Haneul turned the page and a young man with black short hair and a very cute eye smile was seen. He was smiling but not smiling at the same time. A mature and poker kinda smile was on this man's face.

"He is Jin young. His stage name is Jay. He produces, composes and writes our songs. A very talented kid in music. But his clumsiness is deity level. Don't be deceived by his mature aura he has no sense of direction and is literally useless in anything other than music. He can sing and dance but can't boil water even though what we use is automatic. He is the other main vocal of our group. A very calm and serene kid but tends to keep to himself. He is twenty."

Looks like the oldest in the group is haneul and the second oldest is mi jung. Grace didn't had any siblings in her first life and in this one she got six of them. Certainly this is the god's way, either go big or go home.

These thoughts made a small smile blossom on mi jung's beautiful face that caught the haneul's eyes. It was very rare for the old mi jung to smile so haneul wasn't used to seeing this brilliant sight. Clearing his throat he turned the page again.

A young man with squishy cheeks and slit eyes was seen in the picture. He was giving out a sunshine smile that was emanating positive vibes. This young man was the one grace first saw when she woke up.

"Lee joo hyuk. He is our group's youngest member. He is eighteen years old as well but younger than joon gi by four moths. As you can see he is the sunshine of our group, a very positive kid. A little bit too innocent and naive maybe. He is the type that you can't be angry at more then a few minutes and he himself can't get upset more than a few minutes too. He is the other main dancer of our group and very creative as well. He choreograps the dances as much as he can but since he is still a newbie min young unnie, our dance teacher, won't let him choreograph all of the dances. He likes eating a lot especially midnight snacks. And he wakes other members up to eat together as well. A kind-hearted naughty kid."

It was obvious joo hyuk was haneul's favorite younger brother. Joo hyuk looked like a lovely kid and grace was looking forward to meeting all of them.

On the last page was the last two members of the group. "These two are complete opposite of each other. And they bicker a lot. Yeong woo is the competetive and nosy one. He is one of our rappers. He likes to exercise and does yoga. Doesn't sit well with his personality so this hobby of his is still a mystery to me. Kyung jae is the complete opposite of yeong woo. He likes to listen to rock ballads when he is playing games or cleaning the dorm. He is the other lead vocal in our group and doesn't talk without being talked to. He is normally very silent. But when he opens his mouth it feels like he is firing bullets and doesn't spare yeong woo. That's why yeong woo goes crazy since he is simple minded and gets fired up easily. Its very funny to watch these two but if i don't stop them they bicker all day long. They are the same age both nineteen."

Min kyung jae and Kim yeong woo. They looked like good kids and grace was sure she could handle them. But problem was communication. Grace never learned any other language before so she didn't know if she was good at learning a language. She had a very good memory but that didn't mean that she could learn languages easily. Grace got a little dejected and turned to haneul.

"Do any other members know english?"

Haneul nodded his head.

"Jin young and joo hyuk knows a little but others don't. That's why you need to learn sesgad as soon as possible."

Grace thought about how joo hyuk talked to her if jin young was at the same level with joo hyuk, she was afraid she could only talk to haneul. A big sigh left her lips. She had a lot of work to do.

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