Since he knew that the Emperor of Da Xia was a fake, no matter what, he was still the father of Rong Chu. They had originally wanted to infiltrate the Imperial Palace to find the location of the Da Xia Emperor.

But it was strange.

Suo Chu and Mu Wan could hear the crying sounds from the sky above the Imperial Palace. However, after they circled around the Imperial Palace many times, they still couldn't pinpoint their exact location.

As for that fake monarch, he would head up and down every day, and he was incomparably punctual. Other than the fact that he painted pigs on Xuan paper at night, there was nothing that could be seen through.

Mu Wan Yun knew that Rong Chu was still blaming him for what the Da Xia Emperor had done to him. However, these were all deliberately framed by some people, so he still wanted to do his best to save his father.

However, he didn't have the slightest clue after three days.

Thinking about it, Xuanyuan Shishi was still in the Great Qin Empire and she might have been instigated by Xuanyuan Wushang to marry Jin Yu Lie to achieve the goal of a marriage between two nations.

Rong Chu knew that he couldn't spend all his time aimlessly searching.

Three days later, he could only give up!

Mu Yunji could only arrange for Manager He to pay closer attention to all movements in the Imperial Palace. Five days later, they set out for the Great Qin Empire.

They travelled through the night as well.

When they had left, Amu had secretly given Xuanyuan Xu'er laxatives, causing her to suffer from diarrhea, but she had caught cold again.

After taking care of his sister for a few days, Xuanyuan Wushang still remembered the situation in Xia, so he personally went to see Jin Yu Lie and said that he had been bothering him for a few days and should have returned home by now. However, his sister was careless and ill, not to mention that the journey was bumpy, so he entrusted his sister to his care.

When his sister was better, he would personally greet her and thank her.

At first, Xuanyuan Wushang was complaining about Xuanyuan Shishi's illness. But later on, he thought about it and realized that the matter of the marriage that day had been completely destroyed by Mu Yun.

Now that Xuanyuan Shou'er was ill, Mu Yunji was nowhere to be found.

It was as if everything was just right!

He took advantage of this opportunity to entrust his sister to Jin Yu Lie, letting his sister find a very good opportunity …

Now, he actually felt that Xuanyuan Shishi's illness had come at the right time.

Before he left, he had gone to see Xuanyuan Shishi just in time to see a maidservant deliver medicine.

"Wait!" Xuanyuan Wushang called out to the maidservants, "Is this for the princess?"

The maidservant nodded respectfully.

"Hand it over!" Without saying anything further, he took the tray from the maid and said, "You may leave."

The maid had just turned around when Xuanyuan Wushang took out a small porcelain bottle from his bosom and bit off the stopper. He poured the medicine in the bottle into Xuanyuan Shou'er's medicine bowl.

"Mi'er." Xuanyuan Wushang pushed the door open and entered with a smile.

"Royal brother." Xuanyuan Shou'er's face was still somewhat pale, without a single trace of blood on his lips. She was weakly lying down on the bed, and when she saw Xuanyuan Wushang enter, she struggled to get up but was pushed back down by Xuanyuan Wushang. With a doting smile, he helped her cover her body with the quilt once more and carefully tucked her in.

"You're still sick. Don't be so courteous, you are my sister by blood, it is only right that big brother dotes on little sister. "

"Thank you, royal brother."

"Come, be good and drink the medicine. Your royal brother is feeding you. " As Xuanyuan Wushang spoke, he took up a spoon and offered it to Xuanyuan Shishi.

She frowned. "I don't know if the imperial physicians of the Qin Dynasty are mediocre doctors. They can't cure the slightest ailment." I think it's even heavier. "

"So, you need to eat medicine even more." Xuanyuan Wushang was patient.

Xuanyuan Shou'er shook his head, feeling a little self-willed. "I really don't want to eat it!" As he spoke, he was about to push away the medicinal pot when some of the medicine splashed out. Xuanyuan Wushang's expression suddenly changed!

Xuanyuan Shou'er gave a start. "Royal brother, I'll drink then." She took the bottle and drank not a drop.

When Xuanyuan Wushang saw the bottom of the bowl, he finally revealed a smile.

"This is my good sister." He took out a handkerchief and wiped the corner of her mouth, "Xu, I plan to go back first. The imperial brother of the Da Xia Empire is a little worried."

"Then …"

"You can be at ease, your royal brother told Jin Yu Lie before. He promised to take you to the Imperial Palace. " As Xuanyuan Wushang spoke, he took out a small ring from his sleeve. This ring was exceptionally exquisite, with a large East Pearl in the center, and it was extremely round.

He placed the ring on Xuanyuan Shishi's finger and whispered in her ear, "You should know how to use the pearl." "Remember, this must be done beautifully!"

His lips were almost touching her ear, and his nose was filled with the fragrance of Xuanyuan Shishi's body. Waves upon waves of turmoil stirred his heart, causing his throat to quiver.

Her eyes were filled with lust.

It was not the look in her brother's eyes when he looked at her, but the look of a wolf who had taken a fancy to a female wolf …

Xuanyuan Shou'er did not dare to move. Hearing Xuanyuan Wushang's words, her gaze darkened.

"Royal brother …" His request made her feel somewhat embarrassed, but for some reason, she couldn't reject it. Your servant sister understands. "

"Very good!" Xuanyuan Wushang evilly smiled, but his hand instead lightly brushed past Xuanyuan Xuanyuan Shishi's cheek. He then placed his hand on the tip of his nose and took a sniff of her fragrance. "Little Sister, you're really fragrant …"

As he spoke, he inched closer towards Xuanyuan Shishi.

His hand seemed about to reach into Xuanyuan Shishi's chest. For some reason, even though Xuanyuan Shou'er knew it wasn't good, her mind still felt muddled. Everything before her began to blur.

His breathing quickened as a strange dark rainbow appeared on his face.

Xuanyuan Wushang held onto the towering chest of Xuanyuan Shishi as he rubbed it vigorously.

When Xuanyuan Shou'er's trusted aide saw this, his brows furrowed together. She thought for a moment before clenching her teeth and pretending to trip over something as she slammed the door open.

Xuanyuan Wushang was shocked!

He quickly retracted his hand and saw that it was a servant girl.

In this moment of shock, Xuanyuan Shishi seemed to have regained consciousness. She looked at Xuanyuan Wushang with a somewhat blank expression and then looked at the maidservants who had crawled up from the ground, kneeling and begging for forgiveness.

"What's wrong?"

Xuanyuan Wushang could only glare resentfully at the maidservant for a moment before hurriedly leaving after saying a few words to Xuanyuan Shishi to recuperate. Returning to his room, Xuanyuan Wu's anger was unable to calm down. He grabbed a maid from the door and closed the door with a bang. Then, he heard the sound of silk being torn.

Then came the court lady's pleas for mercy.

Then the clatter of the seats, and then the crackling of flesh against flesh.

On the morning of the second day, when Xuanyuan Wushang stood up to leave, that maid couldn't even stand steadily on her feet.

She suddenly fell down from the bed and sat on the ground. Behind her, there was a row of bloody wounds. Not far away from her, there was a chair's horn that had been forcefully broken. The end of the chair's leg was covered in blood.

Jin Yulie sent someone to bring Xuanyuan Shishi into the Imperial Palace.

Strangely, once she entered the Imperial Palace, her condition gradually improved.

In a bungalow in the imperial city, Mu Yanran was waiting for the good news from the medicine slave.

Lei Huo returned first. He whispered into Mu Yanran's ear, "Chunyu Feng wants to see you."

"Let's wait for the medicine slave to bring the news before we go see him!"

It was the same Sleeping Moon Tower. It was the same room.

Chunyu Feng had already been waiting for a long time. He saw Mu Yanran rushing over with light steps, but her body was still as graceful as before. If it wasn't for the scar on her face, she would still be that natural born beauty.

"Any good news?" Chunyu Feng asked as he stretched himself and lazily laid on the deck chair.

"Of course. Which one do you want to hear first? " As Mu Yanran spoke, she personally poured wine for Chunyu Feng and brought it to his lips. He lowered his head and drank from her hand.

"I'll listen to whatever you want to say."

"Mu Wan has gone to China." Although Mu Wan Yun was meticulous in his actions, there was no such thing as a wall without wind in this world. Imperial Concubine Yu still received the news.

"Is that so?" Chunyu Feng didn't seem to be interested in this news. His voice was also somewhat lazy.

Mu Yanran possessed his body and whispered into his ear, "Xuanyuan Wushang intends to use Xuanyuan Su'er to seduce Jin Yu Lie. You should be interested in this news. "

Chunyu Feng raised his eyes, seemingly really interested. He was willing to part with that beautiful little sister of his? He doesn't want to taste fresh before Jin Yu Lie does? "

He understood Xuanyuan Wushang's personality quite well.

Mu Yanran smiled sweetly, "You guessed right. He wanted to, but failed."

Chunyu Feng opened his eyes and stared at Mu Yanran. Suddenly, he raised her chin with a mischievous smile on his face as he teased, "You want me to use this trick on me, are you willing to part with it?"

Mu Yanran slapped his hand away, "If I'm not willing, you want me?" As she spoke, she made a gesture to remove the long cloth that covered her face.

Chunyu Feng suddenly stood up, straightened his slightly wrinkled clothes, and said: "Okay! "Borrowing Xuanyuan Shou'er's hand is a pretty good move. Only a woman with a scorpion heart like you would think of using such a move …"

He raised his voice when he spoke of the scorpion's heart.

Mu Yanran ignored him, "All the injured women in the world have a scorpion heart, you have to be careful."

"I'm not afraid at all. This is more than enough!" Chunyu Feng teased without restraint, "Mu Wanyun will go to China again. Since you and Imperial Concubine Yu have already made up your mind, why did you make this play even more interesting?"

When Mu Yanran walked out and closed the door for Chunyu Feng, her charming and enchanting eyes slowly turned cold. Chunyu Feng was once a subordinate to her dress, but to a man, she only had one goal!

But now, what she wanted to do the most was to see Mu Yunji's corpse lying at her feet!

Thinking about Mu Wan's fate, her lips curved up in a smile. She went downstairs and found a man waiting for her. Although this man was slightly different from the others, he was still a man after all!

There was no difference between men!

To her, they were just tools that she could use. If they were useful, then she would leave them behind. If not, then she would kick them away mercilessly.

Just as Murong Yun and Ye Wen were rushing towards the capital, Jin Yu Lie received a note from Ye Wen!

It was only then that he finally understood. It was as if he understood Mu Yun's heart even more, and what she wanted even more. Therefore, after he received the note, he rushed toward China without a care for anything else!

But the note was from Leaves ten days ago.

That was to say, when Jin Yu Lie went to China to receive Mu Yunjian, she had already returned to the imperial capital. And in the midst of all this, Mu Yu Yun and Jin Yu Lie had already missed each other on the two roads!

Therefore, when Mu Wan Yun arrived at the imperial capital, Jin Yu Lie had just left.

It was just a short miss, but it felt like a storm was brewing on the wings of a butterfly.

Jin Yu Lie didn't know that after he missed this opportunity, he almost couldn't see Mu Wan Yun again.

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