Suddenly, a white bird appeared in the sky. Seeing this, Mo Yang frowned. He quickly nocked an arrow and aimed it at the bird.

However, just as the arrow was about to hit the bird, it suddenly opened its mouth and an orange flame sprayed out. When the flame touched the arrow, it instantly turned into ashes.

Mo Yang's face warped, "It's a dragon beast!"

He told everyone to be on guard, turned around and walked into the inner hall.

"Principal, they saved Mu Yunyun. Do you want this subordinate to bring someone to stop it? "

Xie Shuo stood with his arms crossed. Hearing Mo Yang's words, he waved his hand to stop him, "No need." He didn't care if Mu Wan Yun was saved or if he escaped.

Her cultivation base was merely on the other side of the lake, and to him, it was nothing at all.

Right now, his only goal was Amu!

Ammu had a strong attraction to him.

In just three days, Amu's Sea of Bitterness had expanded on its own. That was an icy blue Sea of Bitterness, the color incomparably pure and clear, like a spring hidden deep in the ground, countless rays of light shining, more like a pile of broken diamonds.

This made Xie Shuo even more curious.

If it was said that he wanted to find the answer through the old lunatic, then it seemed that he wanted to find the answer to everything from Ammu.

One had to know that the eyes of the Sea of Bitterness determined the strength of one's cultivation, as well as the limits of one's advancement.

Ammu had never cultivated before, but with his meridians sealed, he was able to independently absorb the surrounding spiritual energy to expand his Sea of Bitterness.

If he could break through his meridians, then his cultivation would be an extremely terrifying existence.

This was also what Xie Shuo was pursuing with his mind.

He summoned all of the Elders in the Kunlun Academy.

Everyone saw Ammu lying in the middle of the hall.

"This is Yao Ye's son!" someone exclaimed in surprise.

Xie Shuo nodded his head and said: "You guys take a closer look.".

As Xie Shuo spoke, he channeled his energy into his palm, and a burst of light struck Amu's body. Immediately, a layer of bright luster appeared on Amu's body — it was the movement of his meridians.

His meridians were sealed, but this didn't affect him at all. At the point where his meridians converged, a clear and pure sea of bitterness surged as a strong spiritual energy surged forth.

Such a pure sea of bitterness and such a huge amount of spirit energy shocked everyone present!

"That's impossible! He's just a little kid in his teens, how could he have such powerful spiritual energy? "

"What realm did his cultivation base reach?" Someone asked.

This was because he discovered that Amu's meridians were sealed and his meridians were sealed. It was impossible to determine what realm of cultivation he had reached just by looking at his Sea of Bitterness. However, he reckoned that he had already reached the other side of the river.

And this was definitely impossible!

For such a young child, unless he started cultivating inside his mother's womb, it would be impossible for him to reach the other side of the world at such a young age. He suspected that Xie Shuo had sealed his meridians.

Xie Shuo said: "I did not seal his meridians. However, I can tell you that three days ago, he did not cultivate at all, and his Sea of Bitterness was also three days ago, when his mother used a piece of spirit source to open it for him. "

This action made everyone even more shocked!

"This is impossible!" Some people did not believe it.

To be able to cultivate the Sea of Bitterness to such a level in just three days? What a joke!

Initially, she was known as a top genius in cultivation, reaching the other side at the age of thirteen. This was already a one-of-a-kind thing in the cultivation world.

And this child was even more terrifying, three days!

"This is real!"

He was not the type of person to lie. Even though everyone had made a decision that was inconceivable, they did not doubt this matter.

"Lord, the reason why you asked us to come here, shouldn't be just to see this child." Some people said that ever since Xie Shuo took control of Kunlun Academy, there were some who were not convinced, but their cultivation was indeed not as high as Xie Shuo's. Master, it's better to be straightforward. What do you need us for? "

Xie Shuo was also not interested. He bluntly said, "We have been cultivating for so many years, and only a few of us are able to step into the other realm. It is even more difficult for us to reach Grade 9. I had to train hard for decades before I was able to reach the third rank of the Dao Palace. "

At the mention of this, the elders initially did not want to get involved in this muddy water. After all, this child was the son of Yao Ye. If there were any mishaps, Yao Ye's revenge would make people tremble.

However, the allure of these evil words was too great!

Cultivating for dozens of years was just for the sake of being able to continuously advance, advance, and further advance!

However, when would this end?

No one knew what the use of cultivation was other than being able to strengthen and strengthen the body.

In the past, that madman almost found out the secrets of the secret, but now, he had gone insane. Yao Ming, on the other hand, was extremely secretive about this matter.

This piqued everyone's curiosity even further.

Now, Xie Shuo seemed to want to uncover the secret hidden deep within this matter!

Everyone was moved!

Xie Shuo's eyes swept across everyone's face, seeing the change in their expressions, he sneered in his heart. Sure enough, everyone wanted to know, since it was like this, things were much easier than they had thought before.

He continued, "In the past, those who knew of this matter were unwilling to speak of it, but after I cultivated to this point, I realized that the stronger my cultivation, the more wonderful it is. What are the paths and shortcuts? What happens next? "That's something far beyond our reach, but now, with him …"

He pointed at Ammu, who was lying in the middle.

"His body is able to gather such a strong spiritual energy in three days. If we can break through his meridians, we'll be able to see the growth of his cultivation base with our own eyes."

His words immediately garnered the support of everyone.

Xie Shuo's cultivation did not advance for so many years, but with the help of Amu's body, he was able to increase in such a short period of time. Everyone was beginning to feel restless.

Xie Shuo thought to himself: As long as I gather their power and help me open up his meridians, he can absorb even more powerful spiritual energy for me to use. At that time, breaking through to the thirteenth level of the Dao Palace will be just around the corner. Back then, his strongest cultivation was only at the eighth level of the Dao Palace before his body exploded and died. If I continued to rotate his body in a circle and slow down the absorption of spiritual energy, then I would be able to avoid all of the problems.

Xie Shuo's plan was very good.

Everyone immediately sat cross-legged in a matrix of gossip, with Ammu in the middle.

Meanwhile, Xie Shuo stood in the air, commanding the entire battlefield.

Following his order, everyone started to extract their cultivation level's spiritual energy. They gathered it at their fingertips and aimed it at Ammu. Xie Shuo formed a layer of light around Amu, enveloping him within and slowly floating in the air.

It absorbed the spiritual energy provided by the Elders from all directions.

These strands of spirit energy with different colors gradually converged together, forming a multi-colored, seven-colored luster. Under Xie Shuo's lead, these lights tentatively rushed towards the sealed meridian.

As a precaution, Xie Shuo had attacked the first meridian in the sealed left arm of Amu. The first impact was a test, a test of the seal's power, a test of the impact.

And this seal was actually not as strong as he had imagined.

However, under Xie Shuo's lead, the formidable power that had gathered the power of several people broke the first seal.

When the first seal was broken, the spiritual energy within Amu's Sea of Bitterness surged and rushed towards the first seal that Amu had broken.

Seeing that he could really do it, Xie Shuo was overjoyed.

He had Mo Yang bring out all the spirit sources he had hidden away, providing them with endless amounts of spirit energy to replenish their energy.

However, Amu's blocked meridians had a total of 981 meridians!

Such a huge number was enough to shock everyone.

The first one was broken, but the following one was even harder than the last. The amount of spiritual energy needed was also much greater.

However, this was not enough to hinder the enthusiasm of the crowd.

This was because they had seen the hope of their future cultivation.

Endless amounts of spiritual energy lingered above the tallest hall in the Kunlun Academy. It was like immortal energy was flowing in all directions, and the sky was suffused with multicolored light.

And such a powerful spiritual energy had attracted the thunder tribulation!

The laws of the world did not allow such a strong spiritual energy to condense at a single point, so the Lightning Calamity followed the condensation of spiritual energy and grew stronger.

As soon as Yao Ming and Mu Wanyun stepped out of the Void Trail, they astonishingly saw the dense Spiritual Energy spiraling around the highest point of Mount Kunlun.

"Look, what's going on?" Mu Wan's eyes were sharp.

After observing for a moment, Yao Ming asked, "Strange, with such powerful spiritual energy, what are they planning to do?" And then, he saw the thunderclouds chasing after him.

"A thunder tribulation is coming." Such a powerful spiritual energy would bring about a thunder tribulation. " He looked at Mu Wan and said, "What's the point of them abducting an Amu that Amu has never cultivated before?"

If he wanted to know about what happened that year, he would have to find that crazy old man. However, it seemed that Xie Shuo had his eyes on Amu. This point was something that even Yao Ming couldn't figure out at the moment.

"Let's go! I have a bad feeling about this. " His heart suddenly skipped a beat. In addition to the constant condensation of spiritual energy at the peak of Mount Kunlun, he also saw that the spiritual energy at the Void Trail was automatically and consciously surging towards the peak of Mount Kunlun. At the same time, he also noticed that even the spiritual energy in the ruins of the ancient battlefield began to fluctuate abnormally.

This feeling was not good!

Demonshine felt that things had started to turn into a more complicated and terrifying situation.

Just as they were about to go up the mountain, Mo Yang brought a large group of Karakorum disciples to block their way.

"Stop!" Master has given the order, whoever dares to trespass into the Kunlun Academy, capture them all! "

Mo Yang shouted loudly. Behind him, the thousands of Karakorum disciples were using their offensive formations. The swords in everyone's hands flashed with a cold light as they blocked the path of Mu Wanyun and Yao Ming.

"How dare you!" Yao Ming's cold eyes swept across Mo Yang.

"So it's Lord Demon Nether." Mo Yang's eyes turned cold. He discovered that what Mu Ye was following him was Yao Ming. Everyone's gaze fell on Mo Yang as they obeyed his command.

Although Yao Ming was once the principal, Kunlun Academy always revered cultivation. The current Yao Ming's cultivation was naturally inferior to before, and these people were all Xie Shuo's trusted aides. Mo Yang hesitated for a moment before saying, "The principal now is Sir Xie Shuo. Sir Yao Ming, I'm sorry." As he spoke, he waved his hand, and everyone prepared to take action.

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