Every single piece of the bomb had landed firmly in the pile of snow.

Then there was a rumbling sound, deafening.

The pile of snow exploded from the inside, followed by countless black objects exploding out. Mu Wanyun rode on his sword and flew in the air, guiding the Huyan group on their escape route.

And at this time, Huyan no longer cared about the rumbling sounds and continued running with all his might.

Suddenly, countless objects scattered in the sky, one of which landed right in front of him. If it wasn't for Huyan's quick reaction, he would have been smashed by this item.

When he focused his eyes, he saw that the hand that fell in front of him was a broken hand!

The severed arm was torn off at the elbow. Something had blown it up alive. The broken arm was incomplete, and many parts of the arm had been burnt black.

It was still smoking when it landed on the snow.

Huyan exclaimed. Other than them, there were no other living figures in this vast and endless snow. But this was clearly the hand!

Huyan ran through the snow with great difficulty as he turned around to look at the situation behind him.

If he didn't look, he wouldn't know. However, upon seeing it, he was shocked!

Behind him were all these broken arms, legs, and broken bodies. These broken limbs were all blown out by Mu Wan from a snowdrift.

That is to say, all around them were people hiding in snowdrifts. But how could that be? If it was hidden in the snow, it would have already been frozen to death.

Along with Mu Wan's movements, countless severed limbs were blasted out.

All of a sudden, the broken hands fell heavily on the snow, and the scene looked quite tragic.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!"

Mu Wan Yun used almost a roar.

Huyan froze for a second, he didn't have time to think about anything else, he and his three lackeys quickly ran under Mu Wan's command.

They couldn't see it so clearly from the ground, but they could clearly see Mu Wanjun standing in the air. From the pile of snow that was blown up by her, several people suddenly crawled out.

These people were all half naked as they struggled to climb out of the snow. There was not the slightest bit of emotion on their faces. They looked extremely strange, and when they walked, the movements of their bodies and joints were extremely abnormal.

Mu Huanyun was shocked as he saw this. These people were not so much people as puppets, or it could be said they were more accurate puppets.

These people had lifeless eyes, yet they were chasing behind Huyan and the others.

One of them even managed to reach the corner of Huyan's clothes, with a pull, Huyan stumbled and almost fell. He turned his head to look, but as if he had seen a ghost, he immediately pulled back his clothes.

With a cracking sound, that man's clothes were torn apart, and he fell to the ground and immediately got up, following Huyan.

After several people heard about Mu Yun's business, they raised their heads and looked in the direction of Mu Wan. A group of people followed Mu Yun.

Then, from the pile of snow, he saw a few giant falcons with two wings crawling out.

This falcon was three times bigger than normal. It would be better to call it an eagle or a bird.

After the eagle stood swaying in the snow, someone stood on the eagle's body. The eagle flapped its wings and rushed towards Mu Huanyun at an extremely fast speed.

Mu Wangzhong hurriedly lowered her body to avoid one of the condors, but when she saw the other condor arrive at the same time, she shouted, "Soup Dumplings, spew fire!"

Just as she finished speaking, the Soup Dumplings suddenly turned around and opened its mouth to spit out a stream of fire.

This flame was coincidentally sprayed onto the body of an eagle. The feathers on its body instantly burned up, causing it to be unable to fly. It fluttered about a few times in the air before falling down with a loud bang.

Even the person on its back fell down.

Normally, that person would die if he fell from this height. However, he didn't die. He struggled to get up, hoping to ride the other condor to flap his wings and come back.

Mu Huanyun's expression changed. These were all dead people! Since they were already dead, there was no need at all! If he were to fight with them, he would be the one to suffer.

Mu Huanyun also knew that he was really forced into a corner now.

But once the snowdrift formation was broken, the road in front of them would become clear. As long as they asked these puppets, they would be able to leave this snowfield.

Mu Wan Yun took out all of the bombs from his storage ring and threw them at the area with more puppets.

There was only the incessant rumbling.

Countless puppets' corpses were blown to smithereens, and once again, they fell to the ground.

And below, Huyan and the others had not escaped a close combat.

The weapons in their hands kept swinging.

Mu Wan suddenly thought of the movies she had seen in her previous life. There had been scenes where she had been walking around like a zombie. She remembered that in the movies, the only way to kill such people was to chop off their heads.

With this thought in mind, she flew on the back of her sword and cut off the head of one of the puppets. The puppet that had lost its head did not die like in a movie.

However, without their heads, they were just like headless flies that kept bumping into each other, and their combat strength was greatly reduced.

This really worked. After discovering the flaw, Mu Wuyun immediately shouted at Huyan and the others: "Cut off their heads."

With her reminder, Huyan and the rest immediately raised their weapons towards the puppets' heads. In that moment, all they could see were countless heads flying in the sky. It was a spectacular sight.

Although the intense attacks of these puppets had slowed down momentarily, the feeling of having countless puppets pouring out of the cave was truly endless.

Mu Wanyun commanded the people to think ahead while she rode her sword. At the same time, she also wanted to go to the snowfield to check out the puppets that were approaching, so she commanded the Soup Dumplings to shoot fire at them. Only then did she find out that there was a gigantic cave inside the snowfield, and there were countless puppets lying inside.

These puppets were piled up in layers. As long as the upper level was removed, the lower level would continue to pour out. Although she had previously used a bomb to kill many of the puppets, the number of puppets here was simply too astonishing.

Mu Wanyun was extremely shocked. That feeling was as if he had poked a hornet's nest.

Not good! If this carried on, people would die from exhaustion!

Her mind quickly spun as she thought of a method. Previously, these puppets had only been buried in a pile of snow. If it wasn't for the fact that the snow array formation had trapped them here, Mu Yunji wouldn't have even thought of exploding.

If she did not blow up, she would not be able to see these puppets. Thinking of this, she felt that she could only think of a way to seal off these snowdrifts.

And these puppets seemed to be especially sensitive to sound.

Mu Huayun already had a plan in mind. She commanded Huyan to make a light noise, and had the Soup Dumplings lead them out while she flew in the opposite direction.

The bombs in her hands were constantly being dropped, and she started bombarding the innermost point.

Not long after, a huge hole was formed.

The loud noise deserved to be heard by the puppets.

"Lady Mu's method is really effective." Huyan couldn't help but admire the situation he was in. Mu Yunji was still able to think and think, and think of an effective method to deal with it.

The puppets all fell into the hole.

Mu Wan Yun used her voice to lure all the puppets towards her, but not long after, she almost used up all of her bombs. Before coming to the Northern Kingdom, she had prepared many of these bombs. But now that they were being used like this, there wasn't much left.

He felt sorry for the fact that he had used up all of his stock in an instant.

He had to leave behind two of them, just in case he needed them later on.

In her storage ring, all that was left was a few strings of firecrackers to use during the new year.

That was something Ammu had asked her to preserve for her. She didn't expect it to be of use at this time.

Mu Wan Yun lit up the firecracker and threw it down. The firecrackers crackled, luring all the puppets over to that side. Mu Wan Yun had used Sun Zi's 36th move, so leaving was the best strategy!

She quickly flew back to the side of Huyan and co., pulling them to take advantage of the opening in the array formation.

After passing through this area, what appeared before him was an extremely narrow passageway between two canyons.

This was the place. Once they passed this place, they would be out of the Xue Yu!

Without saying anything further, they headed towards the passageway.

The passageway between two to three people could only barely allow one person to pass through. If that person was slightly fatter, he wouldn't be able to squeeze through.

The two sides of the path were abnormally smooth and neat, as if they had been hacked and chiseled by a knife or axe. Even Mu Wan was suspicious of such supernatural work, was it a work of nature, or was it a masterpiece created by the Witch Clan that surpassed humans?

She looked behind her and noticed that even though the formation had broken, there were still a few puppets that were walking towards her.

If they were to really leave, and at the same time bring these puppets out, wouldn't this continent be destroyed? Mu Wan Yun thought and quickly cast the array to seal this place.

She didn't know how long her seal would keep these puppets trapped for, but she couldn't let them out of the world.

Huyan successfully passed through it. He saw that there were some men behind him who were too strong to pass through, so they could only take off their clothes and pass through. However, when the three of them came out, they didn't see Mu Yun.

When he was about to turn back, he saw that Mu Yunji was also heading towards this direction.

This corridor was neither long nor short.

"What are you doing?" Seeing the powerful object in her hands, Huyan could not understand.

Mu Wanyun took a deep breath. Luckily, she had left two pieces. Now was the time for this thing to be of use. She threw one of the bombs into the tunnel. There was a loud sound, and an avalanche suddenly occurred and completely sealed off the tunnel.

And she was relieved.

However, this loud noise was made by using an avalanche to seal the cave entrance. At the same time, countless amounts of snow were rushing towards them. The avalanche was so menacing that it was enough to annihilate the cave entrance.

"Avalanche!" Huyan's face changed. No one knew better than him how terrifying an avalanche was. Although he was cursing Mu Yun's actions in his heart, he knew that if he let these puppets go, then there would be endless troubles in the future.

He had come out with great difficulty. Was he going to die here?

Mu Wan Yun shouted towards the crowd: "Come up!"

It turned out that when she threw the bomb, she had tied a rope to the cliff and died. Now, when she threw the rope to everyone, she stood on her flying sword in midair and enjoyed this rare spectacle!

Not everyone could watch such a massive avalanche from a close distance. It was a thousand times more shocking than watching it live on television!

It was rare for her to have such a mood.

However, Huyan was incomparably depressed. This woman really wasn't someone an ordinary person could handle. He couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat for the Great Qin's Duke of Jin.

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