"In other words, Uncle Yang knows the outcome?"

"Well...I wasn't directly involved, but I saw it from follow-up documents."

In the Bengsan World, the relationship between Walter and Jizi is pretty good.

Besides, in that scene, even when you see Walter in the file, you can feel the heroism in it.

"So did you finally defeat the Herrscher?"

"Isn't this nonsense? If he hadn't defeated Uncle Yang, he would have a different attitude now."

Xing looked at March Qi with disdain, as if he was laughing at her for asking nonsense.

"Naturally, he won, but at a high price."

Walter pushed up his glasses, showing a proud expression.

"Anyway, it’s my turn to collapse the Three Worlds, and I won’t pretend anymore. In fact, before time travel, I was also a Herrscher and the former leader of Anti-Entropy."

Strength, destiny, ideals... all come together. This is the Walter that the world loves.

In short, he has inherited that man's ideals and is a powerful second acting Herrscher.

"So...it's actually Uncle Yang who has hidden power?"

March 7's eyes turned into the shape of stars. She saw with her own eyes how strong the Herrscher of the Sky was.

Even if they were both Herrschers, even if they were weaker than the Herrscher of the Sky, they couldn't be too far apart.

Herrscher of Wind: I have opinions

"Haha, that's all."

Walter said it was nothing, but in fact the corners of his mouth rose crazily.

Don't stop, keep praising.

"But the Herrscher must be on the opposite side of humanity."

Xing accurately pointed out the problem. The Herrscher of the Sky had just caused the great collapse and destroyed the city.

The people in the three worlds in the barrage were also afraid of the Herrscher like a tiger and a jackal.

"It was like this in the beginning, but there are also Herrschers who help mankind, such as you, Uncle Yang and me, and others such as"280"……"

Walter once again turned his attention to the live broadcast.

Like the first review, the live broadcast room used a method of broadcasting high-profile scenes online.

The timeline in the video has gone back to a few hours ago, according to the documents Walter knew.

That was the moment when Herrscher of the Sky was born.

(Twenty-two hours after Kiana was captured, Destiny Headquarters)

An introduction to the building in the picture is given below the live broadcast room. That thing looks exactly like a sky island with a defensive shield.

"Continue to inject Honkai energy into the experimental cabin. This small concentration cannot wake her up."

In the experimental cabin, Kiana is sleeping inside.

Of course, the person Otto wants to wake up is not Kiana.

It is Siren, the Herrscher of the Space, who lives in Kiana's body.

It cannot be said that it is hosted, because in Austria In Otto's plan, the individual named Kiana is to resurrect Siren, and resurrecting Siren is only the first part of the plan.

Looking up at the experimental cabin, Otto smiled evilly

"Ha...Long time no see, welcome home——k423"

The will named Kiana is sleeping, and the will of Sirin, the Herrscher of the Sky, takes over the body

"Come back to me, my dependents!"

Sensing the queen's awakening, the Honkai beasts stretched out from the wreckage of the Second Honkai Impact battlefield in Siberia broke through the ice.

The most conspicuous among them was the evil dragon Benares.

"Oh, are you here to protect your queen?"

Destiny Headquarters, through satellite monitoring, every move that happens in Siberia is under Otto's control.

Siren wakes up, and the collapse comes. This is all part of the plan.

In order to complete the plan, these are all necessary sacrifices.

"All-domain defense satellites are deployed, and all Valkyrie units are ready for first-level combat."

Calm and unhurried, and respond steadily.

This is the first impression of Otto by people who have met Otto in the three worlds.

It is also in line with people's fantasies about the Archbishop of Destiny.

Even some people in the original God world believe that this kind of calm and unhurried attitude Confidence can only be found in gods

"Get ready for the world to change!"

【I'll go to Genshin Impact. This kind of attitude that remains unchanged despite the collapse of Mount Tai. Is this the organization that leads people in the Honkai Impact world to fight against Honkai? This is so cool.】

【Genshin Impact, I was originally wondering what kind of person could lead you to fight against Honkai, but now I see it.】

【Beng Tie is so handsome, no wonder you guys can fight against Ben Tie. I have no fear at all with this kind of command.】

【As long as the top leader's face remains normal, the matter is not serious enough to be irreversible.】

【Genshin Impact Kujo Sora: There are a few moves, but compared to the General, he is still inferior.】

【Bengtie Qingque: I’m quite curious about your general. You seem to be unable to do without her in the three games.】

【Genshin Kujo Sora: Of course, the general is one of the seven gods of Teyvat. In the eyes of Inazuma... no, she is the most powerful god.】

【Bengtiebailu: You mean that the God of Thunder is the strongest god in Teyvat?】

【Genshin Kyujo Sora: Of course, Lord Shogun’s unimaginable sword is Inazuma’s belief, Lord Shogun……】

【Beng Tie Xing: Where is the truth?】

【Original God Kujo Sora……】

Kujo Sora's bragging stopped abruptly, she was not a fool.

Among the seven gods who appeared, including the General, they all showed extreme fear of the law of heaven.

How could it be blown out in this case?

On the star train, Hoshi, who successfully ended Kujo Sora's bragging, innocently asked about the relationship between Walter and Otto.

"Otto is the supreme leader against Honkai, and Anti-Entropy is also an organization against Honkai. Uncle Yang was the former leader of Anti-Entropy before time travel.

She analyzed rationally and raised her head:"Uncle Yang, your relationship with Otto must be very good.""

It must be good, it must be good.

After hearing this, Walter's face became as uncomfortable as eating shit.

"I am very sure of that!

March 7th said,"They are all fighting against the Honkai Organization. I think Uncle Yang and Otto must have been in a life-and-death relationship and humiliated their brothers.""

Life and death are intertwined... Walter wanted to intertwine life and death with Otto once, and he was as close as a brother.

Noticing that Walter's face was ugly and the color of pig liver, Dan Heng hurriedly came out to change the subject.

"It’s better not to pry, if you don’t want to recall it, we’ll talk about it later."

Although he doesn't know the secret behind it, Dan Heng knows that there must be trouble between the two.

"Don't tell me? Otto, who looks decent, must be a messenger of justice."


Walter's face, which had initially improved, turned red again. He was angry.

You said that face is decent, but there are no good people who can look like that. He couldn't express the countless pain in his heart, and was so sulky that he could only Swallow it yourself.

In the end, Walter could only give a serious warning to the three people in March.

If you see someone who looks like that in the universe, you don’t need to ask more, it’s right to give him a beating first.

【Honkai is right, this is our Archbishop Otto, he is leading us to fight against Honkai.】

【The Valkyries who destroyed the three lives are very powerful. With them, our mortality rate has been reduced a lot.】

【Beng Tie, now the question is, why is your archbishop resurrecting the Herrscher of the Sky? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Looking at him like this, it should not be an operational error but a premeditated plan.

They had just watched what would happen when Herrscher of the Sky was resurrected, and you turned around and told me that it was all part of Otto's plan.

This is so magical, the last Cocolia seemed to be like this too.

When people boasted that she was a hero, the live broadcast room directly gave them a two-level reversal.

No, they will do this even if they collapse the three worlds.[]

Don't, because the world situation is different, they don't get the bishop to brag, they just simply affirm his achievements.

This will also slap them in the face.

The people who collapsed the three worlds looked confused, this situation seemed familiar.

It seems that the first two worlds have happened, and when it is their turn, the world comes again. Isn't it normal that the top leaders selected in these three worlds are not the same?

Well, normal ones won’t be selected either.

【Beng San, this... is part of the plan, right?】

【Lord Bishop Beng Sanna, will he be Cocolia or Funina?】

【Honkai San, could it be that he is also controlled by Honkai and wants us to die?】

【Beng San, shall we go?】

【Bengtie Qingque: Good guys, do you know what you are talking about?]

Qingque was shocked. They said that ants still live in vain. People who have collapsed the three worlds have no idea of ​​living.

【Genshin Impact Zhongli: Different from the first two worlds, the people in the third world... I don’t know how to describe it, it’s like they have lost hope in life.】

【Genshin Impact Mika: There are very few people from the Three Worlds who have spoken on the barrage. I always thought they just didn’t like to talk.】

【What can Beng San do? If fate is our enemy, who can we rely on? Inverse entropy?】

【Beng San, you can run away from the flood, and the citizens of Belo Bog can defeat Cocolia by uniting, but what about us?】

【Honkai wants to use Honkai to fight against Honkai. The only one who can use Honkai energy is the Valkyrie. The Valkyrie only exists in Destiny.】

【Beng San is perfect, destiny can take care of us and we are all grateful.】

【Beng San sees this 13th world again, hoping that I can be reincarnated into the world of Genshin Impact】

【Beng San is like, I was so angry when I saw the Fontaine people even blaming the gods. What you are angry about is what I couldn’t ask for]

People in the Beng San world have a very clear positioning of themselves, they are just useless dragsters 0.....

If you can live, live, if you can't live, die.

In the current environment, if you can live one more day, you will earn money.

【After reading Genshin Impact and Beng's attitude towards life, I gave myself two more slaps and asked myself why I was so stupid in the first place.】

【The Original God Emperor bless me, please don’t let this happen to me.】

【Genshin Impact: If you know a little about history, you will know that it is not easy for the Seven Kingdoms to survive to this day.]

In the live video, the screen once again switched to an unknown battleship.

(About three hundred kilometers away from Tianming Headquarters, the transport ship Helios)

"We are about to enter the headquarters' airspace."

"Oh, if the Hyperion is here, these enemies will be nothing at all."

In order to save Kiana, she had to take action with her former colleagues.

The Hyperion is no longer there, and it is still difficult to attack with a transport ship, but it is only a little difficult.

"Stop complaining, Himeko. The Hyperion can't be allowed to attack until the modification of that thing is completed."

Accompanied by warnings, the Helios broke into the airspace of the Destiny Headquarters.

After dealing with the small group of guards, the Helios rampaged and annihilated the command ship that came to support in one fell swoop.

Different from the Herrscher of the Sky The massacre, and the air battle commanded and piloted by Himeko made people watch it more happily.

It went smoothly, and some people in the three worlds had the illusion that I can do it too.

"Ha... To commemorate not coming back, the welcome party at the headquarters was really lively"

"Teresa, access via unknown communication!"

The camera zoomed in, Otto's communication has been connected to the interior of the Helios.

"What do you want to do with that toy, Teresa?"

Otto slapped his face on the table, not taking Teresa seriously at all.

He had already anticipated the rebellion of the Far Eastern Branch, and brought K423 back for experiments without any reason. He was surprised that Teresa didn't jump in anger. Yeah.

Hmm... This is how she looks like Karen

"Go back obediently. Everyone has a rebellious phase. I won't blame you for being naive."

"Oh, you are still as gentle as before, grandpa"


The Helios's main gun was fully charged, and it penetrated the outer defense barrier of the Destiny Headquarters with one blow.

"That's my answer!"

"This time, I won't want you to give in!"

【Genshin Arataki Ichito: Grandpa, I wonder if Otto's appearance doesn't look old. How old is Theresa?

Does Otto look thirty, and Theresa.

Arataki Yito even wondered if she was fourteen years old. Could it be that they were not humans but some other race?

【Teresa Bengsan: How old are you? It’s really rude, I’m not young anymore] 0.5

【Bengsanqiana: Teresa seems to be in her forties. I still want to call her aunt in terms of backup.】

【Genshin Arataki Ito: Ha, it’s true or not, you look older than her.】

【Beng Tie Xing: Over forty years old? That’s not the rebellious period, it’s the menopause, right?】

【Teresa Bengsan:? ? ? 】

Menopause, even if she keeps emphasizing her age, the term"menopause" is too rude.

【Bengsan Otto: Hahaha, you’re right, I’m just old and confused, and I forgot that Teresa is about to reach menopause.】

【Bengsan Otto: Teresa, it’s still too late to go back now, and menopause is also worthy of forgiveness.】

【Teresa Bengsan: No matter how many times you ask me, my answer is the same, I want to... rescue Kiana】

【Beng Sanjizi: As her teacher, I can’t leave the dormitory at this time.】

【Bengsan Meiyi: Kiana, we are here to save you】

【Bengsan Bronya: Bronya will also help】

【Beng San Otto: Look, what a touching scene, please keep it.]

One thing to say is that the external defense of Tianming Headquarters is really tough, and it took a lot of energy from the Helios to defeat it.

The current transport ship can no longer even open its defensive cover.

The house leaked and it rained all night, and a large number of Honkai beasts began to approach.

Strangely, this is almost the core area of ​​Tianming Headquarters, and there are actually a large number of Honkai Beasts appearing.

No, just the fact that Honkaimon appears here is already amazing.

"Don't worry, Theresa, it's time - it's the turn of the ace of the Far East Branch to appear."



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