Biquge, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

The old couple wanted to stay with me for dinner, but I declined.

"I have to rush to the construction site and tell Uncle Yu about this. After sending him to the underworld, my task is completed."

I stood in front of them, looking at the shabby house in front of me, feeling a little embarrassed in my heart.

Yu Gong passed away. He is the only child of the old couple. Now they can only face oldness and live in this run-down house.

What I can do is only this step.

I waved goodbye to the two old people, ready to leave, seeing their reluctant gaze, their eyes dropped, they gritted their teeth, and left with their legs raised.

On the way home, I have been thinking about my thoughts, but the scum followed me and didn't say anything, as if I was afraid of making noise.

At this moment, I suddenly thought that today, An Ze and they are going to 402 to take back the soul of An Yu and Situ Jing.

My heart is more worried, but I can think of it for myself, worrying here alone will only increase worry and pain, and it has no substantial meaning at all.

If I ca n’t help, let alone make irresponsible fun, all I can do now is to pray that they can come back safely.

Do not, like the previous one, lose your wife and lose your soldiers. Not only did you not get Anyu's soul back, but you also hurt Grandpa An.

At this moment, I saw a black butterfly flying from the fingertips of the ogre, dragging a long red shiny spot around the tail, hovering in the air, and disappeared immediately.

I looked at him in amazement. He touched my head and said, "Don't worry, I'll send someone over."

The pupil shrank suddenly, I didn't expect him to do so, and before asking the doubts in his heart, he took my hand and walked towards the front.

As he walked, "Hua'er didn't want them to be in trouble, so I naturally wanted to help them."

"Is it black and white?"

The smirk was even worse in the ghost's eyes, and his gaze shifted to my face.

"No, it's a guy you haven't seen."

I was a little curious, who had sent Seiko to help Anze them.

"Just don't think about Huaer, first go to the construction site and send the man's soul to the underworld, then go back to rest and wait for the news."

The perverts said so. I could n’t believe him. I immediately nodded and headed to the familiar site.

Just as we were at the entrance of the royal blue iron gate, I saw two or three police cars parked side by side, and several uncles of the police tortured a wretched man and held him out of it.

The man, the distasteful foreman, saw him gritting his teeth and twisting his body constantly, yelling at the down-to-earth workers: "Fuck I was told who reported Police! Huh! Do you think you can put me in jail? Dreaming! Wait until I come out to clean up one by one! "

"Shut up, be quiet!"

A middle-aged policeman walking in front glanced at the foreman, reprimanded, and then an angry expression appeared on his face: "Don't be whimsical, just wait to sit through the cellar!"

"You can't hold me! Do you know someone above me! Do you want this rice bowl!"

I was frightened by his expression of sullen expression. I subconsciously tried to hide from a wire pole. Who knew that he felt like my sight, his eyes found me very accurately, and he was instantly opposite to me.

The knife of hatred pierced into my eyes. I quickly looked away, but couldn't help but glance at him, and saw that his eyes were like poisonous snakes, and locked me firmly.

I saw he was taken into the car by a few young and handsome police officers, and he heard the sound of the door being pulled, and "thumped", and the three cars quickly drove off the construction site.

I crossed the road and came to the gate of the construction site. The familiar worker brother saw me all of a sudden, trotting over with excitement, and his expression could be described with an eyebrow.

"Girl, you're here! Do you know that we will discuss this foreman after you leave, because we all think this accident was not an accident."

"Who knows we haven't thought of anything at all. Indeed, it was the plot of the unscrupulous foreman. It didn't take long for the police to find evidence. He just came to arrest him!

When I heard the news, I was very happy for them.

This kind of person who does not hesitate to kill others for the sake of profit is not worthy of being a leader, let alone being a person.

Although I was a little worried, those words he said before leaving.

Since he dared to owe the workers wages, he was so righteous, that there must be a backing behind him, otherwise the big trees would let him cool off, or even do whatever he wanted.

However, I paid attention to the middle-aged policeman whose face was just right, and what he said in his mouth, my heart was able to rest in my stomach.

I believe what he said. Since he said that the insignificant foreman would sit underneath, he would not be released on bail.

The thought of the two old men who rekindled their hopes for life, and the headless Uncle Yu suddenly became gloomy.

He not only killed a person, but also destroyed a family.

Such a person is simply not bad!

A few uncles who had met me and wiped sweat, said with a smile: "And, little girl, you are really good, we really found Yu Gong in those ruins!"

A lot of workers' uncles came around and chattered.

"Did you know that all the brothers on our construction site gathered together? Everyone looked for it and found it quickly, and someone volunteered to send the head away."

My eyes looked at the ruins as they said, and sure enough, a complete ghost appeared there. He turned his back to me and looked at the ruins quietly.

I walked towards him. The little brother wanted to follow up and continue to share with me the heroic deeds of how they sent the insignificant foreman away, but I made a silent gesture.

"Let me leave with my uncle first."

The brother obviously didn't understand me, and I smiled and said to him, "Do you believe that people have a soul? Actually, Uncle Yu has been there all the time, and I think I have to send him to where he should go first, then No matter how happy you are. "

He heard these words from me and was very surprised. When I wanted to ask something, I interrupted his thoughts again.

"Don't ask. If you believe, you believe. If you don't, it's my uncle offering to the ruins and giving me ten minutes. That's enough."

After I finished speaking, I didn't wait for him to talk back and walked directly towards the goal.

Several uncle workers wanted to come over but were stopped by the brother.

"Let the little girl and Yu Gong say a few words."

Although everyone was full of doubts, they still chose to respect me and didn't approach.

I walked to Yu Gong's side, and stood side by side with him. From the perspective of the uncles behind the workers, I just stood alone beside the ruins with my head down, as if in silence.

"Your last wish, why not go back to the underworld?"

Yu Gong didn't expect that I could see him. He tightened his body a little in shock, and then gradually loosened. He smiled bitterly and said, "Brothers helped me find my lost head. I am grateful to them, but my Old father, old mother ... "

"Your curse at home has been lifted."

I said to him side by side, he looked at me blankly.

I told him the story in brief, and before he heard it, he "knocked out" and knelt down on the ground, excited: "Thank you! Thank you, benefactor!"

Yu Gong's behavior was very sudden, which caught me off guard and did not return to God for a long time.

They all love to kneel.

I knew there was someone staring at me behind me, and I didn't dare move too much, so I reluctantly said, "Don't kneel, get up."

"This matter is a misunderstanding, so it is not so troublesome to solve it. If your ancestor is really a miserable one, I am afraid your old father and old mother will have a hard time living through the disaster."

"But ..." I replied sharply, and thankfully, "Fortunately things have been settled. I think your last wish is probably completed. In this case, you should return to where you should go, remember not to stay in the sun Too long or the consequences will be unimaginable. "

Yu Gong was silent, and it took me a long time to ask me with some praying voice: "I ... can I go and see my parents before leaving?"

I glanced at the ghost and felt that he held my hand tightly and opened his mouth.

"of course can."

"Just, don't have too much nostalgia, let these things trap your heart, your soul, and I've helped you so much to destroy it."

I turned to leave, approached him slightly, and said softly, "Tough work for you, Uncle Yu."

Simple four words make a big man cry, even if he is a soul.

Hard work for you, Uncle Yu, you have had such a hard life for this family and for yourself.

Now it's time to leave the underworld and be free.

As soon as I thought he was going to say goodbye to Grandpa Yu and the old lady, my heart couldn't help being sore.

The thought of him being able to see his old parents, but they couldn't see him.

The closest people are separated by yin and yang, and we can't help crying when we think about it.

I sucked my nose and walked towards the workers and uncles.

The brother did not know what had been figured out during this short period of time, suddenly approached me and blinked curiously: "Little girl, can you see the ghost?"

I didn't hide it and nodded.

He believed, but instead of fearing me or fearing me, he looked at me gratefully, as did the workers.

"Thank you, the brother who helped us and his family."

I smiled, turned my head, and looked at the ruins again.

There, empty, Yu Gong has left.

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