After taking a good warm bath in a complete bewilderement and embarrassment . Grace was now a little bit more used to the thing between her legs. Cleaning herself was a real challange though.

Sleeping until evening gave her more energy and since she was curious in nature, she went around discovering the room. A lot of gifts and flowers was sent to her..or him now. She couldn't read anything though. She didn't even know what her name was. She wanted to learn somethings about her condition so she tried to understand her patient's chart which was written in symbols and characters that looked like a jumbled mess when partnered with a doctor's handwriting. Even just taking a look made her dizzy and she instantly gave up on her attemp at understanding something.

She quickly got bored of running around in the room and wanted to take a look at out the door. Maybe she could even run away from this hospital. But there were a lot of loopholes in her plan. First she didn't know where she was, second she didn't know the language, third she didn't have any money lastly she couldn't open the room's door. It was automatic and would only open from outside.

Huffing who knows how many times now, she sat near the big window looking outside the hospital. It was winter now.And a very beautiful view of the city was visible. Bright lights could be seen one by one as the sun left its place to the moon. Big, tall buildings with sparkling lights in the white night. A very nice view indeed. Nicer than the one she had in her old room but unfamiliar and far away.

Finally the sound of the door opening was heard and footsteps was indicating there were more than one person coming inside the room. Grace didn't move from her spot. She just turned her head to the people coming inside resting the side of her head on her knees that were pulled on her chest.

He looked like an ethereal fairy, little lights of the city sparkling behind him making a very picturesque scene. A very nice view indeed the men thought. The doctor that spoke to the young man this morning cleared his throat feeling a little strange about finding a man, just like him, attractive.

He spoke in fluent english. "How are you feeling now? Calmed down a little?" The young man didn't answer him.

" I need to ask you some questions now you are fully awake. Do you remember your name?" Doctor asked while taking the clipboard from one the asisstant's hands, taking a pen out of his own chest pocket and clicking it open. The pretty young man opened his mouth to say only one word which the doctor was expecting.


Doctor wrote something on the chart and asked some other questions. What about your age, your family, school, company, city, day, year etc. which all of them got the same answer. the last question why everyone was here was asked which got the same answer.

"Do you remember your language?"

"No. Isn't my language english? I don't know any of the Asian languages."

Answer made everyone in the room confused. One of the other doctors asked "What is Asian language?"

Grace was stunned. Why were they asking her this? Isn't it their language? She frowned and lifted her head from her knees and stood up.

"Isn't it your language? Aren't you Asians? Why are you asking me this? It is your language." She gestured them with her hands.

Doctors exchanged a look between themselves and turned to her. The doctor she spoke this morning answered her. "We are not Asians. I don't know what you are talking about. We are Sesgad*. We- and you- speak sesgad. We are living in Sesgard*."

Grace repeated the words inside her head. We are living in Sesgard? We speak sesgad?We are not Asians? F**k!

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