Biquge, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

Anxuan really considered it "good". He knew that he used my mobile phone memo to record the address, and after copying the text message to his mobile phone, he did not forget to delete the record on my mobile phone.

Lest I find it myself?

I walked towards An's house, and my head was lowered again when I thought about the problem I had discussed with Anxuan.

In addition, Grandpa An's mission to drive out ghosts has happened again this time. The drive out of ghosts was unsuccessful, and it also caused other troubles.

I don't know exactly what happened, I just know that one-sidedness is causing me great anxiety.

"Ah ..." I sighed, An Xuan said it was easy, let me go with An Ning, conceal this matter.

I and An Ning have not been together for a day or two. We can say that once the other party is a bit wrong, we will see it.

Even if I conceal such a big thing, don't say it, but I'm afraid of my eyes and my face is exposed.

However, if I don't go with her, she will definitely call Grandpa An on the phone, and she won't be able to hide it when she tries to hide it.

Contradictory, I finally went to settle down.

But when I arrived at the door of Anjia, I saw a very luxurious extension car parked at the door of Anjia.

But my attention finally fell to the tall and thin figure standing there.

A little long curly blond hair was scattered on the shoulders, and a suit outlined his fit and straight figure.

At a height of one and eighteen meters, I judged from the back view that he must be a foreigner.

It's weird. How come Anjia comes to foreigners?

I hadn't thought of those words to Anxuan at that time, I tilted my head and finally came up with a possibility.

That is, this may be a guest from Anjia, or a friend of that peaceful relative of my family, so I didn't think much and went straight to the door.

If it were a guest, someone would come to receive him.

The moment I passed him, a magnetic voice came and shouted at me.


When I heard this Chinese with a strong foreign accent, I was sure there was no third person around me, so I turned my head and asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

It was this turn that made me see his appearance.

Foreign men always give us a sunny and handsome feeling. Generally, when many young girls in China see handsome foreign youths, they will feel that they are handsome and beautiful.

The nature in front of him was no exception, except that his face looked aloof.

Those light green eyes stared straight at me like they were looking at something, attentive, only staring at me with goose bumps.

I saw that he didn't respond to me, and thought a little embarrassingly, "Willn't ... this foreigner just say to wait for these three words?"

I paused for a while and wanted to ask a word of English, but how can I say this to someone who is still a senior high school English student at university.

Besides, I'm not the kind of girl who can talk, I'm not very brave, and I usually keep my distance from strangers, so I just hold back.

Can't say a word.

After a while, we had at least four eyes facing each other for two or three minutes, and the foreign brother finally spoke.

"Are you going in?"

Huh? The Chinese is not bad. Although I still have a foreign English accent, at least I can understand it.

He would also say the words "into the door", I was quite surprised.

I nodded, and pointed my finger inside: "I'm with my friend, how about you? You came to settle down ..."

The foreign brother's fortitude and stern expression relaxed a little. I don't know if it was my illusion. His eyes glanced at my stomach, and then he casually replied, "I'm here to find someone."

"Find someone?"

I wrinkled my nose, looked around, and it looked like nobody was still there, beckoning at him.

"Come on, I'll take you in."

After speaking, I went straight in, and the foreign brother followed me. I walked and said: "You will wait in the front hall for a while, I will help you to shout."

"Are you familiar with the An family?"

I stumbled and said truthfully, "I and Grandpa An, An Ning is very familiar. An Ning is my friend."

"I came to see her today."

The handsome foreign man nodded almost invisibly and asked me, "Do you know Anxuan?"

Eh? Anxuan?

I glanced at him strangely. To tell Anxuan, isn't it generally only known to the An family?

Suddenly, a light flashed through my head, and a voice came into my head.

"Chris ... the young master of ancient exorcism families abroad."

Can't do it ...

I couldn't believe it, but still flinched and asked, "Is your name Chris?"

Who knows, the other side nodded bluntly and admitted it directly.

"I am, how do you know me?"

Sure enough, this person is the one that Anxuan mentioned half an hour ago, but how he appeared here, it really made me wonder.

It's a coincidence.

"I just separated from An Xuan. He ... there is something to do, so he left. He mentioned you at the time."

"Of course, I also talked about the yin and yang world."

Chris' light green eyes narrowed, and then, unexpectedly, he didn't say much, and went straight into the subject: "I need to see An Xuan and talk to him about something."

"He may not be able to come back for a while."

"problem occurs?"

Chris' words shocked me. I didn't expect him to go to a bad place. After all, if someone didn't come back, he might not be able to come back because of something. Maybe he was busy.

He seemed to see my thoughts and said, "General things, Anxuan will not be in my eyes. Since he can't come back for a while, and he hastily left recently, it must be tricky. Things. "

He paused for a moment, then took another sentence, in a completely positive tone.

"It's my business."

That's right, Chris was right.

I saw this and knew that things could not be hidden. Chris's words let me know that he must know how much Anxuan's person and character, otherwise he couldn't guess so accurately.

I nodded and admitted, he said nothing and asked, "Do you need my help?"

This sentence was completely unexpected to me, and I never thought he would offer to help settle down.

It seems that I really looked down on the relationship between him and An Xuan. Perhaps, the degree of intimacy and mutual understanding between them is far beyond my imagination.

"Do you really want to settle down?"

I asked excitedly, and Chris nodded without hesitation: "Where is he now?" There was a sense of urgency in the discourse.

I murmured in my heart. How did you feel that Chris' intentions were a little out of place?

It always makes me think that his purpose of helping to settle down is not so pure. It seems that he made such a decision for An Xuan.

Just then, a familiar figure came out of the hall. I immediately noticed it and screamed, "Quietness!"

An Ning's face didn't look good, and his pale face was tired.

The moment she saw me, she was obviously a little excited, and wanted to walk over quickly, but I saw her slightly shaking body, trotting distressedly to support her.

"Why don't you take a good rest in bed."

She waved her hand. "Not so fragile. I just walked out and saw you coming." Then she noticed Chris.

"Who is he? How is it at our house?"

Before I spoke, Chris came over and introduced himself very gentlely, using his Mandarin with a foreign accent.

"My name is Chris. I am your brother Anxuan's friend."

He might think that he was An Xuan's friend, and An Xuan's sister must have seen him very much, but he never expected that An Ning was not satisfied with An Xuan.

It can be said that with a lot of grievances, this time, he did not give Chris a good look at all.

"Oh, his friend, are you here today to find him?" An Ning looked around, squinting his eyes, "What about An Xuan? Didn't you go to the orphanage together? Others?"

I froze, and just wanted to think of a reason to pretend to pass, Chris said this quickly before I spoke.

"An Xuan? He's not going to ..."

As soon as I heard it, my heart shouted suddenly, and I immediately covered his mouth with his hand, and stared at him fiercely.

"What, where did he go?"

When An Ning saw my move, she was alert and asked in a hurry, and I hurriedly haha, Gu Gu said to him: "It's okay, he ... Grandpa An asked him to help me in the past. Reese will pass by then. "

Anning stared at me in doubt for a few minutes, looking dubiously: "Are you telling the truth?"

"Really, truer than pearls, do you mean Chris?"

I laughed twice in that hahagan and pushed Chris' arm twice before he reacted, and some muffled nods, and An Ning closed his doubts.

Later, I returned An Ning to the room, soothed her for a while, and chatted with her for a while.

There are several adults in this family. They are receiving Chris. Several older elders are sitting in the front lobby. I saw the surprised expression when they heard the name of the Chris family, and I knew the family background of the handsome blonde. It must not be easy.

Those who can make the domestic exorcism family famously discolored are bound to have great influence.

Also very powerful.

I felt a subtle breath in the chat with An Ning.

When I said that he was the young master of an ancient exorcism family abroad, and he was even better than Anxuan, An Ning's eyes flashed with light!

This light is not greedy for vanity and clinging to the wealthy, but a struggle light called struggle and goal.

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