still have the nerve to see her? What did you do to her? Why did she walk home in the rain?!" Kevin bellowed in anger, blocking the way to the ward.

What he had been worrying about finally happened.

Savannah eventually met Dylan again.

The day before yesterday, he realized that it was Dylan who sent him away from Savannah on purpose. He must have known that she was back.

With the help of Dan, he knew that Dylan had even coaxed her to work in his company by some trick.

As soon as the plane landed last night, Kevin called Savannah but couldn't get through. He had to wait for her to come back to her apartment downstairs.

But he didn't expect he would have waited for her for the whole night. He was about to go to the police when she finally appeared in his view.

His heart ached when she fainted in front of him.

Needless to say, it was Dylan!

Kevin was angry with himself for making such a stupid mistake. But he was more annoyed at fate.

Why couldn't Dylan let her off? Three years ago, he hurt Savannah and made her suffer a lot. What more did he want?

Kevin's question provoked Dylan. The jealous anger acc.u.mulated for three years finally broke out at this moment.

"Who are you to question me? I'm her husband, what are you?"

Kevin's face was ashen, and only with effort, he didn't throw his fists on Dylan's nose again.

But Dylan didn't finish. "I don't know why she refused to confess our past, and she treated me as a stranger. It must because of you! But who cares – I have my own way to open her mouth!"

"So what did you do to her? You drove her crazy when she didn't remember you? Are you out of your mind?" Kevin was so angry that his eyes flashed red.

"It's none of your business!" Dylan shouted, "Who do you think you are? Kevin, don't put on airs in front of me as if I am the homewrecker! She's mine, my legal wife! She can't end our relationship without my permission! You want to get rid of me? No way! Whatever I did to her, she brought it on herself!"

Kevin clenched his fist and looked at the angry man in front of him.

Dylan hastened to the hospital in the early morning, which meant he was really worried about Savannah.

However, he thought Savannah had abandoned him and their kid, and he hated her for leaving LA with another man. He was justifiably bitter, especially since Savannah didn't remember him and took him as a stranger when they met again.

Kevin didn't expect that Dylan would still be so excited after three years. He thought that this man would forget Savannah and have another woman at his side.

But he was wrong. It turned out that Dylan's feeling for Savannah was so fervent and intense that it could hurt Savannah again when they met.

Finally, Kevin said, "Savannah refused to admit your relationship and considered you a stranger. Do you know it's because she really didn't remember you?"

Dylan frowned, looking at Kevin coldly. His thin lips broke into a sarcastic smile. "Are you in league with her to make up such a ridiculous excuse against me? Can't you find a better one?"

She really didn't remember him?

Did Kevin mean the little woman suffered a loss of memory?

Are they really treating him like an idiot?

Kevin was clearly serious. The sadness in his eyes couldn't be ignored, and his voice was very quiet, "It's true, it's not fiction. Savannah had indeed lost part of her memory. Even if you don't believe it, it's true. I can show you her medical records in Italy over the years."

The impassive expression disappeared on Dylan's face. Maybe Kevin didn't lie to him, and there was no point in fooling him. It was so easy to get caught.

After a short silence, he walked up and seized Kevin by the collar.

"Explain it to me." His tone was skeptical, and his voice seemed to shiver.

Dan rushed over and tried to push Dylan away, but Kevin shook his head at him. He knew he was to blame, too, for what happened to Savannah these days. And he had to make everything clear to this man now.

"Three years ago, you got involved in a relationship with another woman, and you even left Savannah on the eve of your wedding day for that woman. Later, you postponed the wedding indefinitely and didn't give her any explanation. The other day, I heard about it and asked her out, but she fainted on the street and was almost hit by a car! I sent her to the hospital. The doctor said she had a symptom of threatened miscarriage, which had lasted for several days. If you had been a bit more careful, she could have avoided it! Then she had to have a Caesarean."

Dylan's trembling fingers loosen its hold on Kevin's collar.

Kevin was talking about the day she disappeared?

She went to see Kevin and never came back. It wasn't because she ran away with Kevin, but… she had a threatened miscarriage and was sent to the hospital?

He didn't know she had had a threatened miscarriage.

It had lasted many days.

That was to say, she might have had symptoms and silently suffered the pain since he left her to take care of Charlotte.

Damn it!

Why didn't she tell him?

If he had known... he would not have left her to face this danger alone. He would not have made her so sad. He was her husband, he should have been at her side when she needed him!

But... why didn't she tell him she wasn't feeling well?

She didn't trust him… How could she trust him after he left her alone for another woman on their wedding day?

Perhaps she misunderstood the relationship between Charlotte and him? Her pride stopped her from questioning him, and she chose to bear everything alone.

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