"Why do things that make me happy sometimes look like Sabi to others?"

"You mean when you dig through the trash can?"

"You should be the one to answer my question"

"Those who couldn't hear the music thought the dancers were crazy"

"Why are some followers of the C'tan often in opposing groups?"

"Because they all think they have the support of the Star God"

"What have they gained after all our development so far?"

"Empty heroism, cheap comedy and senseless death"

"Why is your behavior always confusing to people? Are you not the Chaos Star God?"

"In a universe that is inherently unreasonable, it is very tiring to apply the truth all the time."


"So I made up lies to make everything seem reasonable, so that everyone would be happy and the miserable universe could become a paradise."

"Do you have to use lies?"

"Lies are also a form of truth, only the most deceptive one."

So how much of today's Aha's answer is true and how much false?

……That’s all, ask questions that interest you

"Can you turn Bo Shizun into a machine girl?"

【Bengtie Boshizun:?】

【Genshin Ying: Genius】

【Collapse Iron Black Tower: How dare you ask?】

【Beng Tielan: I want to know even more when the pharmacist will die】

【Genshin Kaia: Haha, it’s really fun】

【Bengtie Silver Wolf: This guy is bolder than you think】

【Kafka: A good question】

【Beng Sanjizi: Turning Bo Shizun into a machine girl, is this a question that people can ask?】

【Walter Bengtie: You might as well ask how to turn Bo Shizun into a Gundam robot】

【Einstein: You haven’t changed after all these years, Walter. I thought you would be more mature.】

【Genshin Impact Kelai: Stop talking, I also want to know the answer to this question】

"You know, my plans are currently stuck on getting into the genius club"

"Can you give me an order so that I can join the Genius Club and help you complete your plan?"

"In my opinion, there is no difference between you and that bug. I don’t hate you taking advantage of me, but you really don’t have much time."

"Well, how do you know people won't be happy with the truth?"

Xing continued with the previous normal question.

"Because people never believe the truth, even if it is convincing"

"What is the ultimate purpose of the universe?"



She never thought that Aha would give such an answer.

Aha:"What's wrong?"

Xing:"It's hard to imagine getting this answer from your mouth"

"The taller the sapling grows, the deeper its roots will penetrate. This is true for me and IX."

"Is there really nothing at the top of the tree of existence?"

"Without terrible depth, there would be no beautiful water surface."

"So...you really heard the baby cry?"

"Yes, a baby was born wearing clothes."

Having known something terrible, Aha really dared to say anything.

Shaking her head, Xing knew that she had to speak faster. She didn't have much time.

"Since there is a Star God of Joy, why is there no Star God of Sorrow?"

"Sadness is also part of joy"

"If the Entertainment Star God appears, can he annex you?"

"Entertainment is for joy, and I am joy itself"

"Is it because you are the most powerful Star God that you can have fun everywhere?"

"It doesn't take much strength to make mom happy, my friend."

"Why kill order because you are chaos?"

"Don't talk nonsense, order was annexed by Tonghe. And I'm just showing you a way to kill the Star God."

"Even without me, the end of order will merge into harmony."

In the depths of the universe, the ancient Clipper paused for a moment.

The moment was infinitely small, so small that it could be ignored, but at the level of the Star God, he still stopped. The

Star God of Order, that old friend.

Among all the Star Gods , the only Star God with good compatibility with him.

Later, on the way to conquer the breeding, he was stabbed by Aha and Tonghe.

But Clipper did not go to Aha to trouble him, because Aha was right.

Even without him , the end of order will also merge into harmony

"Why do people always wake up when things are irreversible?"

"Only when you wake up do you know you have slept"

"People say that happiness is the freest path to life. Is it true that anything you think about is happiness?"

"Many things have already deviated from my original intention, but - there is nothing I can do about it."

What does it matter? He is an outsider.

No matter how the story develops, it will be part of the fun for him.

It's just that Aha doesn't like eating one flavor of candy all the time.

"Why do some people feel happy when they see their future, while others feel sad when they see their future?"

"Because not everyone can afford a bright future."

"Do you like this universe?"



"because it exists"

"So do you like nothingness?"

"don't like it because it exists"

"Will you step into the happiness box?"

"I'm trying to turn the universe into a happiness box."

Xing:" I suspect you are lying and deceiving me."

Aha:"If you suspect me of lying, then you should believe me. Only in this way can you see how ugly I look when my lies are exposed."

"Specifically, how did you become a god?"

"Well...because there are gods in this world, so I can't bear that I'm not a god"

"How much time do I have?"


"Wait, I have one more question."

Xing threw out the last question.

"Why do you suddenly give me sixty seconds to ask questions?"

"Remember the last chapter when you asked me who I was, and how Aha answered at that time?"

The space dissipated, and the inventory live broadcast belonging to the world of Genshin Impact once again occupied the homepage.

【Broken Iron Green Bird: Wait, let me slow down】

【Beng Tie March 7: Not bad, I thought all you asked were questions about turning Bo Shizun into a machine girl】

【Einstein: Newborn baby, what does that mean?】

【Genshin Arataki Ito: Huh? Why can they think while watching a fun quiz?]

Arataki Yidou looked around and found that everyone around him was deep in thought.

They were all deep in thought, why didn't he think of anything?

【Beng Tie Xing: I have sacrificed too much for you. Originally, I planned to be silent for fifty-eight seconds, and then ask Aha: Are you a kid? Wait for me to ask questions.】

【Bengtie Aha: That would be so much fun, but I would definitely disappear in the middle, or throw you back to see your reaction.】

【Bengtiexing: Can you give me the position of Happy Star God?】

【Beng Tie Aha: Of course, the premise is that you think you are more suitable to be the Happy Star God.】

【Bengtie Aha: Let’s get down to business. My answer to your question is just a sideshow.】

【Bengtie Aha: Just as you suspected, only by staring at me all the time can you see my ugly appearance when my lies are exposed.】

"Catherine, do you have any commissions for us today?"

In the video, it has been a long time since the reincarnation of the Flower Goddess Festival.

"Entrusted... um... let me think about it……"(If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novels!)

"Well, please go on stage and recite a love poem at the academic report of the Imperial Academy this afternoon."


Paimon's eyes widened. She heard it right.

How could anyone issue such a commission?

"It’s best to use a video camera to record the audience’s reaction after reciting it."

"How could there be such a commission?"

Paimeng stomped his feet angrily. What kind of person would issue such a commission?

"Imagine how embarrassing it is. The reaction from the audience should be very strong."

"It seems that this is not what you want, what about this one?"

"Go to Port Ormos and convince the local Gilded Brigade to do odd jobs at a children's welfare home."

"What is this!"

Catherine is not feeling right today. She is getting all kinds of strange commissions.

"The auras of mercenaries and children's welfare homes are too different, and they will be beaten."

"Well, I guess the reaction of those mercenaries will also be very interesting."

【Original Shen Ying: In the future, Catherine was taken away by Aha】[]

【Bengtie Aha: Maybe I can really go to your world in the future, but the live broadcast is all about the original future.】

【Original God Nasida: Sorry, that could have been me]

I didn’t do this out of bad taste, I just wanted to observe human beings.

This is what Nasida has been doing for five hundred years.

"Can I ask...who issued these commissions?"

Has Kaia come to Sumeru? Paimon would like to know what kind of weird commissions are these.

"Client? Well, actually I just want to see you do these things."

"You're not Catherine, are you?"

Catherine's attitude reminded me of a long-lost friend.

"Haha, have you seen it already? I still hope that you can really accept the commission. Such a great opportunity to observe humans……"

Nacida returns to her original voice and informs them that she has been there from the beginning.

From that sentence, toward the stars and the abyss...

So Catherine still couldn't finish the sentence.

Since the last festival of the Flower Goddess, Nacida fell into a deep sleep for a period of time.

Waking up this time is to stop the sages' plan.

Negating some unfeasible solutions first will make the plans to be implemented become more weighty.

For this reason, Nacida decided to let Ying and Paimon express their thoughts first.

Possess key figures, capture a sage to ask questions, and possess a student.

There is no difference between the two, and the sages are deliberately wary of Nasida.

The sages who participated in the plan, including the thirty-man regiment mercenaries involved in the protection, intentionally did not wear void terminals.

As for the plan to possess students... the risk is extremely high and the effect is extremely poor. It is very likely that even if a hundred students are sacrificed, he will not be able to get the answer he wants.

Besides, if he didn't possess a student, that student's life would be over once he was discovered.

What is the difference between sacrificing one hundred students and replicating the one hundred and sixty-eight Flower Goddess Festivals held by the Imperial Academy?

"My idea is that since we cannot directly possess the consciousness of those key tasks, we cannot involve ordinary people in the incident.……"

"Then find someone who is not innocent, but whose position is not firm, to help us."

Nascida already has a suitable candidate, but she wants to hear Ying and Paimon's opinions.

"Do you mean to cultivate a mole? It's indeed a way"

"We met a guy named Elhaysen before, but he seems to have been acting alone, and he likes to do some things behind the back of the Order. I guess they are not a group."

【Original God Elhaysen: If you want me to be a traitor, you can take the initiative to communicate with me. Except for the Great Sage, there is no one in Sumeru who has violated the Little Lucky Grass King]

Hello Paimeng, our previous cooperation Not bad either.

You treat me like this.

Elhaysen did not expect that his name would appear in the live broadcast room again in this way.

【Genshin Impact Kawei: Yes, yes, yes, even though Alhaysen is pulling like a millionaire every day, he is a loyal believer of the Little Lucky Grass King.】

【Original God Dina Zedai: Mr. Little Lucky Grass King, please use my body.】

【Original God Nasida: Uh-huh……】

These are all outrageous remarks.

Even if the person involved agreed, Nasida would not agree.

It was not her intention to involve innocent people.

Elhaysen's options were tempting, but Nacida had decided to set her sights on a female scholar named Setare.

He was the follower who followed the great sage during the Flower Goddess Festival.

I would see her once every time during the Flower Goddess Festival. It would not be an exaggeration to say that she was an old acquaintance.

Setare was born in the desert and is the top academic genius among the desert people.

Therefore, he broke the rules and entered the Order Academy and stayed with the sage to become an assistant.

"Are you actually from the desert people? That is indeed something special.……"

After all, most of the desert people in Xumi City are mercenaries, scholars and so on...

The only one they know is Setale.

"The name Setare means stars. And she in the desert is like the brightest star in the night sky"

"Later, the sun chose her, and she came to the daytime sky as a star, reflecting the sun's rays"

"However, soon after, he saw the scorching sun scorching the earth and bringing many disasters."

"The stars began to hesitate. Instead of helping such a sun, it would be better to go back to the night and light up a starry sky."

"But in the end, she was still too greedy for the light of day and chose to hide her shame in her heart... Foreshadowing, the stars closed their eyes"

"This time it's not just a metaphor...it must also be Setale's true thoughts."

Ying probably knows why Nacida insisted on choosing Setale.

Compared with the Riddler at the Flower Goddess's Birthday Festival, Nacida's metaphor this time can be said to be very straightforward.

The star is Setale, the sun is the Order Academy, It's Sumeru City during the day and the desert at night.

Setare knew the plans of the Order, but she still chose to help them with shame.

And now is a good time to rebel against her



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