When was Mu Yanran planning in the dark? Mu Yunji was still in the south side of the city.

On the morning of the second day, a carriage from General Mu's estate left the General's Estate before the sun had risen, heading straight for the city gates.

After leaving the city, they walked westward for about two hours before stopping in front of a small town called White Horse Town. The horse carriage entered the town and stopped outside an inn.

The curtain of the carriage was pushed aside and two noblewomen came out. They were both wearing cloaks with their hats covering their faces. After entering the inn, Cui Yun quickly went to negotiate with the shopkeeper, "The room we arranged last night." As she spoke, she intentionally gave the shopkeeper a silver ingot, "Clean the room so that he won't be disturbed."

After receiving the silver, the manager was naturally happy and repeatedly agreed. After a while, the waiter cleaned up the room.

After a while, another carriage stopped in front of the inn and a woman alighted from the carriage. This woman was wearing a coarse wooden hairpin and looked like she came from an ordinary family.

However, her face was covered with a thick layer of rouge, and the dust on her face did not match her extremely simple clothing.

The moment she got off the carriage, Cui Yun immediately went to welcome her. and took her upstairs.

Hearing the knock on the door, Lady Liu called out that she had arrived.

Mu Yanran glanced at Lady Liu and said in a low voice, "In a while, don't say anything. Listen to my arrangements."

Lady Liu could only agree.

It was indeed the brothel's bawd from seven years ago. When she walked into the room, her waist was still twisted quite mesmerizingly. She took off a handkerchief from her side and shook it out of habit. "Madam Mu, you're really punctual."

She glanced over and saw Mu Wanyun sitting beside her. "Yo, the Second Miss is also here. Judging from my memory, it should be Mu Wangfei. Greetings, wangfei."

She had a nice time, but she picked up a stool and sat down.

She deliberately coughed. "Madam, Princess, what business do you have with me today?" She was asking the obvious. In any case, the other party was asking for something from her. Even if she were to raise the price, she still had the capital to do so.

They were all people like that, so she was very clear about what she was thinking. Therefore, Mu Yanran went straight to the point, "Isn't it clear what you need from us?"

Liu Shi also followed up: "Just say it directly, do you have any evidence to prove that the child was really Jin Yu Lie?"

"Evidence?" The old procuress laughed greedily as she spoke.

"For this matter, I can't even do what I used to do. This madam and wangfei also knew about it. "If I knew that the young lady was the eldest young miss, I would never have agreed to it, and my house was shut down by General Mu, which is also my retribution. But now that I'm this old, it's really hard to get old age, so the mistress and the princess only need to give me some money to support my family. As for this matter, I can tell you everything I know."

"It's easy to ask for money." Mu Yanran glanced at Lady Liu, who pinched the lotus pouches in her sleeves tightly.

Her savings!

When she received her daughter's gaze, she still took it out.


Cui Yun then handed the banknotes inside to the old procuress.

The bawd's face bloomed into a smile. She counted and confirmed the correct amount. Then, she quickly put the banknotes away.

"You've already accepted the money, can you tell me now?"

Only now did the old procuress tell Mu Yanran and Lady Liu the news of a large group of assassins searching the brothel on the night seven years ago.

If she hadn't said this today, not many would have known about it.

Mu Yanran was also lost in her own thoughts. It couldn't be such a coincidence.

"It's true. Although they didn't find it that night, I did find a cloak in the room. This cloak is not ours, so that means there was a third person in the room that night."

"What about the cloak?" Mu Yanran cut him off.

"I don't know." The old procuress shrugged her shoulders, "Originally, I kept it, but later on, I disappeared. I think it was taken back by his owner."

Mu Yanran looked at her and did not let go of any of the expression on her face. She was analyzing if she was speaking the truth.

"How can you be sure that person is Jin Yulai?"

"Princess, please think about it. If they weren't his, why would the Duke of Jin wear a green hat on his head?"

"Does anyone else know about this?"

"No, I've instructed not to let anyone know. However, only I know about the cloak. You can rest assured." She had already said what needed to be said, so she naturally had to leave after receiving the money.

But, could Mu Yanran let her go so easily?

She gave Cui Yun a look, saying that Cui Yun had personally sent her out.

Lady Liu said anxiously, "My daughter, if what she said is true, then the child might really be Jin Yu Lie's. This time you've really gotten yourself into big trouble! "

Mu Yanran didn't say anything. She just sat there quietly, thinking non-stop.

"The more silent she was, the more anxious Lady Liu became." Aiya, say something, think of a way! "

After a while, Cui Yun came back, and when she came back, she even brought back Liu's purse.

Seeing her purse, Lady Liu was very shocked. How could the old procuress give her the banknotes back? She took the bag and saw that it was still stained with blood. She cried out in surprise and the bag fell to the ground. She sat on the chair with a pale face.

Cui Yun picked up the pouch from the ground, took out the banknotes and personally stuffed them into Lady Liu's hands, then burned the pouch in the brazier.

"Have you cleaned it up?" Mu Yanran asked.

"Everything is done. There will be no future troubles."

"Daughter, you killed her?"

"Mother, she just doesn't have any value left." Mu Yanran said, "It's been an hour. That relative of yours should have arrived at the imperial city by now. We should head back now."

At General Mu's residence, just as Lady Liu and Mu Yanran entered, a butler came to report, "Madam, a man said he is your relative."

"Where is he now?" Mu Yanran rushed to ask.

"In the side hall."

"Bring him to my study!"

A skinny man was brought over. His face was pale and his clothes were tattered. It seemed that his days were not going well. When he walked into the room, Mu Yanran could smell the suffocating smell of smoke.

Liu Shi knew this smell. "You're smoking a big cigarette again?"

The man said, "Cousin, since I'm by myself, how can I not enjoy it?" He laughed mischievously, revealing a mouthful of yellow teeth that made people feel disgusted.

Mu Yanran resisted the urge to vomit and gave her mother a look so that she could ask.

Lady Liu could only ask, "Seven years ago, how did you manage to accomplish what I asked you to do? "You must tell the truth. If there is a lie, I will make it so that you will not be able to bear the consequences."

"Cousin, don't say it like that. As long as you give me a big cigarette, I'll tell you whatever you want to say."

Liu Shi's chest rose and fell. She seemed to be angry. She took out a few silver notes from her sleeve and threw them to the man. "Take it!"

When the silver bills hit his face, they fell to the ground. The man didn't mind and picked them up with a smile. Looks like I have money for tonight's Big Smoke. He had known that he would come looking for his cousin early in the morning.

"Actually, I did go that night, but when I arrived, I passed out the moment I entered the door. I didn't know what happened afterwards, so when I was woken up, I probably didn't wear any clothes."

Afraid that they wouldn't believe him, he hurriedly said, "It's true. Actually, I don't know either. At that time, I was afraid that my cousin would take the money back, so I said yes with confidence, but if you ask me the truth, I really don't know. "

Mu Yanran's expression changed!

She could not believe that this was true! Originally, she was going to die because of Mu Yunji, but she didn't expect that Jin Yulie would actually destroy her.

It was fine if it was destroyed, but if this child really was Jin Yu Lie, then their days really wouldn't be good.

Therefore, she absolutely wouldn't allow this to be true!

Mu Yanran endured her disgust and looked at the man, and said, "Seven years ago, you were the one who did that! "So, you don't know that you have a son who is six years old this year."

As she spoke, she ignored the shocked expressions on Lady Liu and the man's face.

"Daughter, what are you going to do?" "Lady Liu seems to be quite frightened." You're playing with fire! We should apologize to Jin Yu Lie, but there is no movement from his side. I believe that if your father agreed to allow Mu Wan to be his wife, this matter could be resolved. "

Ever since she was sure that Amu was really Jin Yu Lie's son, the Liu family fell into an endless panic. She thought her daughter's planning was crazy!

"Mother, don't be naive! It was impossible to turn back. The current Mu Wanyun is no longer the Mu Wanyun we knew! Only by completely breaking off the relationship between her and Jin Yu Lie will we have a chance! " Do you think Jin Yulai didn't move? Then who was the one who gave out the order to kill in the martial arts world!

Chunyu Hao could only hide in the palace and not come out!

"But, can you really succeed in doing so?"

"Mother, you must remember this. If you want to be punished, you have no choice but to do so!" I will make sure Mu Yun dies without a burial ground! Thinking of the possible outcome of Mu Wan's appearance, Mu Yanran couldn't help laughing out loud.

Seeing her daughter's crazed expression, Mrs Liu could not help but furrow her brows, "My daughter, how did you become so terrifying?" He had previously arranged for a maidservant to kill someone right in front of her, but now he was in this state. Even Lady Liu was frightened.

"Terrifying?" Mu Yanran's smile grew wider. I surpassed Blue in my youth! Mother, don't forget, how did that bitch's mother die? really just died in childbirth? " Her words struck Lady Liu's heart.

"How do you know?" She trembled.

"Don't forget, if Mu Yun finds out that her mother died in your hands, will she let us go? At that time, with Jin Yu Lie's support, we will definitely not be able to beg for death, and therefore, we must get rid of her before she does, so as to prevent future troubles! "

Liu Shi originally held a hesitant attitude, but now she has completely agreed.

Lady Liu had also thought it through, and now it was already too late to dismount. Rather than trying to be timid, it was better to just give it a try. This concerned her own life and death, so she could only do this!

"Daughter, what are you going to do?"

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