This place was located at the back of Mount Kunlun. There were no trees or grass, and at first glance, there were only craggy rocks and sand. There was only one color that could be seen everywhere, and that was the color of withering yellow. It was the color of withering yellow and decadence, where there was no life.

As for Ammu and She Minghu, the two little figures carried an endless sense of exhaustion as they walked.

There seemed to be no end to it.

He couldn't even tell where it was. The two could only rely on their instincts.

These strange stones seemed to be placed casually, but there was something strange about them. This was clearly a formation.

Confusion Stone Array!

After entering the array, Dark Frost was completely unable to take care of Ammu and She Minghu.

Once the formation was activated, a strong gust of wind rushed over, sweeping up the dust on the ground and causing it to fall onto his face. It was as if a knife was cutting at his face. Dark Frost used his body to block in front of the two children. She gathered strength in her palm and struck a large rock nearby. The violent wind stopped, but the rock began to change its position.

The towering boulders began to collapse.

If he was hit, his life would be in danger.

Dark Frost's eyes flashed as he quickly sent the two children away with a palm strike. As the boulder fell from the sky, she was buried underneath it.

Upon seeing this, Amu was about to rescue her. However, through the crack in the stone, An Mu took out a sharp dagger and handed it to him. "Young master, you should take it with you!"

She didn't know if the old noble would be able to resist, but she couldn't leave Amu here. She wanted to get out, but the rock pressed down on her tightly. Fortunately, she found a suitable crack when the rock fell, otherwise, she wouldn't be able to talk to Ammu here.

Now that she had broken through the stone array, it shouldn't be dangerous for her to continue moving forward.

The crevice where the Dark Frost was located was extremely small. Her body was folded at an incredible angle. Her ear was pressed against the ground, and she could faintly hear the faint sounds of chaotic footsteps coming from afar.

"This is Mount Kunlun, it's extremely big. Find a safe place and hide. Remember to be careful." Dark Frost could only give his instructions.

Ammu took her dagger and left first.

The crow he had used to communicate with his mother had shattered. The only thing he could do now was to continue on. He had to go through from here.

However, this place seemed to never end, and that feeling made people feel despair and frustration.

"I should be able to make it out if I persevere a bit longer." He was clearly thirsty, but he was also exhausted, yet he was still comforting He Minghu.

She Minghu looked at him and the corner of her mouth curled up into a smile. She nodded.

The two children were hungry and thirsty, but they were still encouraging each other.

After a while, the sun was overhead, and the harsh sun was shining on the earth, scorching the gravel and drying it.

The moisture in the air seemed to evaporate in an instant.

Suddenly, She Ming's vision went blurry and her feet twisted. Her foot stepped on empty air and her body suddenly fell down uncontrollably. She had always been holding Amu's hand and with this fall, she and Amu fell down together.

Amu originally wanted to stabilize his body, but a crack suddenly appeared under his feet and he fell backwards.

The two opposing forces forced Amu and She Minghu to separate their hands.

Ammu fell into the crevice with a thud.

The ground collapsed, revealing a large crevice. Behind the crevice was an incomparably large crevice. However, the moment Ammu fell, the hole closed again.

She Minghu tumbled down the hill, her face and hands were bruised and covered in mud, but she could not care less as she hurriedly got up and ran up.

But when she came up, the ground was closed, and there was still a trace to follow? At the same time, Ammu also disappeared.

She Minghu's face immediately paled, "Amu!" She put her small hands on her lips and shouted loudly. Her voice could be heard echoing everywhere, but there was no sign of Ammu.

Ammu rolled down from the hole that suddenly appeared and then disappeared.

It was a secret passage, but it seemed to have been abandoned for a long time. Just now it was She Minghu who accidentally stepped on the mechanism.

Following the underground cave, there was a long and narrow path.

After rolling a few rounds from the path, he crashed into a stone wall, and only then did Amu stop.

His head was hit so hard on the head that tears welled up in his eyes.

It was pitch black here, and he couldn't even see his fingers in front of him. The endless darkness was like a monster. He quickly rummaged through his storage ring.

He took out a luminous pearl the size of a duck's egg.

A sudden flash of light, although not too far away, still had a one-meter visibility.

With the light shining down, Ammu calmed down. He started to walk down the path that he had come from. That place was tightly sealed, and it seemed like it would be very difficult to leave this place.

Below his feet was a path. Although it was covered in dust, this path was definitely carved by someone. If he continued along this path, he might be able to find a way out.

After making up his mind, Ammu took the Night Pearl and walked further and further down the path.

This path seemed to be leading him towards the depths of Mount Kunlun.

The inside was different from the hot air outside. On the contrary, the air here was abnormally moist and full of moisture. The wind that blew against one's face brought with it a dense vapor.

Ammu guessed there was water ahead.

Sure enough, after walking for about two hours, water droplets seeped out from the cracks in the rocks. Drop by drop, it fell to the ground, and the mountain was shaped like a stalactite.

Ammu was tired and thirsty. She raised her head to catch the water and swallowed a dry throat. The water was unexpectedly sweet.

After resting for a while, he continued moving forward. As the underground became increasingly quiet, a faint sound could be heard from far away.

There was a sound, rustling, as if something was dragging on the ground.

Amu felt all the pores in his body open, and his hair stood on end. Fear seeped into every inch of skin. Even his hand that was holding the Night Pearl was trembling uncontrollably.

Mommy had said not to be afraid. Any element of fear, as long as it found its source, could restrain the fear in your heart.

Amu consoled himself as he approached her.

The closer they got, the clearer the sounds of fear became.

The sound was like iron chains brushing against the ground, but it was also like the sound of grinding stone.

Amu's face was somewhat pale, and his body was practically pressed against the stone wall as he moved forward. A faint light shone from within, and Amu put away his Night Pearl.

There was a sigh, but surprisingly, this voice sounded somewhat familiar.

Amu blinked his eyes. This feeling was strange.

He sped up his pace while hiding his body.

The exit became even brighter. It was as if there was an even larger space there. The bright lights cast a shadow of one of the figures onto the stone wall.

Ammu looked at the shadow on the stone wall and was stunned for a while.

What he could be sure of was that there was only one person there, and that person's back was still someone he was familiar with.

"Master …" "Elder?" Amu tried calling him.

The figure paused, then moved.

Amu walked out and instantly looked at the slightly hunched back. "Grandfather!"

"Yes!" Ammu shouted as he quickly ran over. His eyes were slightly red as he pounced over. Who put you here? Mommy's looking for you everywhere. "Grandpa …"

That person was actually Mu Wan Yun's foster father who had been looking for him for many years – the old lunatic.

Countless people were searching for him everywhere, but he was locked up here.

The old madman's messy hair almost covered his face. He heard Amu's voice and quickly reached out to brush away the messy hair in front of him as he carefully examined the child in front of him.

It was very familiar, but he couldn't be sure.

At the time when his mind wasn't clear, Ammu was only six years old. Now, after so many years, Ammu had grown up.

The old madman still resisted him, only a little surprised that he would appear here.

"Amu!" My good grandson! " He took Ammu in his arms.

Back then, the old madman saved Mu Yun because he saw the infant Little Amu. Ammu was only a baby then, but she smiled at the old madman.

Over the years, the old lunatic had gone crazy. He didn't know anyone, but he only knew Ammu.

Just as Amu was about to pull the old madman, he discovered that the old madman's waist was tied up by a huge chain. The other end of this chain was tied to a stone wall, allowing the old madman to move around at a certain distance.

On the other side, there was a pile of simple food.

It looks like these old madmen are all locked up here.

Ammu's question caused the old lunatic to be stunned. It was obvious that she didn't know who had locked her up here. Or sometimes he remembered, but sometimes he forgot.

He was originally such a muddle-headed person to begin with. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been gifted with the nickname 'Old Madman', to the point where even he himself had forgotten his own name.

After being reminded by Amu, a trace of clarity seemed to have returned to his eyes. He looked down at the chain at his waist and shook it. He tilted his head and looked at it.

This iron lock was extremely thick, so it was obvious that the person who imprisoned the old lunatic was meticulous. He knew the old lunatic's ability, which was why he purposely forged this kind of iron chain made of pure gold.

There was no way for him to escape.

Or perhaps, the old lunatic who had fallen into a daze could not even think of fleeing.

The old madman tried to use his inner force. The refined gold chain was somewhat deformed, but it could not be broken.

Ammu also frowned.

"Grandfather, try again." Ammu let the old madman try it on one side, and on the other he followed the chain to the end of the stone wall. When he saw that the old madman was still unable to break the chain, he made the old madman use all his strength to break the stone wall.

With Amu by his side, the crazy old man was clearly much more clear-headed. He punched the stone wall fiercely, but the entire mountain trembled when he punched. Countless rocks fell on the stone wall, causing dust to fly into the air.

Amu coughed a few times. However, he found that the stone wall was riddled with holes after being hit by that crazy old man's fist. However, that chain was still the same. He stretched out his hand to brush away the stones on the wall, but he was surprised to find out that they were all made of pure gold!

The entire cave was made of this type of pure gold.

It was to prevent the old lunatic from having the chance to escape.

Seeing this situation, Amu's face changed. Who did this, to be so ruthless!

The old madman frowned.

Amu looked around and found that this place seemed to be sealed off. However, he still found a door hidden by the stone wall. He pushed the door, but it didn't budge. It seemed to be open only from the outside.

But to get out, one had to remove the chain from the old madman.

At this moment, the old madman's heart sank. He said to Amu, "Someone's coming!" "Hurry and hide."

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