Some soldiers had blown their horns long ago. Even if they wanted to check again, they wouldn't be able to. Mu Wan Yun had no choice but to give up.

He was unhappy.

Before, Huyan had said that he would give him a chance to kill his enemy, but now, without a word, he turned and left.

"Don't you find it strange?" Ye Wen looked at Mu Wan Yun in surprise.

Mu Yun shook his head, "It's indeed a little strange."

One of the soldiers reported, "Reporting to General Mu, the entire army has gathered. They are only waiting for the general's orders."

"Troops, listen up! Attack the city!" Mu Wan stood atop the horse. His silver armor seemed like a flood dragon in the early morning light as it emitted a hazy and gentle silver sheen.

At this moment, the morning dew had congealed. On the frozen Northern Kingdom, the silver armor had droplets of dew. At a glance, it looked shiny, which only served to further accentuate her ethereal appearance.

Her amber eyes stared straight ahead.

In the blink of an eye, the countless soldiers charged forward simultaneously with their horses roaring.

After today's battle, it was definitely a battle of life and death. After this battle, the Northern Frontier will once again open a new curtain, whether it was Renzo Ying's victory or Renzo Meng's success, the Northern Faction will definitely welcome their new master.

This battle was the same for Mu Wenyun and Mu Yanran. From today onwards, it was impossible for the two of them to be together without any problems. It could be said that this battle had truly torn apart their cosmetics.

Mu Yanran stood on top of the city gate tower. Her dress was rippling, and it was a soul-stirring redness.

Her long hair fluttered behind her back, and her eyes were filled with a venomous resentment as she stared off into the distance with a touch of silver.

"Mu Yun …"

Someone came to report, "Miss Ying'er, General Huyan has left the group by himself. I wonder if he succeeded or not. "

She sneered, "Is he heading east?"


The smile on Mu Yanran's face bloomed and became exceptionally brilliant. Under the morning sunlight, her light makeup made her look even more elegant and elegant. Huyan Zou Meng watched from the side, a bit mesmerized.

Mu Wanyun was also looking at the top of the city gate tower, and the red figure should be Mu Yanran.

Leaves was standing beside Mu Wan, dressed in black. Seeing her eyes, she waved the flag in her hand, and the red flag was raised high into the air.

The thirty thousand soldiers, leading the way, galloped off at high speed.

The hooves of the horses flew in the air, kicking up a cloud of dust. The grass that had just sprouted out of the ground was instantly trampled into a mess.

These thirty thousand riders were the elite of the elite soldiers. They were the most valiant and valiant, and their riding skills were the best.

Thirty thousand vanguards charged head-on.

Just as the vanguard was about to enter the range of the city gate tower, the flag in Leaves' hand suddenly changed, and she raised the black flag.

Behind the thirty thousand vanguards, Mu Wan had arranged for three teams of divine archers to gather about ten thousand people, each team having their own offensive formation.

The front and the back was replaced. Once the arrow formation was activated, it could be continuously operated without any gaps.

In the blink of an eye, countless white feathers flew through the air, covering the ground as if night had suddenly arrived!

These ten thousand godly archers did indeed aim at the city walls.

On the city gate tower, arrows rained down from the sky as they aimed at the thirty thousand cavalrymen. Even though these thirty thousand Steel Cavalry were abnormally valiant, one thousand of them still died under the bombardment of the arrows like locusts.

The remaining people, under the cover of the arrow formation behind them, broke through the encirclement with all their might and rushed to the foot of the city wall.

For a time, the situation was extremely desperate.

At that moment, the flag in Leaves' hand changed again.

On the left and right flanks, thirty thousand cavalrymen were charging over. These thirty thousand cavalrymen all held a wooden shield in their hands. They rushed through the rain of arrows and rushed towards the tower. Suddenly, countless wooden shields were raised up, forming an even more powerful shield.

The rain of arrows continued to fall incessantly. Countless arrows rained down upon the wooden shield.

Mu Yanran looked at all of this. To be honest, Mu Yunji's arrangement of troops was indeed very powerful. If they hadn't relied on the dangers of heaven, the Feng Dan City would have already been conquered long ago.

At this moment, Mu Yun's men were under the city gate due to the great danger. Under the cover of their shields, they rammed against the city gate.

Last night, Leaves had already checked; the city gate was actually made of the black iron ore unique to the Northern Kingdom. It was exceptionally hard.

Using ordinary machines, it was impossible to break open the city gates.

The walls were also covered in a lot of tung oil, which made them slippery and hard to step on. Even using the ladder would be a waste. The only thing they needed was a fire, so there was no chance of survival for the people downstairs.

Therefore, Mu Huuyun let Ye Wen secretly go to the Feng Dan City last night.

Today's attack was fake, she even had plans for the future.

The flag in Leaves' hand changed again. Suddenly, countless kites flew up into the sky.

These kites were many times larger than normal kites and there were a lot of explosives tied to them. This was what Leaves had ordered Mu Yun to do last night.

In the Mystic Moon Continent, it was still the era of cold weapons. However, Mu Yun's knowledge of explosive techniques could be said to be an absolute victory magical equipment.

The kites all landed in the city, and with a loud explosion, the bombs suddenly blossomed in the city, causing smoke to billow everywhere.

At the same time, in the heavenly danger zone that Feng Wu City was relying on, even the two mountain peaks beside it let out a few loud rumbles.

The stone wall was riddled with holes from the explosions.

These holes were the ones that Ye Wen had used to install the explosive onto the cliff wall last night. With these holes on the cliff wall that was as smooth as a mirror, it was no different from allowing people to climb up better.

At this moment, under the cover of the marksman, the soldiers who had rushed to the base of the city wall climbed up the cliff.

This was much better than the ladder.

Upon seeing this, Mu Yanran immediately had her men fire the rockets. She wanted to burn everyone who attacked her with a torch, but because the hole caused countless dust to fly out, many places were covered in thick dust. Even if they were set ablaze, the power would be greatly reduced compared to before.

The fire raged, but there were still many places that were attacked by Mu Yunji's men.

In addition, the divine archers on the side of Mu Wenyun had released their arrows, so the pressure on their side suddenly tightened.

There were a few arrows that broke through Mu Yanran's seal and looked like they were about to kill her. Even if she dodged them, she was still in a sorry state. One of the arrows brushed past her hair.

He jumped into the wall behind her. It was still buzzing.

Her eyes were filled with ruthlessness as she looked at Mu Yunji.

She knew Mu Yun had shot that arrow. How come she wasn't dead yet? Mu Yanran stared unblinkingly as she snatched an arrow from the hands of the person beside her.

She did not hesitate to reply.

However, they were intercepted by Leaves' banner with an arrow. The two were evenly matched.

The sounds coming from downstairs were getting more and more miserable. The people on top of the city gate tower had seen such a brutal battle before, and there were even more people who weren't afraid of death as they rushed over.

The Piercing Wind City was in a precarious situation.

The smell of blood spread across the grassland, and the smell of rust filled the noses of every single one of them.

As for the soldiers in the city, they had already lost more than half. The city guard general was on the verge of collapsing. He was also injured in many places, and his entire body was covered in blood.

The sight shocked Yuerong. He leaned against the wall and slowly sat down. Their eyes were filled with grief and indignation, "We're finished! "It's all over …"

Seeing him dejected and defeated, she slapped him, "You better wake up. Go back to the Imperial Court and guard your father. If you want to live, he is your only hope."

Her words woke him up, and he knew he could live. He had a glimmer of hope.

"What about you?" At this point, it was rare for him to still think about her.

"You go first, I'll cut you off."

No longer able to care about anything else, he quickly turned around and left.

However, Mu Yanran did not follow them. She stood on top of the city gate tower and watched the people below fighting with their lives on the line. The difference between life and death was whether one had more strength than others, whether one was slashed by others or not, or whether one was cut by others!

However, she didn't care whether these people were alive or dead. She just wanted them dead!

Even though the city gate downstairs was sturdy, there were still gaps if these iron products were to be attached to the walls of the city gate tower. Mu Wan had long told them that breaking the gate wasn't as easy as smashing it open, and that they could start from both sides. Sure enough, no matter how tough the city gate was, it could only collapse with a loud bang. With a thunderous boom, the city gate collapsed to the ground, trembling from the impact.

At this moment, the results could already be seen.

Mu Yanran grabbed the protector's lapel, "Didn't you say that the poison came from the Witch clan? Why is it that she hasn't been poisoned yet?"

She had predicted that Huyan wouldn't use the lives of his family to deceive her.

In fact, what she didn't know was that when the siege had reached its climax, Mu Wan Yun had already been poisoned.

Leaves, who was beside her, felt a pair of cold hands suddenly clasp her wrist. She suddenly turned her head, only to see Mu Wei's pale face, purplish lips, and eyes gradually filled with chaos.

"What's the matter with you?" Leaves asked in a low voice.

All around them were the people of the North. As a high-ranking officer, even if she had matters to attend to, she could not easily speak of them. Furthermore, this time was actually very subtle.

Ye Wen could feel Mu Wanyun's entire body leaning on him.

"I've been poisoned, keep quiet. You have now quietly touched my acupoints. "

Poisoned? Ye Wen's expression immediately changed. She had always been by Mu Wan's side. How could she have been poisoned? Furthermore, based on her understanding of Mu Yun, if it wasn't for her being unable to handle him, she wouldn't have told him.

"What's going on?" There was no time to investigate the reason, he could only understand it.

"I don't know. My whole body is numb. I can't move. " She spoke a little slowly. It seemed like the poison could even affect her speech.

While she was asking, she quietly sealed Mu Yunji's acupuncture points.

This way, she would be able to sit on the horse as steadily as before, or at least the others would not be able to tell that anything was amiss.

Ye Wen waved his hand to check what poison had hit Mu Wan, but when she checked, she was shocked. She felt that Mu Wan's pulse was very slow, so slow that she almost couldn't feel it.

Now that the city was in ruins, she knew Mu Yunji couldn't leave.

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