"Now, next on the line we have some hot news! "

"A member of an idol group who recently dazzled the viewers with his good looks and another member of the same group are said to have stolen very important positions that has been on the wish list of the celebrities!"

" King of the Artistic and humanistic photography Alvaro Edna was seen going inside the idol group A-GEN's agency this afternoon. Apparently two members of the male idol group A-GEN, Kiah and the group's leader Haneul, caught the eyes of Edna in a photoshoot they recently did. "

" From an inside source we learned that these two fresh idols snatched the most eyed positions of Alvaro Edna's higly anticipated photobook 'The Famous'. Well, nobody would've imagined a move like this from such a well known important character. But of course, we congratulate these youths and look forward to the Famed photobook!"

This piece of news stirred big waves both in the entertainment circle and between the citizens. A rain of comments and dicussions stormed in the sky network. A small group of fans of the A-GEN were very enthusiastic and happy. After all such a high profile person chose their idols. They were undoubtedly in cloud nine while fans of the model world were furious.

Rinrin my love: Has Alvaro gone mad? There are dozens of models why choose stinky idols? They are not even famous idols, they are just nobodies. Do they even know how to pose?

A lovely bunny has sinned: Hey, the person above! What smelly thing did you ate that made you speak this s***y? Don't go around bad mouthing others' idols. Which of those models caught the eyes of Edna? If they were so good, they would've gotten a position. My idols are talented enough to turn heads, okay?

Ilovemoney: I am sure even the worst model would be better than some fresh idols. Alvaro is doomed. How many months would it take to shoot just the two of them?

Bluewoodcutter: What about the veterans of the modelling circle? He should've at least gave them some face. Featuring with fresh idols, they would certainly vomit blood in the set.

Mi jung and haneul didn't even set a foot out on the company before becoming a hot topic. Jin hwan's surfer was getting dozens of mails every minute. He was trying to call and reschedule A-GEN's all promotions. They had to ride the wave while it was getting bigger. When the two boys came to find jin hwan to go to the studio, he just waved his hands and told them to find roger.

Roger took the boys with a wide smile on his face. The tanned man gave a big hearty laugh hitting the wheel.

"I would've never imagined you guys to be that big shot's models! How did you bewitch that grumpy old man?"

Mi jung and haneul looked at each other in a confused way. They were curious how roger learned about it, but they thought it might be normal. He is their other manager after all.

" The X brand's photoshoot we did last week... The photographer was Mr.Edna. We didn't know who he was at the time, so it was a surprise for us as well."

Haneul answered fluently without missing a beat. The air traffic today was terrible. They wouldn't even move an inch before stopping again. It was probably going to take hours to go to the studio. They had two weeks to start of their new album's promotions. It was a mini album with five songs. They had to learn two new choreographies for two songs and would practice day and night.

"There are a lot of people out today. We won't be able to get to the studio in time."

Mi jung spoke while looking out the window. A lot of flying cars were still in the air, in a long line from four sides of the intersection. Even though Kor was the capital of Sesgad, it wasn't this crowded in the routes. Maybe something happened?

"Ah, you are not going to studio today. You will be staying at home until further notice."

"Huh? Why?"

"Why? Don't you know you two already made the tabloids in sky network? News of you two getting selected as models for Alvaro Edna got out a couple of hours ago. You two are the talk of the town, how can you go to the studio? Papparazi would eat you alive."

Mi jung and haneul was dumbfounded. How did the news leak? A couple of hours ago they were still inside the meeting room. After signing the contract they talked about the training they were going to receive and arranged their schedules accordingly. Since they had promotions, the upcoming moths was fully packed with shows and events. Alvaro was planning on doing the shootings in the spring and they were still in winter. It was no rush to train the boys.

But they didn't expect the news to get out so fast that immediately after the signing, the whole continent got the winds of it. Haneul opened his surfer to browse on the news and mi jung scooted closer to see what people were saying.

They opened the first one they saw, a gossip channel called Blackbird. The post was talking about how shocking the news were but they were looking forward to the idols' performances. The problem was the comments. The post was made forty minutes ago but the comments were already in the thousands. Most of them were anti-fans or passerbys, some fans supported them but they were few in numbers.

Sayhitoyourgrandpa : Ya, how much luck do you need to get those positions as a newly debuted idol?Dozens of luck? Thousands of luck? Lady luck herself? They only have talent in luck.

Ladyinred : What do you know? Edna is known for his adamancy and demanding personality. You can't impress the king of the photography world with just luck. Then every model blessed by lady luck would climb to heavens!

mypinkydress: You little idols, quickly spit it out. Which lucky charm did you eat to get this fortunate? Quickly, quickly!

Mi jung and haneul looked each other in confusion a third time today. What lucky charm did they ate, you ask? They didn't know the answer either, pinky lady.

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