Chapter 686 - 686: God Was Punishing Him

"How could this be? You must have made a mistake! If there's a tendency to deteriorate, it'll surely be detected..." Madison shook her head in disbelief.

"Generally, her condition shouldn't have worsened so rapidly," the nurse said, a little confused. "There's a process of deterioration. If the patients feel sick, they'll let us know, and we can control it immediately. It won't be like this..."

Madison and Robert tightened their faces and immediately understood what the nurse meant.

Cecelia didn't say.

She was unwell, but she dragged it on purpose and did not tell the nurse.

That caused pneumonia to get worse.

Madison pressed her hands to her mouth, her pupils contracted.

How could she not know why Cecelia wanted to die?

She knew that she would never be with Kevin. She decided to keep her birth a secret from her mother.

Madison never knew that her daughter's love for Kevin was so deep.

She would rather die if she couldn't be with him...

"Mrs. Smith, don't worry. Your daughter will be fine. The doctor is giving her emergent treatment now." With that, the nurse left in a hurry.

Madison, her body, pulling downward, was held by Robert in time.

"What's wrong with Cecelia?" Robert asked and frowned. "Why... Why did she do that?"

Looking at the closed door of the emergency room, Madison clenched her fist, tears in her eyes, muttering, "Cecelia. I'm sorry…"

"Don't blame yourself. Come on, stop crying. Cecelia will be fine." Robert helped his wife to a bench and sat her down. He thought his wife just blamed herself for not noticing Cecelia's condition.

Madison finally stopped crying. She said nothing more, snuggling in her husband's arms and silently praying for her daughter.

Finally, the door of the emergency room opened.

The doctor came out and took off his mask.

"How's Cecelia?" Madison and Robert rushed up to the doctor.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Smith, Miss Smith is all right now, but she's still weak and not awake. She needs a good rest. You can visit her tomorrow," the doctor said simply.

Just then, two nurses came out pushing a nursing bed, where Cecelia was lying quietly attached to the oxygen machine.

Madison came to her senses and followed the nursing bed, quietly soothing her daughter.

Robert pulled her back gently.

"Madison, the doctor said Cecelia's fine. Don't worry. Let's go back and come tomorrow." Robert watched his daughter's back as she was pushed into a private ward. He heaved a sigh and looked back at his dazed wife.

Madison, still preoccupied, nodded without saying more.

At the gate, the guard opened the car door for them. Robert was about to get in when Madison suddenly pulled his sleeve. He turned and found her looking at him as if she had just made up her mind to tell him something.

"What's the matter?" Robert raised his eyebrows.

Madison ordered the guards to stand back.

"I want to tell you something," she said in a firm voice when there were only two of them.

After almost losing her daughter, she was no longer afraid.

She must be plain with her husband for the sake of her daughter's happiness.

In this way, her daughter could have the courage to be the person she loved and live the life she wanted.

She didn't want her daughter to be like her.

"Go ahead." Robert looked at his wife, calmly.

"About Cecelia."

Robert's pupils contracted as Madison continued.

"Cecelia is not your daughter. Years ago, you had an affair with Kevin's biological mother after we had a fight, and then Kevin was born. I've been very angry with you for many years. Once, I went to a bar, and then I thought about your betrayal and got myself mad again. Just then, I was accosted by a man. Cecelia," she said after a short pause, "was born after I had a one-night stand with that strange man, and she had nothing to do with you."

Robert did not speak. He seemed to be absorbed in his wife's confession.

"I know you're mad at me. If you want to divorce me, I understand that. I don't want anything but Cecelia. Our marriage was a failed relationship even though I tried to be a good wife to you,"

Madison bit her lip and held back her tears of remorse.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-temptation_17802288405978205/chapter-686-god-was-punishing-him_52301776442944619">#&apos;s-temptation_17802288405978205/chapter-686-god-was-punishing-him_52301776442944619</a> for visiting.

After their divorce, Cecelia was no longer the daughter of the Smith family and would be able to be with Kevin.

She could choose her life freely and didn't have to suffer so much with this shameful secret.

Then she turned without another look at her husband, walking resolutely out of the gate.

"Why? You've kept the secret from me for so long, why didn't you choose to keep it?" Robert asked, and his voice was toneless.

Madison stopped short and turned with a sad smile.

"Because Cecelia is in love with Kevin. I hope she can choose her life as she wants. I only wanted my daughter's happiness, Robert,"

Robert raised his eyebrows in shock.

Maybe it was his failure as a father for not realizing Cecelia's feelings for Kevin.

God was punishing him.

The tragedy of Kevin's mother was caused by him. His wife's betrayal was also because of his indifference to her.

As a mother, Madison unburdened herself of the secret all for her daughter's happiness.

"Don't you want to know what I think?" She heard his low voice before she turned to leave.

Robert came to her and stopped in front of her.

She would not be surprised if he slapped her in the face. After all, no man could accept being cuckolded.

She closed her eyes, waiting for his fury.

But he didn't. He looked at her deeply and finally said, "I've always known this."

Madison opened her eyes wide in disbelief.

"Do you remember when Cecelia broke her leg at four? I took her to the hospital, and the nurse tested her blood. I noticed that her blood type differs from ours. After that, I took a paternity test and knew she's not my daughter," Robert said quietly.

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