Situ thought that it had been a while since he last saw Mu Yunji. She should have been living a good life, but from what he heard from the rumors back in Wolong Town, her days should have been very colorful.

He put the spirit source away again and laid down in his clothes.

It was close to early summer, and the weather was exceptionally cool. It was just that tonight, the moon outside was obscured by a thick layer of clouds. It seemed like a heavy storm was coming soon.

The town of Wolong became exceptionally quiet under the sound of the wind.

Suddenly, three black figures appeared in the air above the town.

Situ had just fallen asleep when the sound of a blissful dream filled the air.

Unexpectedly, three shadows appeared in his room.

When he felt that something was wrong, he suddenly opened his eyes. At the same time, he waved the fire piston in his hand. The light suddenly brightened, but Situ only saw a black cloth covering him.

Immediately after, he felt a sharp pain on the back of his neck, and the fire in his hand fell to the ground. He fainted as well.

Suddenly, he felt very cold, and at the same time, someone poured cold water on his face. He woke up quickly, and angrily opened his eyes to see three people in black robes standing in front of him, and these three people all wore large hats, covering their appearance.

The tall and thin figure stood shoulder to shoulder, giving off an invisible pressure.

"You all … What do you want to do? " "The shopkeeper started to stammer, thinking that he had met some gangsters." "I don't have any money …"

The three black figures looked at each other. One of them took out a gold bar from under his sleeve and handed it to the shopkeeper.

He opened his mouth and said, "For you, we only want to ask you one thing."

Upon seeing the gold, the shopkeeper instantly calmed down. As long as he didn't take out the gold from his pocket, anything else would be fine. "Don't talk about one thing. As long as I know ten things, I will tell you anything."

"Very good!" The man in black said, "Did a Karakorum disciple come to your shop today?"

"The shopkeeper thought for a while and nodded his head like he was pounding garlic." Yes! There are three of them! " The disciples of the Kunlun Academy usually wore the uniform of the Kunlun Academy when they went down the mountain, so it was easy to distinguish them.

"Bring me there!"

The shopkeeper quickly got up, put on his clothes and led the way. After all, having money and being able to survive was the most satisfying thing.

The shopkeeper was exceptionally agile. The first door was knocked open, and it was a female disciple from Kunlun Academy. The men in black shook their heads. Obviously not.

And the second room was occupied by an elderly disciple, which was also not the case.

The black-clothed people had clearly lost their patience. The other black-clothed person suddenly escaped with a dagger. The dagger that was emitting a cold light flashed in front of the storekeeper's eyes. He didn't say anything, but perspiration began to pour out of his body.

Before the last door, the shopkeeper knocked, "Sir, Sir!"

No one in the room agreed. The shopkeeper glanced at the impatient black-clothed man behind him, he increased the amount of strength in his hands, and then shouted out loud, "Guest! Guest! "

His voice should have been loud enough to alarm the people in the room, but what was strange was that the people in the room seemed to be sleeping soundly, with no one responding.

The shopkeeper said, "There is indeed a Karakorum disciple living here."

Before he could finish, someone beside him pushed him away. Another person said, "There's no one breathing inside!"

The door was kicked open!

Everyone rushed in, but there was no one in the locked room. There was a little bit of warmth left on the bed, and the package was there, but the window was open.

The man in black quickly went to the window and said, "We were too late!" Just as he finished his sentence, he saw a shadow flash across the rooftop!

He said, "Chase!"

The other two didn't say anything more, and abandoned the shopkeeper before hurriedly using their cultivation to chase after him.

The shopkeeper looked at the black-clothed man who came and went in a hurry and let out a sigh of relief. He wiped the sweat off his forehead. What was going on?

Three days later, news came from the Kunlun Academy saying that there was a Kunlun disciple who had been there all along.

When he received this news, Mu Yunji and Jin Yulie were enjoying the cool air in the pavilion. Amu faced a game of chess with a grave expression. He held a black piece in his hand and looked at it for a long time without letting it fall.

Jin Yulie never let him play chess with him. He didn't even allow Mu Wan Yun to speak. At most, he agreed to let Mu Yunji and Amu join hands.

However, Mu Huanyun wasn't this master. He and Amu were often killed by Jin Yu Lie without leaving a trace behind. What he enjoyed most, he said, was watching the two of them fail.

Mu Wan was depressed, so she would rather not play. However, Ammu liked to play chess. Sometimes, she would drag her old lord to the palace in high spirits after winning a few times.

After a crushing defeat, he went back to find the old chieftain to study, and then killed his way to Jin Yulai, repeating the process over and over again.

"Today is quite a good day, losing one move less than before." Jin Yu Lie was very pleased with himself. His chess skills were not weak. Mu Yun knew that Amu was growing at an unimaginable speed, and was also very promising to win his favor.

Suddenly, a dark guard came to report the disappearance of Situ.

Mu Huanyun's eyes instantly darkened!

"What's going on?"

The dark guards had already expected that they would want to personally find out the truth of the matter, so even the shopkeeper was brought over from Dragon Town to the palace.

This was the first time the shopkeeper had met the empress. Although he was nervous, he was more excited!

He told Mu Yunji everything about that day's situation.

Mu Wan Yun was completely clueless.

She knew that Situ Zhenming was the seventh prince of the Nine Fiend Sect. He also heard the person in charge describe the black clothed people's clothes, but they looked a bit similar to the Shamans.

This truly surprised Mu Yunji.

However, from what he said, those black-clad men seemed to be more concerned about Situ.

In that case, those black-clad men were the good ones, but if they were the good ones, then who was the one who kidnapped Situ? And why did they kidnap him?

Situ was the only cultivator in the entire Nine Mystical Palace. Moreover, his cultivation base was not particularly high. After all, the reason he was taken away was not for his cultivation or his spirit source. Moreover, Situ's things had also been brought over by the dark guards.

The spirit sources he bought were all here!

Situ was a particularly good person and wouldn't easily offend others. As a member of the imperial family of the Nine Mystical Kingdom, he had six brothers above him. Even if he became the crown prince, he still wouldn't become a threat to his other brothers.

Excluding robbing wealth and the struggle against the royal family, Situ's disappearance was inexplicable!

This really made Mu Yunji puzzled.

Ammu knew Mommy had a good relationship with Brother Situ. Now that he had disappeared for no reason, Mommy must be very worried. Ammu walked over and patted Mu Wan on the shoulder like a small adult.

Time quickly passed. In the blink of an eye, Amu was nine years old. Mu Yun was 1.7 meters tall, and Ammu was 1.5 meters by her estimation. He was only 9 years old, and his once chubby little bun had become a shota. Who knew which girl he would hurt when he grew up?

"Mommy, don't worry. Big brother Situ will definitely be fine." he said, bringing tea for his favorite Mommy.

Mu Huanyun happily sipped a mouthful of tea. Just as he placed the cup down, he accidentally knocked over the cup.

The water poured out and Ammu grabbed at the items on the table.

The items on the table belonged to Situ.

This time, Amu accidentally knocked away one of the books. A piece of paper suddenly floated out of the book.

Amu bent over to pick it up and swept through it, but he was incomparably shaken. He then looked at it carefully. After a moment, he quickly passed the slip of paper to Mu Wan.

"Mommy, look!"

On the paper was a painting. The lines were also very simple, and with a few rough strokes, it seemed to have a charm to it. It showed a figure, old, unkempt, with loose clothes.

This was Situ's masterpiece.

Mu Wanyun had taught Situ Qing how to draw with a simple brush, which was able to draw out the essence with just a few strokes. Situ Wanyun loved to draw as well, as he had only ten lines, but was able to draw out Mu Wanyun with the same grace, charm, and elegance.

Mu Wan Yun looked at the person in the painting, his eyes filled with shock!

Was that an old lunatic?

Where had Situ seen the old madman?

If this was the case, could Situ's disappearance have something to do with that crazy old man?

Mu Wan returned the painting to the book. She closed the book and said, "I'm going to find Situ!"

Jin Yu Lie just happened to come in from outside. He heard the conversation between Amu and Mu Wan Yun, "How do you plan to find them?" Now, the situation seemed even more bizarre, and he suspected that this was clearly a trap waiting for them to jump into!

Thinking about it carefully, in the entire Mystic Moon world, other than a few countries, there should not be any powers hiding in the dark and eyeing them covetously.

Jin Yu Lie was definitely in a strange situation! Therefore, he didn't actually want Mu Wan to interfere in this matter.

"There's no other way, I'll go check out Sleeping Dragon Town first." She cared a lot about her family and friends. As a lonely soul that came from afar, she treasured every single person that she could get to know in this strange space and time.

She would definitely take revenge on those who tried to harm her ten times over, but she would also take revenge on those who wanted to be good to her a hundred times over.

Back then, when she was poisoned, Situ had protected her without taking off her clothes. She could not easily forget these things when she thought of a way.

She was such a sentimental person, that was why there were so many people who would die to serve her.

Jin Yu Lie knew that he couldn't stop her, so he only reminded her.

Mu Wan Yun wasn't a reckless person. She also knew that Jin Yu Lie was worried about her, so she went over and put her arms around his neck, placing her head on his shoulder, "Rest assured, I won't do anything rash."

"I'll accompany you." It wasn't that Jin Yu Lie didn't feel at ease, it was that he didn't want her to leave, not even for a moment.

Mu Yun smiled and said, "Your current Monarch should not abandon your people so easily. "Don't worry, I'll bring them with me this time."

She was referring to Dark Frost's seventy-two shadows.

"If anything happens, I'll get them to bring you news."

Jin Yu Lie also knew that Mu Wan Yun agreeing to bring away the Umbra was the best result. He could only agree, but he took out a brocade box from his bosom.

After opening the brocade box, he saw two bracelets inside. These bracelets were exceptionally exquisite, and there were even countless spirit sources embedded into them.

Jin Yu Lie took out one for Mu Wan to bring, and at the same time brought one for himself.

"This is called Twin Heart Hoops, and it's easier to connect to than the raven wind. "Even if you are far away in the Nine Barbarians, I still have news of you."

Mu Wan looked at the silver bracelet on her wrist. She lightly knocked it against Jin Yu Lie's wrist, and all of a sudden, the bracelet produced a strong reaction.

"Promise me, if you can't handle it, don't try to be brave. Tell me." I'll be there in the shortest possible time. Don't forget that you have a man and a son.


She buried her head deep in his neck.

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