In the video, the stragglers who had adjusted their mentality regrouped.

"So this time... can I regard it as a real showdown between gods?"

"Um! Nasida nodded,"Please, I am Buyer's... the first sage.""

【Original God Nasida: I am Buyer, the first sage】

【Ying Ying: Okay! Let us rush into the Order Academy, kill the great sage, and become a new generation of sages.】

【Bengtiexing: Charge into Xumi, grab money, food, and women.】

【Genshin Impact Disia: I feel like you are scarier than some of the Gilded Brigades in the desert】

【Cocolia: Dr. Einstein, I have a bold idea】

【Einstein: Put away your bold ideas. Although the human calculator is powerful, if it is started rashly, it will cause irreversible damage to the brain]

The plan to synthesize the human brains of the world into a supercomputer sounds tempting, but There is a very difficult condition.

It requires hearts and minds around the world.

Haha, how is this possible?

The most complex thing in the world is the human heart.

Counter-entropy has tried its best to deal with destiny. Even so, there are still people like Cocolia who think differently, not to mention the whole world.

If you want everyone to be united, the probability is not infinitely close to zero, but it is really small.

Nacida can do it because Nacida is the god of Sumeru.

What kind of appeal the gods have in Teyvat can be gleaned from the previous Fontaine.

【Bengsan Tesla: Forced starting will only damage the brain, drinking poison to quench thirst, you are making fun of the future of the world】

【Bengsan Cocolia: Okay, okay, I’m just talking about] the future? It’s all gone now, you’re talking nonsense about the future

【Dr. Genshin Impact: The wisdom of the Sumeru people alone is enough to compete with the new gods. So what would happen if the brains of all the people of Teyvat were united in one place?】

【Genshen Keqing: No one can force the Liyue people to do things they don’t like unless they are willing.] The doctor’s words are full of aggression, which no country can tolerate.

After Qingqing, his family members also made it clear that they

【Genshin Impact Kujo Sora: This move goes against the eternal way of the shogun, and Inazuma has no interest in participating.】

【Hara Shenqin: If this is the will of the people of Mondstadt, the Knights of the West Wind understand and respect it, but we will never tolerate those who violate the freedom of Mondstadt】

【Original God Navilet: Allow me to reject your request, the Fontaine people will not agree to your plan]

If it were another person, they could still consider it, but if it were the plan proposed by the doctor, they would not need to consider it.

Who knows what horrific experiments that damned thing will use their brains to do?

【Bengtie Yinlang: Maybe you should apply for a pseudonym to the live broadcast room, or let someone say it for you.】

【Bengtie Yinlang: Your credit has been ruined, Doctor]

Anyone who has seen the barrage a few times will not know the name of your Doctor.

Birth within birth, were it not for not being overly foul-mouthed during the first inventory.

He was judged by Aha a long time ago and then turned into ashes.

【Dr. Genshin: I will consider it]

Changing your identity and name... is a good idea.

Since the arrival of the live broadcast room, his experiments have become increasingly difficult to conduct.

Almost everyone is wary of him.

Although he doesn't really care, there are always fools in the world.

With a huge population base, it is not impossible to find even one fool in a million.

【Genshin Impact Skirmisher: Ha! Ants are ants. You don’t think that ants can fight against gods if they unite?】

【Genshin Impact Zhongli: Of course it won’t work if it’s just scattered sand, but what if they integrate into a big mountain?】

【Genshin Impact Skirmisher: I will tell you with my strength. In front of me, there is no difference between mountains and sand.】

【Genshin Impact Skirmisher: Yep, it broke off at the critical moment, and it’s the same trick again]

I, Buyer’s original sage, regrouped and was about to start the 169th round.

The live broadcast room went dark again.

This routine has made people accustomed to it, but the skirmishers still feel uncomfortable.

This time it was about his exposure, and he wanted to know what his ending would be.

"Hey, before the announcement, I will play a bunch of useless stuff again~"

"……Well, let people appreciate the birth of gods"

"Maybe it's a blessing in disguise and you can gain a bunch of loyal believers."

Believers are the standard for gods. If there are no believers, can a god still be called a god?

【Bengtie Fuxuan: The part just now is obviously part of the future, so what is going to be played next is the beginning and end of the incident, right?】

【Bengtie Aha: Yo! You have learned how to answer questions, but unfortunately there is no reward】

"Great, we finally reached Xumi City."

A new picture appeared. As expected, it was the time when the two of them had just arrived in Xumi City.

As the capital of Xumi, the population flow is huge.

The pedestrians coming and going all have a common characteristic.

Their ears are flashing. of

"Did you see that when those pedestrians walked into the city, their heads seemed to light up?"

"Please stay, you two. This must be your first time coming to Xumi City."

For the instructor, the difference between locals and foreigners is like that between humans and monkeys. They can be seen at a glance.

When he saw Ying and Paimon, he knew that they were not locals.

……It is indeed difficult for locals to find someone who can fly.

What's more, the current Xumi era is an era of emptiness.

You will know if you are a Sumeru person or not.

The purpose of the instructor stopping the two of them was to provide them with a void terminal.

The void is the legacy left by King Daci Shu, a treasure house that can collect knowledge.

For hundreds of years, the Order Academy has been researching the void relentlessly, and finally developed the void terminal.

As long as they are on the alert in Xumi, everyone can connect to the void through the void terminal and obtain the knowledge they need.

"It turns out that this is the Void Terminal that Tinari was talking about, and it sounds very powerful."

They had heard it many times from Tinari, with the idea of ​​not taking advantage of the bastard.

The two accepted the Void Terminal given by the instructor.

It was free anyway, so don't give it up. They recited the password silently and received it. The moment they entered the void, knowledge was poured into their brains.

If they were anxious, the void would tell them all the information.

After doing this, the instructor left.

Just like he said, he was just here to distribute the void. of

"Okay, let’s ask the little Lucky Grass King for information.……"

Paimon had not forgotten the purpose of their trip.

I pondered the question I wanted to ask, but unfortunately, Void did not answer it.

Without sufficient authority, Void will not respond to every question.

Depending on the age, gender, nationality of the person asking the question, Void will give different answers to the same question.

Regarding the information about Little Lucky Grass King, the answer given by Void was similar to the information they got from asking passers-by.

For the Great Merciful Tree King, the feedback of the void manifestation is sadness.

But no matter what, it is impossible to obtain information through the void.

【Bengtie Yinlang: If you want to skip the plot and fight the boss directly, there is no skip button for you in your dreams.】

【Bengsan Tesla: Hey! Your technology tree in Teyvat is really interesting. Fontaine is highly developed and can build robots.】

【Beng San Tesla: Sumeru has come out with the Internet, and it is still the Internet where you can search for anything] (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Genshin Impact: Condensing Light……】

【Genshin Ningguang: No One]

She Ningguang is not short of money, but she really doesn’t have enough manpower.

Just studying Fontaine's mechanical guards would consume a lot of personnel, let alone Sumeru's void.

That is the inheritance of the gods and something exclusive to the Sumeru people.

Forcibly bring it to Liyue. Once the Liyue people get used to the void, what should the Xumi people do if they threaten it?

What's the difference between this and actively putting your life in someone else's hands?

【Ying Yuan Shen: Come to think of it, she is the only god like Funina who couldn't wait to meet us as soon as we set foot on Fontaine.

In the past, all the wind gods and rock gods did their best to hide their identities.

Thor didn't bother to hide it, but she was even more ruthless.

I saw myself twice in total, once I wanted to build a statue of the god, and once I wanted to chop myself down

【Original God Alhaysen: Even the locals of Sumeru do not have the authority to know the news of the Little Lucky Grass King. Now I understand, the Lord God has been imprisoned】

【Bronya Bentie: But you don’t seem to be in a hurry at all.】

【Genshin Impact Kavi: Urgent, I'm dying of anxiety. I can't wait to go to the Order to petition now, but I can't do it.

The entire Sumeru has been imprisoned by Aha.[]

【Original God Leila: We can only wait until the live broadcast ends]

Damn it, why should they be imprisoned?

【It should be the original group of Fontaine talents who were imprisoned by the original god, not us.】

【Genshin released me, I'm going to save Mr. Little Lucky Grass King】

【Genshin Impact, I’ve long been unhappy with that Azar. He can sit in the great sage’s seat, and others can do it too.】

【Genshin I asked why the gods did nothing to deal with the suffering in the desert. It turned out that the gods were powerless.】

【I've had enough of the arrogant looks in the eyes of the scholars of the Genshin Sect. I really hope Lord Red King can be resurrected.】

【Original God Azar: It’s the other way around! It’s all the other way around! What are you, a group of fishermen, a group of ordinary people, do you know what wisdom is?】

【Genshen, take off your clothes and live in the desert for a few days, and then talk about your wisdom.】

【If the original god was Red King and his old man were still there, why would the desert be like this?】

【Beng Tie Xi'er: The little demon in the temple is very powerful, Chi Qian has many bastards, there are quite a few people who have become kings of Xumi.】

【Bengtie March 7th: Little Lucky Grass King, Big Loving Tree King, Desert Red King... there are so many kings in Sumeru】

【Bangtie Bronya: The relationship between Sumeru is much more complicated than that between the upper and lower districts.]

Not only that, the conflict between the upper and lower districts of Bellobog has only lasted for more than ten years.

For more than ten years, those babies were not yet adults.

But as for Sumeru, the conflict between desert and rainforest lasts more than five hundred years.

Different beliefs, different customs, different habits... all the old gods died, and the new gods were still imprisoned.

Nuo Da's Sumeru was in disarray, and the guards of the Order even had to hire mercenaries.

【Genshin Shen Fukalos: There is a long way to go, Buyer]

It is related to Sumi’s internal affairs, and they should not interfere rashly.

No one can help her solve this matter except Nasida herself.

【Original God Nasida: (wry smile)]

Nasida now can’t even understand why she can lead people to fight against false gods in the future.

Now she is just an immature goddess with no self-confidence.

【Original God Azar: Humph! Time will prove to you that I am right]

In the next video, Ying and Paimon went to ask the people recommended by Tinari, Catherine, and the group of thirty people.

But they didn't get much useful information.

During this time, each of them showed a great dependence on the void.

This is not a good thing, and some smart people on the barrage have criticized it.

But most people have no idea about it.

Just when the two were disheartened, Dina Zedai came to them.

Dina Zedai, a follower of Little Lucky Grass King.

She told them a story about the little Lucky Grass King.

The speed of the live broadcast room began to speed up, and everyone knew that this was because there was not much useful information in the middle.

From the accelerated video, people got to know Dishya and learned from her that Dina Zedai had Molin disease.

From the words of the Xumi people on the barrage, they (Moqian Zhao) also knew what Molin disease was.

It's not an exaggeration to say it's a terminal illness.

Desiya is a mercenary in the desert and is very good at finding out information.

Under Desia's guidance, Ying and Paimon arrived at Ormos Port.

This is the most prosperous port in Xumiru, with a mixture of fish and dragons and everything.

The purpose of their coming here is to investigate the lost things of the Order.

Rumor has it that this thing has something to do with gods.

There is no smoke without fire. Although it is hearsay, it is better than no news at all.

After investigating in the port of Ormos, the two quickly found the person they were looking for.

Believe in the Red King's Gilded Brigade.

The live broadcast room returned to normal speed. In the picture, Ying and Paimon were sitting in a hotel, as if waiting for someone.

"Oh, you two are here, please take a seat."

With the bartender's greeting, the two knew that the person they were waiting for had arrived.

"snort! Even with their virtues, they still want to challenge the boss? When we get back Lord Red King's power, the boss will definitely be the first to deal with them."

"Of course they are nothing to fear. Our biggest competitors now should be the people from the Caracal Group. They also made a lot of money this time, we can't take it lightly."

"The people in the Caracal Group are all profit-seeking speculators.……"

"……This time we will definitely be able to use this power to welcome our gods back."

The two of them had a Red King in each mouth, and a power in each mouth.

Ying and Paimon knew that they had found the right person.

And what they said next shocked the three worlds.

"Hum, I will never spare the traitor King Daci Shu and her people."

"In the future, when Lord Red King takes revenge on Xumi, everyone except us will suffer retribution"



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