"Mushrooms, flowers, various fruits, why... they all seem to be vegetarian, which is a bit disappointing……"

"So what does the Qixian Table you just mentioned do?"

"It is also a custom on the day of the flower god’s birthday. In the past, every household would put seven kinds of dishes on the dining table."

Generally speaking, the most common ones include tree king holy mushroom, moon lotus, rose, sunset fruit, calamity wave lotus, fragrant fruit, dundun peach, etc." The seven kinds of dishes symbolize the seven virtues of the god Xumi.

In the video, the three of them visited the festival first.

For Ying and Paimon in the video, it's a good time to enjoy life.

Apart from videos, it is rare for people to enjoy the beauty of the festival.

Every time the exposure in the live broadcast room is high-energy, it makes them nervous.

Well now, I can finally relax for a while

【Honsan Kiana: Mei, when can we go to the festival with peace of mind?】

【Honsan Mei: How long has it been since the last time people celebrated that the Great Honkai Impact didn’t come? Kiana, it’s not a good thing to relax too much.】

【Bengsan Bronya: If you relax too much, you won’t be able to get things done.】

【Genshin Impact: This sounds a bit familiar, but I haven’t enjoyed a leisurely life in a long time.】

【Yuanshen Ningguang: It’s rare that you will want to rest】

【Bangtie Bronya: It’s a pity that Beloberg is so busy at this time, watching the live broadcast is a rare moment of rest.】

【Broken Iron Green Bird: When is the holiday? I want to take a holiday.】

"Do you want to try alchemy divination?"

Alchemy divination was invented by Little Lucky Grass King, and it is full of mysteries.

The process is very simple, requiring the guest to remove two things that can be used as alchemy materials.

Then perform alchemy at will.

After the alchemy fails, based on the failure, Interpret the dust.

In the view of Little Lucky Grass King, everything is interconnected.

All affairs can be related to destiny. This is also an ancient wisdom. 28

【Beng San Tesla: You are a genius for being able to explain something as simple as the universality of a connection into something so complex.】

【Beng Tie Jingyuan: It sounds like the divination technique of the ancient emperors before the Xianzhou period]

The divination result is the moon

"Well...the moon, in general, means...means...wait a minute……"

The student in charge of divination secretly opened the book

"Oh, I remembered, it means illusion and lies"

【Collapse of Iron Fu Xuan: Illusions and Lies]

Fu Xuan silently remembered the results of this divination.

She had a hunch that this fortune telling was not just a joke.

【Beng Sanjizi: Divination prophecies suddenly appear in the story. Usually there is some foreshadowing.】

【Original God Funina: Villette, what do you think?】

【Original God Navilet: There must be something fishy about this matter】

【Genshin Xiaomiya: No, there are too many such little games at Inazuma’s festival.】

【Beng Tie Xier: Would anyone really believe this kind of thing?】

"Illusions and lies don’t sound like a good outcome."

"Well, but the book says that as long as you trust your intuition and overcome your fears, the sun will definitely rise."

Like everyone outside the video, the person in the video doesn't care about the results of this divination.

It's just a small episode at the Flower Goddess's Birthday Festival.

He didn't regret the end of the divination for a moment. The next project is, Pigar, the flower knight who delivers Yalta candy.

At Pigar's invitation, Ying patiently picks up the candies.

For fun, it is in the form of a blind box.

There are melon-flavored and spicy fruit-flavoured ones. , Fruity Sunset, as well as Lizard Tail and Slugworm flavors.

Paimon said he wanted Sunset Fruity, so let her take a look...

It’s number two!

"It's a pity that it's spicy and fruity, and the sunset is on the 4th."

It's the same as an ordinary festival. The only change is that the people from the Gilded Brigade are trying to kidnap Dina Zedei in Xumi City.

Fortunately, Disiya is agile and doesn't need to take action.

The Dance of the Flower God is about to begin. , that was the part that Dina Zedai was most looking forward to.

Nilu used the most elegant materials to re-create the mythical scene, and the Flower Goddess’ birthday came to a perfect end with cheers and blessings.

However, when they arrived at the scene, , but didn’t see Nelu’s Dance of the Flower Goddess

"……There have been laws for this kind of performances for a long time, and they are not allowed to be held without reporting. Don’t you understand?"

"Over there... someone is scolding Nilu."

"I seem to have seen the great sage from the Order Academy...how could he come here in person?"

It's bad. The Holy Order has announced that any form of artistic performance is prohibited. If the great sage appears here, the dance of the Flower God will most likely not be seen.

"However, the Dance of the Flower Goddess is a fixed part of the Flower Goddess’s birthday festival. If you can’t perform it, you will……"

"Flower Goddess Festival...it is also strictly forbidden to hold large-scale deity worship activities in private, right? The right to host can only be in the hands of the Holy Order."

Setale interrupted Nelu's defense.

"If you continue to insist like this, we will have to order the investigation of all the organizers of the Flower Goddess Festival.……"

"The great sage has already been open to the public, please be more sensible."

"The Flower Goddess's Birthday Festival was originally supposed to be held by the Order Council, but they have failed to fulfill their responsibilities over the years. I want to argue with them."

When she heard that the Flower Goddess Festival could not continue, Dina Zedei was very angry and wanted to argue with the great sage.

This was her first time to participate in the Flower Goddess Festival, and it might also be the last time.

What does her body look like? , Dina Zedei knew it all too well.

She decided that she would not be able to survive the next Flower Goddess Festival. Even if she could, who could guarantee that the next Flower Goddess Festival could be held normally?

"Art... dance... In this country of wisdom and reason, wouldn't you feel ashamed to pursue these frivolous and nihilistic things?"

"For all scholars who pursue truth, truth and truth, God created the paradise of Xumi City... but people like you want to pollute it"

【Genshin Impact: It would be understandable if private festivals were not allowed, but……】

How should I put it? Isn’t the Order Council a little crazy?

【Genshin Xiaomiya: Even the general who pursues eternity did not say that he would not even allow the festival to be held.】

【Einstein: What a narrow-minded wisdom, Azar】

【Esther: The so-called knowledge should be inclusive of everything】

【Bengtie Yinlang: In a country of wisdom, the understanding of wisdom is so narrow. If such a person is allowed to be in power, no wonder Xumi has not made any progress in five hundred years.】

【Original God Azar: Humph! It's hard for me to explain to stupid people like you】

【Bengsan Tesla: Huh? Compared with Jiwotou, do you have any outstanding results?】

【Beng San Tesla: With all due respect, your plan to create a god is a piece of shit. You let an outsider lead your country, and the dog with the broken spine still dares to bark here.】

【Bengtie Yinlang: Click on you, Heita. It’s hard for him to explain to you, a fool like you.】

【Bengtieheita: I will only talk to the people I am interested in. With him... I have nothing to say.】

【Genshin Hazard: You...hum, the so-called genius club is nothing more than that】

【Bentie Jizi: He really dares to say that]

The genius club is nothing more than that, and in the eyes of people in the Bentie world, Hazard has broken the defense.

There are eighty-four seats in the Genius Club, and none of them are famous in the universe.

Save the galaxy, influence the universe, and meet the Star God.

These words can be described as ordinary when applied to the members of the genius club.

Aza actually said that the genius club is nothing more than that

"Silence is the greatest contempt. Azar calls himself a wise man, and of course he knows what the silence of the Black Tower means."

"Just like Azar in the video was dismissive of Nilu, Heita also didn't care about Azar."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Walter explained to other members of the train crew

"Oh, that means that in Azar's heart, he actually regards the Black Tower as a higher-level existence?"

"Yes, being looked down upon by someone he admired deeply hurt Azar's heart."

"Pooh! You deserve it, you deserve it."

March 7 scorned.

If you hand over the leadership of your country to outsiders, such a person is worthy of being a great sage.

【Bronya the Iron Breaker: Without art, the country will be lifeless】

【Collapse of iron and control of sky: Without active thinking, how can a country progress?】

【Einstein: Let’s stop here. You can’t wake up a person who pretends to sleep.】

"No, I believe that the gods have never given up on art, just like the flower gods once danced to our gods……"

"With your bachelor's degree, I don't think you are qualified to debate with me. What you should do now is to find a human fortress and remove these ridiculous arrangements as soon as possible"

"After returning, ask the secretary to draft a decree banning public art performances before the next time, and then announce it to the public through the void."

"Yes, I will notify you right away."

After giving all the instructions, Azar snorted coldly.

"Flower God’s Birthday Festival...just celebrate the birth of the God."[]

On the barrage, the Sumeru people argued endlessly. Those who supported the Little Lucky Grass King, those who supported the Great Ci Tree King, and those who supported the Red King.

Those who support Azar, those who do not support Azar.

People who don’t support Azar believe that Azar’s god-making plan is a betrayal of the country, while those who support Azar believe that.

I know now that Little Lucky Grass King has not openly declared the great sage’s traitorous behavior.

As long as the Little Lucky Grass King doesn't announce it, Hazard's actions are legal.

"The Sumeru god was a little indecisive."

Far away in Fontaine, Navilette made this comment.

Xumi is really a magical country. There are three gods in one country, and they have not been divided until now.

It is ridiculous to say that the reputation of the little Lucky Grass King who is still alive is actually On par with King Chi and King Daci Shu who have been dead for 500 years.

"It's so pitiful."

Navilet made this comment

"But I'm very optimistic about her. Didn't you see that Nasida was also fighting the skirmishers at the end?"

Funina feels that Nasida is the same type of person as herself.

The difference is that she is the only one who is more confident than her, right?


"Let’s change a place to perform, find a place where the people from the Order can’t find us, ah, but we have to inform the audience... the atmosphere and scenery are also……"

"Or we can simply find someone to stop them outside and prevent them from interrupting the performance... Well... No, they are observing and threatening to investigate the organizer if they are discovered.……"

The arms couldn't twist the thighs, and Nilu until Dina Zedai was very concerned about today's performance.


"Okay, Nilu, it's okay"

"But Dina Zedai, you have been looking forward to this Dance of the Flower God so much. I know that this Flower Goddess Festival is very important to you, and I don’t want you to have any regrets.……"

"It's okay, Nilu can think about me like this, I'm already very happy"

"If we continue to carry out the Flower Goddess Festival now, it is indeed too risky. I don’t want to inconvenience everyone.……"

"……Okay, then next time, next time during the Flower Goddess Festival, you can still escape from home, right? Next time we will definitely find a way to make the Flower Goddess’ Birthday Festival a success!"

"Next time?……"

Can my body survive until next time?

"……Um! Okay, okay, then we've settled! It will definitely be perfect!"

The Flower Goddess's Birthday Festival was forced to be suspended in an atmosphere of regret... the imagined miracle did not happen.

Seeing Paimon and Ying sleeping deeply, the faces of the people in the three worlds were confused.

That's it?

As promised, little one Where’s the Auspicious Grass King, the Great Merciful Tree King, and the Red King?

The Flower God’s Birthday Festival is quite interesting, but you can’t just have the Flower God’s Birthday Festival.

People looked at each other and had no idea about the Flower God’s Birthday Festival in the live broadcast room. So.

That stall, that divination, and that Flower Knight, are they really just part of the Flower Goddess Festival?

This is too much.……

【Genshin Impact: The boring farce is over here, let’s fast forward to the duel between gods]

Canned knowledge, the resurrection of the Red King, the role of the void, skip these things that you don’t know so-called

【Genshin Kamisato Ayato: Could it be that the live broadcast room really just wants us to relax?]

Happy Star God Aha released a crappy celebration record to entertain them. What a big deal.

And it's not enjoyable at all, it just makes people bored

"All links have been ensured to build the highest stability architecture"

"The plan has entered the most critical stage, starting from - to derive strength."

An unknown conversation appeared, and everyone became interested.

Aha would not put in useless things, and maybe there would be a lot of information in this conversation.

However, they were disappointed again, and the conversation ended after only two sentences..The live broadcast room lights up again

"It's all your fault for staying in bed. We're going to be late. Let's go meet Dina Zedei."

Why don't you go and have a round with Dinazede? Why should you fight with Dinazede? Isn't the Flower Goddess Festival over?" The confused people thought about it and found that Ying and Dinazede had not made an appointment for the next day. What should I do?

Keep watching with doubts. People don’t know how many times they have been doubted.

This live broadcast is very evil, making them think that they and others are a group of fools.

The doubts did not decrease as the live broadcast continued, but instead is increased

"Good morning Dina Zedai, sorry we are late, hehe"

"No, I came too early"

【Genshin Yanfei: Well, let me ask...do you want to let go of this section?……】



PS: I have some personal matters in the morning, so I will update the rest of the afternoon.

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