This plan was made by Elhaysen. If you have any questions, just ask Alhaysen.

If he said take the main entrance, then just take the main entrance.

"……Book, secretary?"

As soon as they entered the Order Academy, the three of them were recognized by a scholar.

"It's me, what's the matter, I'm in a hurry."

The Order did not openly want them, so the scholar named Villaf did not know the secret.

He stopped Alhaysen just because he was too surprised.

I heard a while ago that the sages were looking for some reason. Elhaysen, Elhaysen appeared in front of him today

"Well, please don't bring irrelevant people into the Ecclesiarchy."

Oops, it was still noticed.

"Unrelated persons? How did you come to such a conclusion? Your baseless reasoning really brings shame to your intellectual school."

Elhaysen said that he will solve problems when they arise.

As a member of the scholars, he knows very well the virtues of these scholars.

As expected, just the most basic provoking method made Villaf angrily divert his attention. force

"You, how can you say that... I am the top student of the theory of knowledge school. I also ranked among the top three students of the school in the last logic defense in the school. Don't look down on others!"

【Tesla crashes: As we all know, the top three means third place】

【Genshin Impact Viraf: This is not the point, the point is that I am very powerful, okay?】

【Beng Tie Xi'er: Scholars from Xumi have such strong self-esteem, and they blushed with anger and their necks became thick after just saying one sentence. I wonder if Elhaysen didn't say anything.】

【Original God Viraf: What do you know? This is related to the face of the school and the dignity of the scholar.】

【Genshin Impact: Okay, okay, let’s see how smart you are in the video. Can you spot anything strange about Elhaysen and the others?】

【Genshin Impact Viraf: Although I support Mr. Little Lucky Grass King, I have to say that it is very difficult to pass my level.】

"It’s not that I’m looking down on you. As a senior of the Intellectualism sect, I think you should have a certain ability to think."

"You see, based on the information you know... the purpose of my coming back and the reason why they are here should be clear at a glance, right?"

"Yes, really... Wait a minute, let me imagine, don't tell me the answer yet!"

It's clear at a glance, this obvious?

Out of trust in Elhaysen, Villaf did not doubt his words.

He really thought seriously about the rationality of Qiying and Paimon appearing here.

This played right into Elhaysen's mind. No matter what lame excuse Virat comes up with.

As long as Virat thinks it is reasonable for the screen to appear here, he has already won.


"waste! Are all the scholars in the Imperial Academy useless?!"

In reality, the great sage who had recovered from the chop couldn't help but cursed when he saw this scene.

It was as if he wanted to vent the pain he had just suffered through verbal abuse.

Azar was really angry, inside He knew about the scholar named Viraf.

After all, he was the third largest scholar in the contemporary epistemology sect. He originally thought he was a good prospect, but he didn't expect that he was also a waste.

It was impossible to rely on them to stop Elhaysen, so he had to rely on skirmishers to provide more strength.

And that doctor actually left a mess and left.

Viraf muttered to himself in the video and began to think of a rationale for Ying's arrival.

"The sages are looking for you...the fair-haired traveler...the irrelevant person.……"

It occurred to him that Viraf not only wanted to give him a thumbs up for his intelligence.

He's just too witty.

Just wait and see, Alhaysen, you said I can't do it.

Then I will use my own method to prove it to you, I, Viraf... can do it!

"Could it be's not you that the sages are looking for, but this one who stayed from the beginning? And it’s also because you left the Order House for so long……"

"Hush——Okay, okay, you are indeed a top student of the intellectual school, I guess you are right."

It doesn't matter what Viraf thought. What matters is that his goal was achieved."

【Bengtie Silver Wolf: Elhaysen: Anyone who understands understands, and if you don’t understand me, I won’t explain it.】

【Genshin Impact: Is this how it was originally solved?】

【Bengsanqiana: He asked the other party to think of answers to his questions, is that okay?】

【Tesla crashed: He convinced himself】

【Einstein: The reason he came up with is the most convincing one】

【Genshin Impact Beidou: Yes, it’s what you think (laughs)】

【Yuanshenying: I deceived myself, Wendy called me an expert】

【Genshin Impact Wendy: In a sense, his analysis is good】

【Original God Viraf: That’s right. Just tell me if my analysis is correct. The sages are looking for travelers.】

【Bengsan Bronya: Yes, yes, pfft……】

"Sure enough! I'm just saying, I just didn't think about it for a moment, I'm sorry, thank you senior for your encouragement."

"It's nothing, then I'll leave first"

"Okay, thank you for your contribution to the Order, Secretary."

【Genshin Impact Paimon: Look, he even thanked us.】

【Genshin Yanfei: So smart】

【Broken Iron Green Bird: Suffering the Disadvantage of Being Educated】

【Bengtie Jizi: The highest state of lying is not telling a lie】

【Dr. Bengtie Zhenli: He is already stupid, and you are still teasing him】

【Genshin Elhaysen: Really? I didn’t tell a single lie. Did I say anything other than a few words of encouragement?】

【Beng Tie Xi'er: It's too scary, playing with people in the palm of your hand】

【Bentie Kafka: Just like a silver wolf who can’t help but brainwash himself with the desire to spend money, your words and spirit are even more useful.】

【Beng Tie Ren: Really? I thought she only knew how to cheat.】

【Genshin Impact Kelai: So, what on earth did he think of?】

【Genshinori Tinari: That’s not important. What’s important is that he convinced himself】

【Bengtiexing: Who convinced me, and who did I convince?】

【Original God Viraf: It was me who convinced me (sad)】

"This is the so-called scholar's self-esteem. Once someone questions him academically, he will immediately put on clothes that Baidu knows to support the scene."

Scholar's self-confidence, scholar's self-esteem, scholar's arrogance

"Today, there are many such scholars in the Imperial Academy. They obviously want to look smart, but they don't know how stupid they look."

Half a bucket of water is like this.

His brain goes crazy if he is questioned even a little bit, and in the end he can't get off the stage.

It's all his own fault.

"Well, it seems that there is a special set of techniques for dealing with smart people, and we don't even need to make up reasons directly."

For a moment, Paimon was a little glad that Elhaysen was one of his own.

If he were on the other side, they would have had no choice but to go to Liyue to invite Zhongli.

And Zhongli would most likely not come to Xumi.

"Don't waste time, it will be troublesome if you miss the opportunity, go in first."

The Palace of Wisdom is where the Teaching Order's books are stored, and it is the largest library in the Teyvat continent.

There are a lot of people coming and going here, not to mention it is Tibetan Knowledge Day. The daily pace of the Teaching Order is fast, and everyone is busy with their own work. Things.

Just act natural and swagger in.

The process is still smooth, as expected, no one will care about others on this busy day.

"What does the platform in front of... do?"

"This is the elevator inside the monastery, leading to higher floors."(If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The Great Sage's office is upstairs. You can just sit here.

But it's not possible yet. We can't rule out the possibility of pretending to be serious with the Great Sage. We still have to think about it. Observe from the side

"Do you think the Great Sage will come out of this door?"

"And then... we sneak over there? Feeling so dangerous……"

"Who knows, but if we have another chance to determine Azar's location, the security of the operation will instantly increase a lot.……"

"……Let me give you a hint. If you want to know where I am, look behind you."

【Genshin Arataki Yidou: Oh my...*, why is this old* boss here?】

【Beng Sanjizi: Have you been seen through? This is not good.】

【Bentie Pella: It’s over, it’s been discovered】

【Bentie Jeppard: The plan is so perfect, why are the actions so hasty?】

【Rosalia Bengsan: Elhaysen, what are you doing? It’s not acting, right?】

【Genshin Azar: Hahahaha, don’t even look at where this place is, this is Sumeru City]

Azar was excited when he saw that he caught the little mouse in the video.

Great, I was caught red-handed.

Hazard could not imagine any chance of a comeback for Elhaysen[]

Sure enough, you still have to rely on yourself for everything.

No matter what I say in this wave, how can Feilongqi face lose?

In the entire Xumi City, against a few people, I have the advantage.

【Original God Azar: There may be nothing we can do against you in the Desert Order, but this is not a place where you can go unpunished in Sumeru City】

【Genshin Azar: If Elhaysen was really smart, he would have spent his whole life huddled in the desert and eating sand with those brainless desert people] If his plan was exposed, then he wouldn't act anymore.

The Grass God couldn't get out anyway, and he didn't care what those stupid people thought.

When they see that the story ends with their own victory, what thoughts do those outsiders have about resisting?

【Genshin Rahman: You are so complacent, you don’t think you can stop them two just by yourself, do you?】

【Genshin Impact Zhongli: From a pure perspective of force, Azar is not qualified to talk to Ying, but the plan obviously does not allow the use of force.】

【Original God Rai Movie: What does it mean?】

【Original God Zhongli: Just wait until the opportunity comes】

【Beng Tie Xi'er: Huh? are you serious】

【Genshin Azar: Hahahaha, Mr. Zhongli is indeed very discerning. Humph, we should just surrender and capture him.】

【Genshin Impact Paimon: You are dreaming】

【Genshin Maplehara Manyo: This is really troublesome】

【Original God Azar: Hey, look at it, his face is red with anger, the travelers across the continent of Teyvat are just like this] He was too suppressed before, and when he was released, Azar went crazy to vent his emotions.

He wants to take revenge and regain all the face he lost before.

【Einstein: If Xumi is Fontaine’s previous country, it means that Ying has saved the day here.】

【Beng San Tesla: The live broadcast has long told us that the grass god has been rescued, what is he excited about?】

【Beng Tie Jingyuan: It’s been suppressed for so long that people go crazy. It’s so pitiful.】

【Doctor Bengtie Jinri: Don’t try to wake him up. People who fall into illusions cannot be woken up.

It’s a pity that it’s no longer in the same universe, otherwise he really wants to go to Azar to cure the stubborn disease called stupidity.

【Genshin Impact Funina: What a shame】

【Genshin Impact Charlotte: It’s new material, let’s get some more】

"Have you been seen through?!"

"Ah... you are the Great Sage Azar, why are you here! ?"

"Tut 277……"

Naturally, Azar did not come alone. He brought many guards with him.

It's not strong, but it's enough to drag more guards to come for support.

At that time, the guards from the entire Xumi City came up and surrounded the three of them.

Even if you have extraordinary abilities, you won’t be able to escape by then.

"Don’t you think that after you have disappeared for so long, the Order Council will still completely trust you... Clerk?"

"Witnesses have already reported your whereabouts, so I came here specially to welcome you."

Azar's face was filled with a proud smile, like a winner looking down at the loser.

"Great Sage, I didn’t expect you to care so much about me. I’m really flattered."

"Haha, but what I care about more than you...are still these two, Traveler and Paimon...right?"

"We are two distinguished guests from Xumi. It is a pity that we only have the opportunity to meet formally today. We really did not treat them well."

"Let's talk, you don't have time to stop now."

Ying tried to escape, but unfortunately Teyvat did not have such a setting.

"That’s right, you are not going to talk in circles, but are directly proposing negotiations... This shows that you are well aware of the current situation and have no intention of carrying out any unintended resistance."

"Well, there are people coming and going here, so it is not suitable for talking about things. Please come to the office with me."

The three of them looked at each other and nodded.

Now is not the time for a conflict.

As expected, there are more guards in Azar's office.

It is not a good choice to fight a bloody way here.

Here The guards are all the elites of Xumi City, and there are many original gods among them who hold the Eye of God.

"Well, traveler, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"Today is Hiding Day. I still have a lot of work to deal with. I don't have much time to chat before I imprison you."

Azar is very clear about Ying's identity. He is an honorary knight of Mondstadt, a partner of Liyue, and a key person in the founding of Daozhi.

It is okay to lock her up for a short time, but if it lasts for a long time, three countries can We have to ask Xumi for someone.

Ying's identity is rarely mentioned deliberately, but few people will ignore it.

Otherwise, according to the character of the Apostolic Council who does not treat people as human beings, they have already gathered a lot of people, and they will not hesitate to do so. He tortured Ying to death at all costs.

Instead of ink stains till now

"Fools have other plans"

"It seems that you already know a lot about our work……"

Azar praised, but his tone was still disdainful

"In this case, instead of praising our great achievements, you raised those trivial concerns in an attempt to sway me.……"



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