Hearing this news, Jin Yu Lie couldn't help but smile.

Seeing this, the guard was dumbfounded. His master was like an ice cube all year round and had never smiled. Now that he had smiled, it was truly the credit of Lady Mu.

Jin Yu Lie said: "She is indeed worthy of respect."

When he had first heard that Mu Wan had led a huge army of 100,000, Jin Yu Lie's heart had always been calm like an ancient well, and he was also surprised. He was even more surprised when he heard that she was following the news.

He felt Leaves' smile behind him and turned to look at her. "She is really surprising. Isn't it? "

Leaves nodded. "Elder sister Wan is different from the one in my memories. This subordinate also doesn't know what she went through to make her like this all by herself all these years. However, I am very happy. In her words, she is a useless jade. She is the phoenix of Nirvana, destined to be resplendent and dazzling. "

She was really different. This feeling was not only shared by Jin Lie, but also by Ye Wen.

At that moment, a very strange thought appeared in his mind, but it disappeared in a flash. Jin Yu Lie felt that it was very strange, but he didn't think too much about it.

She was a very special woman.

Back then, the reason he kept her by his side was because he felt that she was very interesting. He wanted to find even more pleasant surprises from her. He didn't expect her to be so undisappointing.

Not only were there more surprises, it was even more wonderful.

At the same time, she was like a thin rope, slowly entangling Jin Yu's heart. Her happiness, anger, sadness, and even the slightest change could affect his heart.

Once upon a time, the carefree Jin Yu Lie actually locked his line of sight because of her, and could no longer, but was also willing to be the center of attention for her.

However, from the looks of it, Jin Yu Lie also knew that Mu Wan Yun was about to face a difficult battle. The Ye He Clan was in great danger and was easy to defend against. However, he didn't know what method Mu Wan Yun would use to break through the city.

Jin Yu Lie was concerned about her, so he sent someone to go straight to the four directions of the city.

He wanted to cheer her on, or at least let her know that he wasn't that far away from her now.

"My lord." Leaves suddenly knelt in front of Jin Yu Lie. Needless to say, Jin Yu Lie also knew her feelings.

"I know you want to go. How are your injuries these days?"

Previously, Ye Wen had traveled through the night to deliver a letter for Mu Wan. Two good horses had died, but she didn't think her speed was fast enough. In the end, she used her cultivation to fly on her sword and arrived at the fastest speed. Previously, she had been severely injured in the snow. This only further increased her damage.

After she received the news, she fell into a deep slumber for a full three days and three nights.

However, just as she woke up, she wanted to find Mu Wan. She knew that Mu Yanran was the most adept at getting in the way and playing dirty. Although she knew that Mu Wan Yun was intelligent, she still felt at ease by her side.

Jin Yu Lie was the same as well.

However, Leaves' injuries were not light, and she was forcefully suppressed by Jin Yu Lie, saying that before she recovered, he definitely wouldn't let her go.

In the past few days, she would always come out at night and day. She would appear at the cemetery every night to extract and refine the aura of death from the corpses.

She was only a step away from reaching Grade Eight. If she were to break through to the other side, in the entire Mystic Moon Continent, the number of people she could fight could fight could be counted on one hand.

Jin Yu Lie was very satisfied, he nodded indifferently, the leaf was like an arrow released from a bow, it suddenly disappeared without a trace.

The snow was quiet as night fell. A dark shadow flew across the sky.

Mu Wan was wearing a black robe, wrapping herself in it. The sword beneath her feet was also painted black, blending into the dark night sky.

She had quietly come to the Windblast City of Yehe alone to check out the situation and find a way to break the city.

This place was different from the other city towers. As far as the eye could see, there were no hidden tracks, so she carefully approached them.

Originally, she had planned for people to quietly approach in camouflage clothing, but now it seemed like that wasn't going to work.

This place was truly dangerous. The walls of the two nearby mountain peaks were as smooth as a mirror. They had been meticulously polished, and it was likely that the flies would slip and fall down as well.

She touched the wall and found that it was very slippery. First, it was oiled so that no one could climb it. Second, if someone really did climb the mountain, she only needed to light a fire and instantly turn into a roasted pig.

Judging from the degree of polishing, it should have been done recently. It was definitely Mu Yanran.

It seemed that climbing from the perilous peak was not an option either.

Could it be that he could only use brute force to attack?

If they were to attack head on, the casualties would be enormous. She would never do this unless it was absolutely necessary.

When she tried to get a little closer, Mu Wei Yun felt a strong aura. She abruptly retreated, avoiding the pressure of the aura.

This aura was too familiar, Mu Yanran's.

Sure enough, she was in town.

She had always wanted to fight with him, seeing him as her mortal enemy. This time, she was far away from the Northern Kingdom. It seemed like she wanted to give it her all. Ever since Mu Wan learned of Lady Liu's death, she had carefully investigated the situation at that time and had also investigated it on the spot. She knew that it was probably because of Mu Yanran.

However, she did not expect Mu Yanran to be so merciless as to not even let her mother off.

It seemed that tomorrow's battle would not only be the decisive battle for the civil war in the Northern Kingdom, but it would also be the time for her and Mu Yanran to settle their scores.

The day was finally coming.

"Mu Yanran is indeed in Feng Tong now. She has been cultivating every night for the past few days to increase her cultivation." "Mu Yunji, tomorrow, if you don't die, then I'll die. I won't let you live in this world, and my mother's death won't be let go just like that."

She withdrew her breath and walked straight into the dungeon.

There were men and women, young and old, imprisoned in the dungeon.

They looked at Mu Yanran in fear. Her appearance was delicate and pretty, but her actions were ruthless. These people knew, so when she came in, the children curled up in their mother's arms.

Someone asked angrily, "Why did you exterminate my Huyan Clan? What conflicts do we have?! "

As Mu Yanran looked at these people, the most charming smile bloomed on her face, "It's nothing. It's just that your surnames happen to be Huyan."

"You let us go! Let us go! " The angry roars of these people were useless. No matter how loud they were, they couldn't get through the cage.

Mu Yanran pointed at the few of them and instructed them in a low voice.

The subordinate hurriedly nodded his head.

"I understand. If you miss something, you can go in by yourself." She had casually said this, but her subordinates knew that she was no pushover.

Mu Wan Yun returned to his tent, his brain still thinking about how Mu Yanran's cultivation had improved by a lot.

Her False Spiritual Roots were indeed not comparable to the Dual Spiritual Roots. She had a lot of things to take care of everyday recently, so she had indeed neglected cultivation.

But luckily, there were very few cultivators from the Northern State. Right now, the only opponent that could rival her was Mu Yanran.

She had just lit up the camp lamp and was about to once again search for a way to break down the city when she suddenly felt someone behind her. Her expression suddenly changed.

Who could silently appear behind her? If he was an enemy but not a friend...

When Mu Wan Yun's treasured sword entered his palm, he suddenly slashed and the wind from the blade extinguished the flame.

Her hand immediately clashed with the incoming person.


"Sister Yun."

Hearing the familiar voice, Mu Huanyun was overjoyed, "Ye!"

When the lights were reignited, she saw that the person in the tent was indeed Leaves'.

"Your cultivation has increased by a lot."

When Mu Wan Yun saw Leaves, he was overjoyed.

Ye Wen was naturally very happy to see her. However, she was used to being cold. She did not have a hint of a smile on her face, but there was also joy in her eyes.

She told her about Jin Yulai's arrival in the Four Directions City.

"Rest assured, the Duke of Jin has arrived. A hundred thousand men are stationed in the city, ready to move at any time." He saw what you asked me to bring him. He knows what you mean. I can see that the Duke of Jin treats you very well. " Finally, Leaves added.

Mu Wan Yun's face turned slightly red.

The next day was a sunny day. It was a rare sunny day in the past few months.

If they were in the Great Qin, it would have been summer long ago.

"Sister Wan Yun, do you have a good plan to defeat the enemy?" Leaves asked.

Mu Wan Yun looked around and shook her head. Last night, she had checked and found that this tower was abnormally sturdy. If she had used a bomb to blast it, she would only be able to destroy a corner of it.

However, she understood that they had been camped here for many days already. If they didn't send out their troops now, the soldiers' morale would drop.

Huyan asked for a fight, she agreed, and told Huyan to bring 10,000 soldiers to test it out.

Huyan led the troops and left. Huyan was indeed an expert in leading troops and arranging their troops. Although Mu Yanran and the rest relied on the sturdy city gate tower without any losses, this battle was still a little awkward.

Seeing the situation, Mu Huanzhi decided to send more soldiers and horses. He even ordered the small cage to move to the side.

Immediately, dust covered the sky, horns sounded, and the murderous air was so loud that even the earth trembled.

At the same time, Mu Wan Yun also had a team of cavalrymen carry three bombs. With their extremely powerful archery skills, they shot the bombs into the city gate tower, causing countless corpses to fly into the air.

In an instant, the inside of Windblast City was overflowing with flames and thick smoke billowed everywhere.

The Soup Dumplings flapped its wings and flew in the air, spitting fire everywhere.

The blood turned into a bloody mist that covered the sky.

The destruction of the city was just around the corner. At this moment, more than ten people suddenly appeared on top of the city gate tower. These people were tightly bound by ropes and thrown out of the city gate tower.

This sudden change was somewhat unexpected.

Mu Yanran stood at the top of the city gate tower as she had someone shout, "General Huyan, look who this is?"

Huyan looked up and was shocked! His clansmen that were tied up and hanging outside the city were actually his clansmen.

Among those ten or so people were his siblings, his wife who had been through thick and thin, and his children who had been very clever and clever. Every single one of them was his blood.

However, these people were all hanging on the tower, and their lives were only supported by a thin rope.

If these ropes were broken, they would fall down the tower and die!

Mu Yanran actually used such a method to threaten him.

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