The scary thing is not doing evil, but not thinking that you are doing evil.

Because you are not aware that you are doing evil, you do it without any psychological pressure.

Such people have no bottom line.

Tinari's teacher is one of the sages of the Order Academy, and Tinari himself is also Kelai's master.

So he knows more about doctors than ordinary people

"We're sorry that we held you back, but even so you helped us. I will keep your kindness in mind."

Tinari shook his head and said that this matter had something to do with him.

As early as when he came to Xumi, his teacher wrote him several letters and asked him to go to the Teaching Academy to assist in research.

Strange things, These letters were not written by Tinari's teacher himself.

The handwriting and tone of the letters were imitated as closely as possible, but the details were wrong.

When his teacher wrote, he would leave some black spots on the paper..

One dot represents a sunny day, and three dots represent a rainy day.

The habit has been maintained for many years, but there is no such mark on the recent letters.

Something must have happened.


Tinari breathed a sigh of relief when he transformed into Guo in reality.

He never thought that one day the news that something happened to his teacher would be good news.

In the video, the teacher's letter was imitated, which shows that the teacher did not join the same trend as the sages.

The teacher is one of the sages. Even if they disagree, the sages will at most put him under house arrest.

In a situation like Xumi's that has undergone major changes that have not happened in five hundred years, being under house arrest is already the best protection for a person with the status of a sage.

"Master Tinari, you teach him……"

Seeing Tinari heaving a sigh of relief, Kelai was a little puzzled.

It's not good news that the teacher is suspected of missing, but why does Master Tinari look so relieved?

"Kelai, what is your status compared to Seno and Elhaysen?"

Knowing that his mentor would not be involved in the power struggle between the gods and the Order Council, Tinari was no longer nervous.

"Xeno is the Great Disciplinary of Sumeru, Elhaysen is the Great Clerk of Sumeru, and Master Tinari’s teacher is the sage of the Order Academy.……"

Kelai scratched his head, not sure why Tinari asked this matter.

"Although the Disciplinary Officer of the Great Wind and the Great Secretary have high authority, their status is still not as good as that of the six sages of the Order Academy."

"That's right. On the key point of this plan, the Imperial Academy did not even dare to touch the Disciplinary Officer and the Grand Secretary.……"

"How dare they take action against the teacher who is also one of the six great sages."

The sages of Xumi are scholars, but most of them are politicians.

Attacking sages of the same status is no different from overturning the table.

The teacher has an entire school of thought that accounts for one-sixth of Xumi's power.

"Oh oh, so that’s it."

Keli nodded with half-understanding. She didn't know the twists and turns inside.

But she at least knew that if she didn't dare to touch the teaching order of the Great Disciplinary Officer and the Grand Secretary, she would certainly not dare to touch the higher-level teaching order. sage

"The teacher is a political person, and her beauty can't tolerate any sand. When I was studying, I was always worried that she would hit a wall in the workplace."

"Although it came too late... it was in line with expectations."

A bad thing has turned into a good thing. Maybe this is the teacher's blessing.

In the video, Reminiscence came to Tinari and asked Sano to investigate the teacher's traces.

Sano warned Tinari that if there is an ulterior secret hidden in the Order House, Once the investigation begins, it is difficult to withdraw. When the situation becomes urgent to a certain extent, Saino will leave the Order.

Seeing him absent for a long time is a sign that something is wrong.

At this point, you must be more vigilant.

Beware of any information and requests from the Order.

【Bengtie Jingyuan: Interesting, it turns out that you all knew about the anomaly in the Order Academy from the beginning]

Things are connected in this way.

Originally, Jingyuan was still thinking about why no one in Xumi trusted the Jiaoling Yuan that ruled Xumi.

The Disciplinary Officer of Dafeng is like this, the Great Clerk is like this, and the top students of the Teaching Academy are like this.

It turns out that I had heard the news a long time ago

【Walter Bentie: But... why did the doctor leave?】

【Benzo Otto: Because to him, everything is just an experiment]

The doctor and he are barely the same kind of people, and the thoughts of this kind of person are so easy to understand.

He doesn't care about anything other than his own purpose.

Sumeru and stragglers are all chess pieces.

Once the experiment starts, don't interfere. Just wait and see where it develops.

【Genshinori Tinari: Now that I'm still with Inazuma, Sumeru's progress is only as fast as when the doctor came.]

He even skipped the life of house arrest. My teacher is really the winner of this exposure.

【Genshin Impact: That’s nature】

【Genshin Impact Disia: How do you say that, good people are rewarded?】

【Genshin Rahman: Just take it as such, I don’t believe this anyway】

"In addition, if you meet Sano in the future, please help me tell it and believe what you see and hear."

After bidding farewell to Tinari, the three of them followed the doctor's departure.

Based on the traces left behind, Desiya speculated that the doctor went to the Port of Ormos.

The doctor left, and he left cleanly.

He even had some leisure time. The three of them waved to Ying.

Seeing the doctor's ship leaving, Ying fell into deep thought.

The soldiers around him disappeared, but they did not come to surround them.

The doctor's words sounded meaningful. Could it be that... something bad must have happened at the Zen Garden?

Hypatia's nerves were connected to the skirmishers, and he must have seen something he shouldn't have seen. The doctor 's goal from the beginning was to get Hypatia away, and she said that there was no way the executive officers could be easy to talk to.

It turned out that His goal was to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

In order to prevent the Fools from killing anyone, the three of them rushed back to the Zen Garden without stopping.

As expected, Tinari was confronting a group of Fools soldiers.

"I have fulfilled my obligation to inform you, so you'd better not ask for trouble."

"It seems that you are not prepared to consider my opinion……"


"I am in the Jhana Garden relying on my status as a scholar, but that does not mean that I have lost my title as a ranger."

Tinali showed his weapon,"It is my duty as a ranger to protect the scholars who have devoted themselves to Xumi from being disturbed."

"Negotiations broke down, right?"

The fools on the opposite side smiled. They didn't expect to get what they wanted through negotiation.

They had to fight for everything. Only through force can they make the other party listen to them.

【Genshin Kaia: It’s my turn, it’s my turn, it’s the March 7 negotiation law】

【Bengtie March 7: Oops!!! Star, it’s all your fault】

【Beng Tie Xing: Damn it, you are one step ahead of me】

【Bengtie March 7: You are stubborn, right? You are finished】

【Genshin Impact Kelai: So handsome, Master, give those fools a good beating】

【Beng San Tesla: Use the bow in your hand to tell them that what you can’t get with your fists, let alone your hands can get.】

"——No one will bother you today, Hypatia.

Seeing that the two sides were about to fight, the three of them did not intend to hide. Paimon

:"Tinari, we are here to help you.""

Dishiya:"These fools have such a big list, it seems they are in need of cleaning up!"

Foolish soldiers:"Resistance will not do you any good, hand over Hypatia!"


"Tinari beat him!"

"The Doctor's orders are absolute"

"Aha? Becoming someone else's lackey and having feelings?"

Paimon is not considered to be a powerful warrior, but the three of Desiya alone are enough to prevent the Fools from entering the Zen Garden.

But there are too many Fools soldiers, and this is not an option.

Tinari asked Ying and Paimon to go to Haiba Xia went to Xia's side. He and Desiya were here.

The two nodded and guarded the door to protect Hypatia's safety.

If the fools stole the house, then their efforts here would be in vain.

Fortunately, when When they felt Hypatia's side, Hypatia was still lying weakly on the bed. Ying stepped forward to test, but it was okay, she was just sleeping. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"How about it? Paimon asked worriedly.

"It's okay, I just fell asleep"

"Ah, just be fine……"

Paimon breathed a sigh of relief, Hypatia was considered friends with them.

She didn't hear anything about Hypatia's accident.

"So, you think it's over?"

The voice of a skirmisher suddenly appeared behind Ying.

When was this voice...?

Ying looked around vigilantly, but found no trace of anyone.


"What? Skirmishers are coming?!"

Paimon exclaimed, but she didn't hear the skirmishers.

"Hahaha, your panicked look is so nostalgic. It seems like you have this expression every time I see you"

"Uh, are there any stragglers here?"[]

Paimon can't see her? This form... a spiritual body? ghost? No...

Could it be that the relationship between me and Hypatia that I just touched is still in her consciousness?

Ying's brain was running wildly, trying to guess the secrets here

"I can hear your voice clearly"

"Have you forgotten that I saw you when you first came to Jhana Garden and came into contact with Hypatia?"

Ying:"What did you do to Hypatia?"

"I don't need to do anything. It's an honor for Hypatia to have her consciousness connected to mine."

"Uh...who are you talking to? can't be a straggler! Ahaha, impossible……"

Paimon didn't see any skirmishers.

"You must be curious. I might as well tell you that it was because I felt your contact this time that I took the initiative to enter Hypatia's consciousness."


"Let me see people who are doing useless work.

Paimon:" Hey!" Ying, you, you……"

"Paimon, don't speak yet."

She wants to hear what cruel words the skirmishers can say when they come here.

"I'm almost done with the apotheosis, all that's left are the finishing touches"

"understand? Even if you want to rescue the little Lucky Grass King, as gods, our powers are vastly different."

"It would not be wise to force a childlike god to become my enemy."

(It seems that the teachings of the Imperial Academy are faster than we thought.)

The skirmishers revealed a lot of information this time, and Ying decided to continue listening.

"Scholars regard the God of Wisdom as their faith, so they can implement the plan to create a god while being in awe of it."

"But this also shows that human worship of gods is both blasphemous and sacred, which is a bit ridiculous."

(Since you can hear what I’m saying in my heart, I want to ask you a question.)


【Beng San Tesla: It’s very polite to ride a horse]

(Your attitude is better than ever before. Is it my imagination?)

"Yeah? I'm in a good mood now, that's why I talk to you like this"

(……But, is this really good? )

"what do you mean?"

(The Order Academy is preparing to put the canned knowledge of the gods into your consciousness... This is extremely risky.)

(Even if the Order Academy's guess is correct, you have gained the wisdom of the gods...)

(You may also You are no longer yourself, you will become the new Great Merciful Tree King in the eyes of the Order.)

(Even if you lose yourself, do you still want to become a god?)

This is what I don't understand.

Why do skirmishers think of becoming a god? The obsession is so deep.

She doesn't really want the scattered soldiers to become gods. In that case, the battle will cause great damage to Sumeru.

That is not what Nasida wants to see.

"Huh, just listening to these words, you care about me like a friend."

But the soldier knew why Ying asked him these things.

He said that he could hear Ying's inner thoughts now.

"But you are wrong. I am different from you and all of you."

"I am here to become a god. Life so far has been a meaningless process"

【Genshin Yagami: So that’s it, he’s still brooding about you abandoning him.】

【Original God Zhongli: He was denied the qualification to become a god by the one who created him. Now, he wants to prove the Creator was wrong】

【Genshin Kamisato Ayato: He is denying his own meaning. Those three betrayals hurt him deeply.

It’s terrible. Grandma doesn’t love his uncle and he doesn’t love me, friend.Rebel.

It was not easy to find someone I could get along with, but Ga Ben died within three or two days.

Anyone else would be blackened

【Bengtie March 7: I maintain my attitude. Understanding does not mean agreement. What he did was wrong.】

"Just like a piece of has no meaning in itself, what is the content on the paper"

"All I had left behind before were painful memories and boring human emotions. This is ridiculous, it should have ended long ago"

"On the contrary, those of you who are still struggling are more interesting in my opinion."

"What does the world mean to you that you must fight for?"

【Walter Bengtie: Isn’t it obvious? Because I live in this world, I can’t live without this world.】

【Bengtie Jingyuan: Haha, good answer】

【Bengtie Jingyuan: In order to save ourselves, we must save the world. That's the humblest reason for salvation I've ever heard】

【Beng Tie Xing: I have always wanted to ask. People from the Ruin sect all want to destroy the world. So where will you live after the world is destroyed? hazy】

【Bengtie Huanhu: I don’t want to answer such a stupid question. Asking this means you don’t even understand the concept of destruction.】

【Bengsanqiana: Fight for all the good things in this world】

【Genshin Impact: Friends, happiness, family, dreams...I forgot about it later, anyway, it was the things that the Herrscher of Time and Space said Kiana didn't deserve.】

【Bengsanqiana: Unfortunately, I got all these, but she was still suppressed in my body.】



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