Biquge, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

There were four people lying quietly among the bandits, and they were tightly close together, squeezed into the small bandits.

I hurriedly stretched out my hands and stroked their bodies. When I touched their elastic skin and warm pulse, my heart that hung high all of a sudden fell down.

Yang Ye also rushed in, and they were relieved when they saw a smile on my face that appeared only after the robberies.

We helped each other to lift the people out of the bandits. They seemed to be in a coma. No matter how we called them, they didn't react a little bit.

But their smooth breathing made me feel relieved a little bit, and they should be fine.

"Xiaohua, how do you know they are here?"

After Yang Yan successfully rescued his teammates, he also completely relaxed and his tone became lighter.

I looked at the half-open back door, didn't reply directly to him, looked up at him, and smiled slightly: "You don't need to know this, as long as people save it safely, that's fine."

"Queen's queen, Yang Ye, we are here to take care of them, you should go find the Mo family master and they will meet!"

An elder who settled down looked at us seriously, and commanded, then I thought of those people who were still in the shrine, and drew Yang Wei and ran towards the small black house!


The voice of a woman whispering came from the dark lake, and I was stunned in place, and Yang Wei saw me stop and asked me strangely, "What's wrong?"

"Did you hear a voice?"

I asked, but Yang Yan shook his head strangely, looked around, and looked at me in doubt.

"Please wait a minute, Ronghua."

Her nice voice came, and she spoke Japanese. I didn't recognize the voice when she said the second sentence.

It's Yuri Kurosawa! Why did I hear her? !!

Is she here?

Impossible, she is a character from hundreds of years ago, why did I hear her call?

As long as I was still immersed in my thoughts, a few round bright lights were illuminated from a distance, like the light of a flashlight!

Far away, I heard Mo Yuan's shout, and Mo Qin's soft voice kept calling my name.

"Xiaohua ?! Where are you, Xiaohua?"

I said joyfully: "Yang Ye, they came here, they're fine, it's great!"

At this moment, all the members are safely confluent, and everyone is saved.

Although we don't know how this deity transferred people from our country to Japan, the process will not be discussed, and the end is good.

Before I had time to continue this joy and peace of mind, I felt a dizziness in my mind.

A great suction is like pulling my soul out of the body, and the picture in front of me is changing suddenly.

The flaming sunset hangs in the sky, it is slowly descending, and will disappear on the horizon at any time. The sunset was facing the lake, and it was too big.

Standing by the lake was a young girl in a white dress. She turned her back to me, and quietly looked at the lake in front of her, where she shimmered with sparkling light.

She seemed to feel my presence and turned her head. When I saw her again, my eyes couldn't help but widen.


I cried, and she looked at me for a moment, then smiled at me with a confusion, and nodded.

This event spanned region, language, and space. I don't know why, now I can see Yuri Kurosawa.

She is really beautiful. Even if time has passed for hundreds of years, her face is still about 20 years old, with two thin eyebrows flying, and below are a pair of emotional and watery eyes.

Under the nose is a medium-sized lip, and the goose egg face unique to Asian women is delicate and fair.

She smiled toward the spreading smile, I looked at the sunset light, my heart could not help shaking.

"What did you ask me to do here?"

I had no choice but to communicate with her in her language, but I thought that since she called me here, she must be able to understand what she conveyed to her.

"Thank you." Her tears remained from her eyes, but the smile on her face never disappeared.

"Actually, I should have thought that even if I left this place, everything I need to bear in my destiny will eventually happen in my life trajectory."

I felt the oncoming wind and listened to her slowly speaking there.

"If I don't run away, I won't die if I don't leave here, and Mr. Shimizu will not be separated from my family."

Mr. Shimizu?

This sentence reminded me of what Mr. Shimizu said at the time. His ancestor had a crush on Yuri Kurosawa. He didn't want to leave this Sun Moon Mountain for a long time. In addition to finding out the secret of Sun Moon Mountain, more I don't want to leave Yuri.

I've never seen anyone cry so much that it hurts me. This kind of pain that doesn't show on my face and hides in my heart is the most unbearable.

"No, you are not wrong, you have the right to change your life track." I retorted her words with excitement.

Yes, I have always believed in an idiom-fate can not help it.

All things have to work hard and struggle by herself. She is unwilling to be a pillar of humanity, sacrificed in vain. She is still so young. She fled the Sun Moon Mountain and did not want to die.

Kurosawa looked at me in surprise, and then a bright smile bloomed.

"Thank you, for being able to ask you to help me, is the most correct choice I have ever made."

She turned her head and looked at the black lake, even though it was bright at this moment, but under the light of the setting sun, the river was still black like ink and dead.

She turned without hesitation, and walked towards the lake. I was shocked when I saw this, spreading her legs and running towards her!


Kurosawa heard my stop, and she didn't stop. She was still walking towards the goal. I only took a few steps and felt that my legs seemed to be tied up, and she couldn't move at all.

The setting sun became more and more red. She welcomed the setting sun, slowly walked into the lake, and people gradually drowned.

My heart felt like a mammoth. It was so painful. I covered my chest and frowned.

I can feel that Yuri Kurosawa has been completely freed, and she is now walking towards the destination that belongs to her soul without complaints.

Although, I don't know what happened to her after she went to our country, nor did she know exactly what happened to the textile industry.

However, this moment is undoubtedly the best ending of the whole event.

The reason the **** punished Kurosawa was because she fled and angered the god. Now, her soul willingly returns to this lake, and everything will end here.

The old house will no longer be haunted, and the Sun Moon Mountain will only become an ordinary mountain.

A mountain with an abandoned and dilapidated shrine.

I watched her sink completely into the water, and then returned to my world. I heard the tense call of Moqin and Yang Yan, and I looked up stunned and looked at them in confusion.

"Xiaohua, Xiaohua, what's wrong with you? Come back to us soon." I felt wet on my face and didn't know how to respond to them.

"I'm fine." I replied, rubbing my face with my hands and eyes, pulling out an unsightly smile, and my stiff mouth couldn't lift.

"Let's go."

At the moment when I talked to Yuri Kurosawa's soul, it was dawn.

I looked at the clear sky, surrounded by tall trees and woods, and the lake still shone.

The little black house is so worn out that it feels like it will be taken off at any time because of a gale.

Several of the rescued juniors were carried by adults, while Mo Yuan was carrying a girl, and they have not yet woke up.

This rescue operation ended in success. On the way back, everyone became relaxed. Sitting on the rickety van, it seemed that I was still alone.

Mo Qin has always been paying attention to my state, she still didn't hold back, she worried, "Xiaohua, what happened?"

I smiled embarrassedly, shook my head, signaled that I was okay, and leaned my head on the window of the car again, watching the scenery outside the window.

She glanced at me again in disbelief. Then she picked up her mobile phone, shook it, and smiled and said to me: "I contacted the Shimizu couple and told them we were successful. Now let's go and take a photo Give it back to him. "

Moqin shared this joy with me, and my mood is much better.

One of the two vans went to the hospital, and one went to the couple's home.

Far away, I saw the Shimizu couple at the end of the road. The couple were cuddling each other and greeted us.

The things that came to be completed have also been resolved, so we didn't want to disturb the couple too much, so I got out of the car with Moqin and returned the things before leaving.

Moqin followed Mr. Shimizu into the room, and Mrs. Shimizu stood beside me, gently soothing me, "Tough work for you."

After returning things, I was finally relieved and leaned on the back of the chair.

"Xiaohua, I just got some information from Mr. Shimizu, you will be interested."

Moqin blinked cutely, leaned close to me mysteriously, and lowered his voice: "What do you think Mrs. Shimizu is?"

After a Japanese woman gets married, she follows her husband's last name, and many people don't care about the surname of a married woman.

"What's her last name?"

Mo Qin's expression made me curious.

The corner of her mouth ticked: "Kurosawa."

I was taken aback, Kurosawa?

So coincidental? Mr. Shimizu's wife is Kurosawa?

At this moment, I thought about the expression of Mrs. Shimizu that day when she saw the photo, and the unnatural movement when she poured wine for her husband.

"Is she a descendant of Kurosawa Yuri?"

"Bingo!" Moqin snapped his fingers.

I opened my eyes in disbelief and thought that the world was too mysterious.

It was also at this moment that I felt for the first time that the word "destined" was so wonderful and beautiful.

In the past, every time I heard the word "destined" from the mouth of those souls, I was full of helplessness and despair.

But this time, the news that Moqin learned was undoubtedly a great thing for me.

Reporter Mr. Shimizu failed to connect with Kurosawa a hundred years ago. A hundred years later, his descendants married the descendants of Kurosawa Yuri.

Even if they could not be together at the time, if they were doomed, they would still be cared for by fate.

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